BF Babies with Jaundice


It's ok to write long.. That's the purpose of forum,. To share what we know so that others will be aware. When my son was admitted and his jaundice level was more than 20mg/dl, the dr at KK also told me to stop BF and they gave him formula. With phototherapy, the level did go down. Then dr told me I can cont BF which I did till tdy. I hope this Sat when I go poly, the level will go down again.

Any of u know any PD in Yishun area that's good? Coz I really think poly dr are not as helpful as those PD. My gf's son also has jaundice and when she ask the doc to check baby's liver and stuff, he said he's not too sure.. -_-"
Diaz, is woodlands too far for u? I bring my older son to see dr Teo from baby bear clinic somewhere near republic poly there. He's patient n spend time talking to u. Just tat he's a little ex.

sigh, I started giving fm to my baby since yest noon. She seems ok to take it but at night till now, she's been only taking 40ml each feed. I dun bott feed her cos I dun wan to confuse her. Then when I carried her, she was looking for my breast. I feel so heartpain cos she's not drinking much n kept spitting milk n also I can't gv her milk like I used to. I tried to explain to her. I really hope she understands. I m getting a little depressed over this. I dunno how to go thru another day giving her fm n seeing her drink so little. Argh


Woodlands is still ok. Might consider ur PD. anyway, u don't want to try bottle feed her? Coz tat time when my son was a few days old and was admitted, nurse gave him bottle even though I instructed to give by cup. Nurse said he wasn't drinking a lot when they cup feed him. But thankfully, he did not have nipple confusion. Up till tdy, I do give him EBM and latch his most of the time. He seems ok. U may wanna try bottle feed. 40ml seems a lil to me.
I mean I dun bott feed her as in I was not the one holding the bott to feed her. so far my FIL and hubby has been feeding her through bottle but she's like rejecting it. dunno is rejecting the milk or the bott. when she was hospitalised for 5 days, she was ok with the nurse bott feeding her and drank like 60-90ml. at home now, she only drinks so little. she kept wanting to find my breast. very stressed.

Can I bott feed her? i scared later when i want to latch, she may get confused.
baby might be searching for familar nipple:)

if u feed yrself, i think latch on is better.

and consider a suitable teats that adapts to yr bb. i trial and error a few till he accept NUK teats which the flow suits him as he always choke on medela teats.

now my bb is 4 mths+, i used back medela and he is ok:)


yup.. try diff teats.. initially i tried Pigeon and my boy resisted. then i tried Avent.. he's ok with that. And a few weeks later I tried Pigeon, he seemed fine although he sort of rejected it at first.
sigh, ladies, i m feeling very down. After stop bf for 48 hours, went back to PD to check baby's jaundice level. By rt it should go down but instead it went up. meaning that it is not bm jaundice but could be other underlying reasons like liver prob. I am refered to see a specialist in children;s liver in NUH tmr. Just to make sure that everything is ok.

I am worried sick now. so many questions in my mind. I am really worried that there will be something wrong with my precious baby. But PD did say not to worry cos baby was thriving, gaining weight well, eat well, poo well. Poo is the normal bright yellow. so should be ok. just want to double sure that it's not sth more serious, so he refered me to specialist. He said that if baby's poo is pale white in color and urine is dark brown, then i should be worried is liver prob. Some possible causes of prolonged jaundice could be urine infection, enzyme prob (meaning liver is not producing enough enzymes to get rid of the yellow pigment) or other more serious things.

In any case, I am still very very worried. Anyone came across baby with prolonged jaundice and turned out ok?i really need reassurance and positive stregnth now...... it doesn;t help when my hubby said if is serous liver prob, have to go for surgery within 60 days of birth. if not baby cannot survive beyond 3 yrs. ARGH! just make me more worried!


