C-Section Or Natural..


wah, talking abt constipation....me pooed only 6 days after stitching up....tat time mil say aiyo muz poo liaoz cannot later got too much toxins inside....but i got no urge wat....sit there and squeeze meh....i oso scared stitches break apart wat.....so i oso standby those stool softeners but dunno leh...quite painless and soft leh....so in the end dun need the softeners....hahaha...dunno why but i din take any fruits at all only drank lots lots lots of the longan red dates drink....


actualli now i oso feel itchy sometimes....tho i am not caesarean but the stretched skins leh...any1 felt tat too???

then sometimes walk on the streets halfway so itchy makes me wanna scratch but paisei....


wah, talking abt constipation....me pooed only 6 days after stitching up....tat time mil say aiyo muz poo liaoz cannot later got too much toxins inside....but i got no urge wat....sit there and squeeze meh....i oso scared stitches break apart wat.....so i oso standby those stool softeners but dunno leh...quite painless and soft leh....so in the end dun need the softeners....hahaha...dunno why but i din take any fruits at all only drank lots lots lots of the longan red dates drink....
i still take those softeners cos i used to hve constipation by natural..hahaha...beta to let my body digest coz taking too heaty food


yeah! All those ginger chicken, black chicken soup, ginseng/red/yellow/DOM/Yomeishu wine tonics etc...all super heaty! I ate two kampung chickens per day leh...hw abt u?



Active Member
2 kampong chickens? hahaha...

me 1 fish or chicken or pork with veggies per day.. hahaha...
then supper is kampong chicken drumstick with martell 1 bowl...

yeah! All those ginger chicken, black chicken soup, ginseng/red/yellow/DOM/Yomeishu wine tonics etc...all super heaty! I ate two kampung chickens per day leh...hw abt u?



yeah! u bet! 2 whole kampung chickens for lunch and dinner...siaozzz...after tat time i stayed off chickens and chicken rice for a whole 1 month....

but i din enjoyed the pig organs soup....yummy...did u eat tat?


Well-Known Member
Wah.. How come urs sounds so good.. Haha. My 1st 2 weeks eh.. horrible. My aunt bought cod fish & threadfin for me & batang for the CL to eat. The CL cook the batang for me to eat 1st, then wait until 2-3 days later then cook the cod fish or threadfin.

My aunt oredi told her the batang is solely for her only & must cook the cod fish & threadfin today (one for each meal) coz need to eat fresh mah. She still cook the lousier one for me. Then my aunt asked her, she say any fish also can eat wat. Last time during her confinement, she never eat fish at all, all pork & chicken. My aunt ans her back, then she rich can afford to eat for every meal cannot meh? KaOz! She kept quiet. Even my MIL came over that time, also told her I can only eat threadfin & cod fish.. She also argue. Zzz. And plenty more la.. That's y kick her back to her kampong within 2 weeks.

Then I ordered from Natal Essentials.. Good! So much better than herS!


wa.. 2 kampong chicken..u really eating a lot...i try to cut dwn too meaty stuff...wwan to try to slim dwn mah..lol...i only hve like 1/4 per day or a little more...lol...also drank dom everyday...

i even gt swollen eyes nw...too heaty...


but miss badtzzz...yr EDD in jan 09 rite? (Am i rite? confused got too many mummies le)

confinement eat so much meat oso won get fat one leh...in fact i slimmed down even!!! And no matter how much heaty stuff u eat oso wont feel heaty at all de lor!! LOLS

U noe my DH itchy mouth go and eat the kampung chicken cooked in hong chao jiu (he loves it) + loads of minced ginger? Next day he got nose bleed!


serious? but i got heaty lor...nw got swollen eyes...dun noe is not enough slp or wat...

hahaha...nw im hving my confinement mth....bb girl was born on 23rd oct...another 10 more days to end my confinement..hahahah...wan to eat normal food..i'm missing them!!!!..but i like hong chao chicken..goodie...


eh? then which mummy got EDD in jan 09....jialat...??? Izzit Jan84 huh???? soli + oops...

maybe is not enuf sleep....so the nighttime feed u bao ka liao?


oh yes i rem le....u r the mummy who said not comfy to have some1 else to do yr confinement other than yr mum rite???


half nake??? u mean not wearing shirts right? Mine oso like tat...in fact he likes to wear just briefs if possible ....hahahhahaa!!!!

eh yr bb is gg rite? or bb? Looks quite petite hor?


cn see frm my profile pic...that one taken in e hospital...nw i think she looks like a boi...

actualli he like to wear boxer onli...more cooling mah...hehehe