Beware of poor practices by Gynae and Hospital


Another question to mommies whose water bag had been purposely broken by their gynae. Do you feel anything during the bag breaking process?

For me, the gynae's hand went into my cervix to pull and grab the bag a few times before the cut by the hook was successful. Could feel her hand movements and a little bit of body jerking during each pull. I can also feel the movement when she is cutting with hook. But the whole process is very fast. All happen within seconds.

Is this normally the case? Or did my gynae pull too hard? Pls advise.....

All i can say is your gynae is very rough. I didn't feel a thing when my gynae did it.


Omg what kind of Gynae and hospital is that so scare, can u pm me the name of the Gynae n hospital pls?? So scare I must tel everyone that I kn tel them to be carefull


Another question to mommies whose water bag had been purposely broken by their gynae. Do you feel anything during the bag breaking process?

For me, the gynae's hand went into my cervix to pull and grab the bag a few times before the cut by the hook was successful. Could feel her hand movements and a little bit of body jerking during each pull. I can also feel the movement when she is cutting with hook. But the whole process is very fast. All happen within seconds.

Is this normally the case? Or did my gynae pull too hard? Pls advise.....
Breaking the waterman actually helps to hasten the contractions, which is why if waterbag breaks have to immediately go hospital. During my 1st delivery, my Gynae break my waterbag for me... Didn't felt any pain or discomfort... Then again I was already having quite strong contractions so maybe tt is why I never feel anything. My hubby says it was very fast, Gynae say gg to break waterbag... Next second the water start gushing out.


New Member
Thanks for your replies and concern.

jhing, karenpink, lekdao, florence > sent liao

BTW following is my update :

My baby healed up by now already.

For me, I had a second episiotomy done to close up the wound. So PAINFUL as the anesthesia not effective ! :eek:10:


Well-Known Member
Another question to mommies whose water bag had been purposely broken by their gynae. Do you feel anything during the bag breaking process?

For me, the gynae's hand went into my cervix to pull and grab the bag a few times before the cut by the hook was successful. Could feel her hand movements and a little bit of body jerking during each pull. I can also feel the movement when she is cutting with hook. But the whole process is very fast. All happen within seconds.

Is this normally the case? Or did my gynae pull too hard? Pls advise.....
I had my waterbag broken by the gynae for my 1st delivery. I had an epi done before the waterbag was broken so the only sensation i had was a gush of warm water.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your replies and concern.

jhing, karenpink, lekdao, florence > sent

BTW following is my update :

My baby healed up by now already.

For me, I had a second episiotomy done to close up the wound. So PAINFUL as the anesthesia not effective ! :eek:10:
Glad to hear that bb is ok now. Take care of yourself too!


New Member
So sorry to hear what happen to you. So far I have been changing gynae with each pregnancy coz different countries. But never heard anything like yours...

Do take care of yourself and the newborn.

I am five months along with my third. Do pm me ur hospital and gynae. Will avoid for sure.


hi my dear! I hope all is fine. Do you mind to pm me the hospital and gynae? Thank you in advance. Take good care alright :)


Alpha Male
OMG...I hope you are recovering well. Can you please PM me the hospital and Gynae name?

My wife EDD is Feb 11 and I hope it is not the same Gynae and hospital ...


Pls take care baby need mummy alot.
Dun think so much , recover is all u need. Love from ur hubby is e best.


Thanks for your replies and concern.

jhing, karenpink, lekdao, florence > sent

BTW following is my update :

My baby healed up by now already.

For me, I had a second episiotomy done to close up the wound. So PAINFUL as the anesthesia not effective ! :eek:10:
OMG, that's disastrous and so unprofessional!!! Mind PM me on that gynae and hospital's name? I want to avoid them as well.


Thanks for your replies and concern.

jhing, karenpink, lekdao, florence > sent

BTW following is my update :

My baby healed up by now already.

For me, I had a second episiotomy done to close up the wound. So PAINFUL as the anesthesia not effective ! :eek:10:
Glad to hear bb has recovered!
Erm u mean the Gynae cut u again to sew u up?! Omg... Pls do rest & take good care of urself.


New Member
Thanks for your replies and concern.

jhing, karenpink, lekdao, florence > sent liao

BTW following is my update :

My baby healed up by now already.

For me, I had a second episiotomy done to close up the wound. So PAINFUL as the anesthesia not effective ! :eek:10:
hope you have recovered by now.. mind PM me e gynae & hospital, i wanna avoid it.


New Member
Hi Tohsl,

I dunno if it is advisable for me to say it here as my friends said scare later I get into trouble, seeing that I am now already so cham, can't even get off my bed, better dun invite more problem and anguish.

But once I am fully recovered and got my energy back, I will try communicating to the relevent party.

Thanks for your concern :)
Hi Cecilia mummy, I also had a very bad delivery experience. I have file a complaint to Singapore Medical Council. But I have to wait for 6-9 mths for the investigation result. I strongly believe that gynae and hospital should always practice proffessionally AT ALL TIME as it concerns our lives and our babies as well! Please get well soon and take the necessary action!!