Active Member
my cousin's baby gal had jaundice for a full mth and they even rent the machine home end up still high. they stop bf & formula. but i think since yr is not bf jaundice, u can continue to bf. like what the doc say, yr baby is eating well, got poo, got pee, it is a way baby is trying to pass out the jaundice. don stress too much.


what's the current lvl now?? anyway, dont stress urself.. i know it's very depressing and the more u do some research the more worried u get... ur PD mentioned anything abt G6PD deficiency?? and did they do a test on ur blood? My son and i have diff blood grp so KK did a blood test to check if this was the cause. thankfully it wasnt... anyway i pray tt there's nothing wrong with his liver.... just think of positive thoughts and dont assume.
She was 18mg/dl 2 days ago before I stopped bm. Then after 48 hours of fm, we went to test today, it went up to 19mg/dl. by right should come down if is bm jaundice but it din. so is not bm jaundice.

we did a liver function blood test and was normal. she did not have bile duct blockage and no blood grpup incompatibility. If I am not wreong, she is not G6PD deficiency. So, really dunno what is the cause.

This is causing me distress. Whenever I hold my little one in my arms, I would feel like crying. I went through fertility test to have her, then went thru a complicated preg with diabetes and high blood pressure. nearly went into eclumpsia at 37 weeks. so much that I went thru and now ihave to go thru this.

i m praying that all will be well. it is indeed heart wrenching for me now. I just wish that my baby is healthy.


Oh dear... As I'm reading ur post.. I can imagine ur sadness as u typed ur post. :'(
Be strong ok. There's always a blessing in disguise. Juz pray that it's nothing serious. I'm sure there's a better explanation for all these.... And I really hope ur girl will recover soon.
hi gals! went for the liver test, urine test etc and doc said all results normal!

so the prolonged jaundice could be a combination of few contributing factors. Firstly, cos i was having high blood pressure, my baby was born with a high blood count, meaning she has more red blood cells in her body when she was born. more red blood cells means that when the cells break down, there will be more billirubin and hence, causing the jaundice. second, she suspected that some of the TCM herbs which i took (my MIL brewed soup with the herbs) interferes with the baby's liver.

So her jaundice may not clear so fast but at least I know that she does not have any serious liver disease. really really thank god for this!


Glad to hear that rachelleling! Hope ur baby gets well soon! Do try to reintroduce bm when the pd say u can. Don't worry and try to stay calm and positive :)


Glad to know that! Better don eat all the TCM medicine until she is clear of jaundice. I'm supposed to eat all those jamu but told my mum a big NO! My son having jaundice is also a blessing in disguise... In fact I don't even intend to eat them coz it's heaty! Pity my baby if I eat jamu.


Rachelling.. How's ur baby? Baby was supposed to go for check last sat but no 1 to bring me so have to reschedule..


New Member
Phew... Just delivered my baby girl, and was diagnosed with jaundice on the 4 day when check up at polyclinic. Her jaundice level is 280. Ytd jaundice level is 230. Hope she can be discharged today. Miss her so much. This thread really gives me an idea on the jaundice. It's reassuring for first time mummy liked me.

Though everyone sadie it's ok. It's still heart pain to leave them in the hospital when I'm home doing my confinement. Cannot run around.
Diza, we went back for a review yest. Doc explained that all tests results are normal but then baby still looked yellow. most likely is due to the fact tat she has more bilirubin to get rid of . somemore she has not be pooing for 3 days. mayb tat;s why the pigments are still in her body. We had another test to test for the jaundice level but they have not gotten back to me yet. Doc was saying if is high, i have to supplement 2 FM feed per day to rid the jaundice before i can continue to TBF.

Joyce, jaundice is quite common. Her level is actually not that high so dun have to worry. are you going to bf her? if so, take note of your diet and try not to take too much TCM herbs. normally jaundice will persist more in bf babies than in fm babies


Yes! Heart pain when our baby admitted right? Now I feel what my mom feel if I'm not feeling well.. Some more, I'm an only child. Hehe. Anyway, I rmbr crying the first night he was away. Although still in confinement, I visited him everyday and will only go home at 9pm.. Then I got swollen feet coz keep walking.

Rachelling.. Gd lah all ok. Btw, is it ok if baby never poo in 1 day? Anyway my boy still have jaundice but I didn't go for check last week. No one to accompany me. So prob one of these days I will go poly.


Hi Mummies,

I'm not BF but my baby gal got to stay in the hospital. Started to miss her from the moment i discharged today from TCM. Don't know whether is she well in there. I kept on crying till now. Doctor said my baby gal had jaundice n a side hearing screening not pass but will try it again. Don't understand why different blood type group with baby will cause jaundice. I'm so worry n the more i do research for it, it make me more sad n depress. :(