Bird nest and Chinese herbs


Active Member
Hmm,go where buy?fruits juice stall should have rite? I love drinking papaya milk or honeydew milk haha
Hi XenXuan, any fruits stall sell this fruit juice. But it range from $2.50 to $3.00. I tried not to drink too much. My hubby say its quite fattening. :)


Okok will go try out avocado juice with milk.. Finished my bottle of bird nest,simply craving for more.. Miss the hot self cooked bird nest with rock sugar n egg.. Maybe I shall sweet talk my mom into cooking it for me =p


bird nest definitely can mix with ginseng one! good for body oso~ Too bad i dun dare to touch ginseng, too bitter for me.. just the simple rock sugar bird nest works well for me.. lol~ good huh still got ppl cook for u, i dunno how, only can get ready made!


I din noe how to cook too.. My mom din told me she noe how to cook bird nest till one day she made it for me during my 1st pregnancy.. But tat was the only once lol.. She's oso working now,so dun have much time.recently fell down n injuried her leg too,gd thing it wasn't anything serious but juz a deep wound tat require time to heal up.. Quitting her job by may end to help me do confinement,since my edd is in mid June,maybe see if she good mood she will make for me,if not only can buy those ready made myself le.. My house got 4women(mom,me n 2sisters),so 1 cook bird nest oso v expensive haha..


Active Member
I din noe how to cook too.. My mom din told me she noe how to cook bird nest till one day she made it for me during my 1st pregnancy.. But tat was the only once lol.. She's oso working now,so dun have much time.recently fell down n injuried her leg too,gd thing it wasn't anything serious but juz a deep wound tat require time to heal up.. Quitting her job by may end to help me do confinement,since my edd is in mid June,maybe see if she good mood she will make for me,if not only can buy those ready made myself le.. My house got 4women(mom,me n 2sisters),so 1 cook bird nest oso v expensive haha..
If i were you, i will buy bottled kinds. hehe... too expensive to share among so many people (am i selfish?) But since i will be staying just with my husband next week onwards, I will buy the self-cook one. taste nicer and more quantity.


Haha tat time my mom cooked was she buy abit from a sale or something,wanted to let me eat in few times.. But sisters wanted to try,so end up cooked all mom told me like tat v xiong on our pockets,so she ask me buy bottled ones n drink myself,I will benefit more haha..


Active Member
Haha tat time my mom cooked was she buy abit from a sale or something,wanted to let me eat in few times.. But sisters wanted to try,so end up cooked all mom told me like tat v xiong on our pockets,so she ask me buy bottled ones n drink myself,I will benefit more haha..
Ya. Indeed very siong if cook for the whole family. In the end, u only get to eat very little. Bottled ones for yourself is a gd choice.


Ya bottled ones my mom will tell my sisters it's I bought myself for baby to eat de,my sisters won't say anything.. If it's my mom buy,then got some problems will arise le lol


I will juz say it's for my baby inside,no1 will say anything haha.. The most I will share with my son n maybe my hubby haha.. My son love bird nest haha,at times I have to hide from him when I eat it cuz he won't stop eating haha..


Active Member
I will juz say it's for my baby inside,no1 will say anything haha.. The most I will share with my son n maybe my hubby haha.. My son love bird nest haha,at times I have to hide from him when I eat it cuz he won't stop eating haha..
ya. Say its for your baby. They won't eat your share unless they really don't care about your health. :)
Sharing with your son and hubby is fine. :)
Birdnest is nice cuz its sweet. You can also cook snow fungus.


Snow fungus I cook with pork ribs n eat as dinner soup.. Love it too.. There's another black fungus tat is v good for health during confinement.. My mom cook it in almost every dishes I ate during my confinement 2yrs back..


haha i only know its good for our body... exactly how good i not v sure haha.. my mom cooks it,i eat it.. haha


My mum ever cooked stewed mushrooms with black fungus - wow sedap!!!!

With rice, I think it's simply delicious..


black fungus is for "huo xue" aka promotes blood circulation. can only eat during confinement.
1st tri esp cannot touch it.


Hi all,

I was wondering if we can take "ling zhi" during pregnancy? I normally boil it with red dates and wolfberries as drink... or double boiled with chicken and white fungus...



Active Member
Hi all,

I was wondering if we can take "ling zhi" during pregnancy? I normally boil it with red dates and wolfberries as drink... or double boiled with chicken and white fungus...

Hi crazycat

I take all kinds of chinese herbs during my pregnancy. My mum will cook it with meat, for the whole family to eat. So i never cared much. Till now, i feel ok lei.