breastfeeding every hour at night


Then how,bibiluvr? Any advice?
My son is 9.5mths old,been waking up for night feeds about 3-4 times every night. I believe that he's sucking for comfort. Tried pacifier,water or milk in bottle which he refuses all and cries till I latch him. No patting or carrying works either. Really really hope to wean him cos it's affecting my work and health...I used to be the kind who needs 8 hours of sleep,really miss those zzz....

hi dear,
I can totally understand.. i was asking my hubby when was the last time i could sleep through the mil did say i could feed her with formula for the last feed to see if it can last longer..i did try spoon feeding a few times, ard 90ml, after which, she'll latch on and sleep. but it makes not much of a difference...any reason could be teething.. i realised she wakes up more often during teething period.. sometimes i would just pat her and keep assuring her that i'm there.. then she'll fall asleep again.. but once she starts to cry, i'll latch her on.. i always tell my hubby that one fine day, i'll let her cry it out.. but so far, i haven... but i do sleep with her so it's easier for me...


hi dear,
I can totally understand.. i was asking my hubby when was the last time i could sleep through the mother in law did say i could feed her with formula for the last feed to see if it can last longer..i did try spoon feeding a few times, around 90ml, after which, she'll latch on and sleep. but it makes not much of a difference...any reason could be teething.. i realised she wakes up more often during teething period.. sometimes i would just pat her and keep assuring her that i'm there.. then she'll fall asleep again.. but once she starts to cry, i'll latch her on.. i always tell my hubby that one fine day, i'll let her cry it out.. but so far, i have not... but i do sleep with her so it's easier for me...
I remembered when I let her cried out loud for once... then she cried till vomit transparent fluid... after that, we dare not like her cry too long..:)

I never slept through the night anymore.. but I know if baby has enough feed in the day, they will wake up lesser in the night... I am happy that now, she just wakes up once and not 3 -4 times...phew.


Then how,bibiluvr? Any advice?
My son is 9.5mths old,been waking up for night feeds about 3-4 times every night. I believe that he's sucking for comfort. Tried pacifier,water or milk in bottle which he refuses all and cries till I latch him. No patting or carrying works either. Really really hope to wean him cos it's affecting my work and health...I used to be the kind who needs 8 hours of sleep,really miss those zzz....
Try letting him eat more in the day...and dont latch, try the bottle. I managed to train my daughter to drink from the bottle in the night.. and now, she only wakes up once instead of 3-4 times.. I guess my demand was low and couldnt satisfy her. It wasnt easy as she still wants ME at first... then slowly I encourage her to drink from the bottle... jia you!


Active Member
my baby likes to latch on just to fall asleep too. she will drink when feeding time for 10 min then burp her for another 15 min then she will drink again for another 10 min then burp again another 15-20 min.

by then, she sleepy but need to change diaper cos she always feed and poo at the same time. but after changing diaper, she can't fall asleep so need to latch on to fall asleep again. so now i let her fall asleep after the second 10 min, until she really deep sleep then change her diaper. if dont change diaper, scared will get nappy rash.

anyone got better sugg to cut short this process? or are all babies like that????:swoon:
pls note that bibiluvr's baby is already 1 yrs old, so the 'give water' method cannot be used on ur baby k?

how young is ur baby?