Baby not sleeping soundly..

Ah Cheng

I bought the fish for my MIL before at Chinatown market.
It was also known as "Operation" Fish - meaning to cook for ppls after operation. haha.

Ah Cheng

Me too. My little girl has longer and better sleep while sleeping to one side supported by 2 long baby bolster filled with beansprout. 1 to support her back to prevent her from turning, and 1 to tummy to keep her safe from wind and sense of security - mummy smell. Then a pillow on top on the blanket to keep her side body warm at night. A little kiasu but once wind enters, it's endless night for me. That's why my girl released more wind at night. One full feed all through the night till dawn.

Actually the bolster was supposed to fill with cotton instead of beansprout which filled by mistake. Although teased by the elders, soon they realised the usefulness. Not sure about others, my girl will fake cry to hint that she need a short patting and pacifier in order to sleep. Then, I will carry her using both hands to pat and used the bolster to struck her pacifier from dropping out. Very effective !

For side sleeping, always remember to change side constantly to prevent bb's head and face from turning flat at one side. Now my baby is facing this problem. She love to sleep towards the left side since birth till now and ended with left head flatter than the right side. So now I keep adjusting her head to right side when she was soundly asleep for non side sleeping.

Hope this tips help too .
How to make baby sleep the other side? My son also likes to sleep one side now. I tried to use a pillow under his head to make him turn the other side. But he moves alot before falling into deep sleep, and will knocks the pillow - which may flip and lies on his face. I scare he will suffocate leh.


New Member
How to make baby sleep the other side? My son also likes to sleep one side now. I tried to use a pillow under his head to make him turn the other side. But he moves alot before falling into deep sleep, and will knocks the pillow - which may flip and lies on his face. I scare he will suffocate leh.
Hi Ah Cheng,
I not too sure on this. But little girl do turn slightly before into deep sleep. What I have done is that if I want her to sleep to the right, I will use one of her bloster which made of beansprout shell to 压住 her right arm and pacifier (like grabbing position), and one ot support her back, head to spine. Next morning either she will be at that position or will sleep flat only.

Better to try during his nap time first under your supervision.

Hope this helps.