Baby waking up at 4am!


Hi mummies,
Need some advice please. My 10 month old baby has been waking up very early every morning now. Usually between 4-5am. She's still sleepy but can't seem to settle back to sleep after this time.

Her bedtime is between 7-8pm. She naps 2x a day for about 2-3 hours in total.

Is it common for a baby at this age to wake up so early? How can I encourage her to sleep in later?


Well-Known Member
My boy is now a few days more to 6 months... when he is about 4 months.. he also wake up at 3.30 am or 4 am... i just don't talk to him & pat him... if not i will give him some milk to make him sleep.... or worst to worst i use yao lan...


I'm not sure whether this is common. But my DS will also wake up in the middle of the nites juz to play. Sometimes, he will go bk to slp after I gave him milk. But there are times he refused to slp after his milk so I juz leave him to play by himself loh. When he knew there is no one to play to, he will find sth to do in his cot and slowly, he will go bk to slp by himself.

Till now, he's alr 15mth + and will still wake up to play and this can last up to 2 or 3 hr each time he woke up. I still gave him milk as usual, and let him play himself loh and he will go to slp himself.


Well-Known Member
ds will wake up at the middle of the night but not to play, is to cry! he must make sure there is someone slping beside him then he will go back to slp.

but once in awhile, he will wake up to play. what we do is, tell him FIRMLY that he HAS to go to slp NOW! usually when i say "SLEEP!" he will quickly lie down and close his eyes. okay, i'm a fierce mama.. haha..

but my mum's son, who is slightly younger den ds, he will wake up at ard 1-2am just to PLAY! he can play for 1hour or more den go back to slp. but my fren just leave him playing ard the room which i dont really agree with it. i feel tt if parents dont be firm in this issue, waking up at the middle of night to play will become their habit. =)

for ur girl's case, maybe u would like to drag her bedtime to 8+ or even 9pm? i think 9pm is still okay for a 10mth old, not very late =)


Well-Known Member
dear son will wake up at the middle of the night but not to play, is to cry! he must make sure there is someone sleeping beside him then he will go back to sleep.

but once in awhile, he will wake up to play. what we do is, tell him FIRMLY that he HAS to go to sleep NOW! usually when i say "SLEEP!" he will quickly lie down and close his eyes. okay, i'm a fierce mama.. haha..

but my mum's son, who is slightly younger then dear son, he will wake up at around 1-2am just to PLAY! he can play for 1hour or more then go back to sleep. but my friend just leave him playing around the room which i dont really agree with it. i feel that if parents dont be firm in this issue, waking up at the middle of night to play will become their habit. =)

for your girl's case, maybe you would like to drag her bedtime to 8+ or even 9pm? i think 9pm is still okay for a 10mth old, not very late =)

yes i agree of being firm & not playing with him when he wake up in the middle of the night to play... because i scare he get use to it... my boy sometime wake up in the middle of the night.. & cry.. wan me to play with him... or he will smile to me.. to make me wanna play with him... but i just don't care.. patz him to sleep....


Alpha Male
Ben also like that.. Putting him to sleep at 8pm is also a challenge. In the end we shorten his afternoon nap from 2 times 3hrs.. to 1 time 2hrs ( 12:30pm-2:30pm ). Bedtime is an easy task at 9pm straight after his milk. Wake up for 1 feed at about 3am then sleep when he sucks his milk & wakes up at 7:30am - 8am.


thanks all, for your replies. wow ur babies can play alone for an hour or more? amazing! mine gets bored quickly and needs attention. she wakes up at 4 or 5am ready to start the day and she won't sleep again until morning nap around 9am. tried a later bedtime but she still wakes at the same time in the morning. grr. guess i'll just have to wait it out and see if her pattern changes...


Ben also like that.. Putting him to sleep at 8pm is also a challenge. In the end we shorten his afternoon nap from 2 times 3hrs.. to 1 time 2hrs ( 12:30pm-2:30pm ). Bedtime is an easy task at 9pm straight after his milk. Wake up for 1 feed at about 3am then sleep when he sucks his milk & wakes up at 7:30am - 8am.
hi ben10,
how old is your baby? he can last the whole day on just 1 2hr nap? was he very tired/fussy when you first transitioned him to 1 nap a day?


Well-Known Member
hi ben10,
how old is your baby? he can last the whole day on just 1 2hr nap? was he very tired/fussy when you first transitioned him to 1 nap a day?
actu every baby is diffe. some babies they have a lil nap though they r v young. ds used to nap v lil but nw, he is 14mth but he still need 2 naps which total added up to ard 3hrs of nap per day..


Alpha Male
hi ben10,
how old is your baby? he can last the whole day on just 1 2hr nap? was he very tired/fussy when you first transitioned him to 1 nap a day?
Ben is 1yr old & having 2 naps will always be a nightmare when we try let him sleep at 10pm. He's like energizer rabbit that can store power up. Normally the battle will last till 12am...

1 nap for 2hrs is just nice.. he starts to rub his eyes at about 9pm. So with a milk at 9:30pm, he'll almost always fall asleep immediately after he finishes.


thanks mummies. guess i'll have to keep experimenting with nap time and bedtime to get my baby into a better schedule... also, last nite we tried the yaolan and she managed to sleep for 1 more hour in the morning... hehe!


Alpha Male
thanks mummies. guess i'll have to keep experimenting with nap time and bedtime to get my baby into a better schedule... also, last nite we tried the yaolan and she managed to sleep for 1 more hour in the morning... hehe!
We relied too much on the yaolan when ben was a fussy sleeper especially from 6 -10 months. Baby might get used to the rocking motion and rely on it. Luckily when Ben was 11 months, he felt sleeping in yaolan too restricted. Be careful when yr baby starts to sit up coz they will sit up in the yaolan and fall off. I always make it a point to bring the height of the yaolan to the lowest and have a thick mattress below just in case.
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