Baby refuses to latch on


maybe u can try calling the BMSG Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (Singapore) - Home to ask for the contact numbers of lactation consultants ba.. heard doris fok is good..
Before calling the lactation consultant, I want to try first and today I try to latch on my bb, haa... I got about 20second of latch on for the 1st time (nv succeed before), and so happy, but after a while surrender and give my bb formula, as he 'Gek' until face red red again but I will not give up, will try again for his next feed. Wahaha... the feeling is so so good...


maybe u can try calling the BMSG Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (Singapore) - Home to ask for the contact numbers of lactation consultants ba.. heard doris fok is good..

I'm a week and 5 days old momy. Can't get my baby to latch on. Very impatient if he can't get his milk. Now expressing bm and giving formula in bottle. Tried latching him on a few times very demoralising cause after awhile he will start screaming his head off! I tried calling the lactation consultants - doris fok and the gang. No response and only reply sms end of the day or next day. Worst they brush me off by saying they are busy no slot to see me. Not even offering any empty slot..... Might try going to KKH. Any recommendations in KKH?


Well-Known Member
I'm a week and 5 days old momy. Can't get my baby to latch on. Very impatient if he can't get his milk. Now expressing bm and giving formula in bottle. Tried latching him on a few times very demoralising cause after awhile he will start screaming his head off! I tried calling the lactation consultants - doris fok and the gang. No response and only reply sms end of the day or next day. Worst they brush me off by saying they are busy no slot to see me. Not even offering any empty slot..... Might try going to KKH. Any recommendations in KKH?
hi, did you deliver in KKH? There's consultation via telephone with the lactation consultant for free if you delivered there. I'm not sure if they entertain other hospitals' patients. Look for either Yen Ping or Cynthia.

Don't be too discouraged. My bb also fought with me every time i latched her in the first few weeks. After that, she only wants to latch (she's already 8months). :Dancing_wub:


hi, did you deliver in KKH? There's consultation via telephone with the lactation consultant for free if you delivered there. I'm not sure if they entertain other hospitals' patients. Look for either Yen Ping or Cynthia.

Don't be too discouraged. My bb also fought with me every time i latched her in the first few weeks. After that, she only wants to latch (she's already 8months). :Dancing_wub:

Nope i delivered in another hospital. They don't have a lactation consultant. Just nursery nurse cum lactation nurse which she never did go into details.Can't blame the nurse she busy with her duties. Thanks Snowbear for the encouragement.... My mum can't stand baby crying when i'm trying to latch baby, she will quickly come into the room and offer formula! Haizzzz....:nah:


Well-Known Member
Nope i delivered in another hospital. They don't have a lactation consultant. Just nursery nurse cum lactation nurse which she never did go into details.Can't blame the nurse she busy with her duties. Thanks Snowbear for the encouragement.... My mum can't stand baby crying when i'm trying to latch baby, she will quickly come into the room and offer formula! Haizzzz....:nah:
Hi aliana, you may still wanna call KKH and enquire if you can book a slot with the lactation consultant. They will teach you how to latch the baby then. Otherwise, i read from the forum that you can try going to the polyclinic and ask for help from a lactation consultant.

I was expressing milk for the first month coz bb also din latch properly. What you can do is every now and then try to latch the bb but dun overdo it if bb is screaming badly coz bb might develop an aversion to the breasts. Pick a time that bb is hungry enough, but not fussing yet, to try latching. If you need encouragement, u can pm me. :)


help needed!

my baby just refuses to latch on now... I have been bf and supplementing with formula as he is not satisfied on bm alone.

Now he just simply refuse to latch on.

Is there any way to make him latch on without him kicking up a big fuss?
Not sure this helps.

My sis also struggle as his son dun latch at all n on the day of the baby shower, she decided to use pigeon wide neck & **boom** like magic his son hav no problem latching.

For me, my 2 kids tongues r at the wrong positions ie the tongue is up every time they open their mouths so can't latch properly. I jus express 1st then latch them when they r more ready.

dun give up. cheers!!


New Member
hi ! it is ok as this is my 3rd pregnancy & only this baby is willing to lactch on. Keeping trying, don give up.


New Member
I have inverted nipple, and use Chicco nipple and that is why my 3rd son is willing to explore with me. Since i hv a lot of bm, i pump them out and bottle fed him my BM. Actually, EBM is as good as BM.


New Member
Hi, it gets me a bit worried on latching the baby on as I am going back to work tomorrow. I have tried to bottle feed him 2 weeks ago as I want him to get used to the bottle. I only latch on in the morning, after 7.30pm and the night feed. It seems ok as he can accept both teat and nipple. I'm still using the NB avent teat and not going to change it to the 1+ or 3+ one so the flow is not too fast for him. Hope it helps.