Can i eat grapes?


Active Member
i read one of the chinese books my mum has, on nutrition written by some lady nutritionist from China... it is meant for diabetic diet but it listed the food (veggies, fruits, herbs, etc) and the pros and cons (including what kinda ppl shouldn't eat, like if body too heaty, too cold, pregnant, etc)

it says pregnant women should not eat:
royal jelly

and should eat very little of:
aloe vera

so i'm trying to follow that... the rest of the fruits and veggies nv say preggy cannot eat =P but i know the big kinda banana shouldn't eat right? and i've read in this forum that orange will cause asthma in baby so try not to eat too much.


i read one of the chinese books my mum has, on nutrition written by some lady nutritionist from China... it is meant for diabetic diet but it listed the food (veggies, fruits, herbs, etc) and the pros and cons (including what kinda ppl shouldn't eat, like if body too heaty, too cold, pregnant, etc)

it says pregnant women should not eat:
royal jelly

and should eat very little of:
aloe vera

so i'm trying to follow that... the rest of the fruits and veggies nv say preggy cannot eat =P but i know the big kinda banana shouldn't eat right? and i've read in this forum that orange will cause asthma in baby so try not to eat too much.
I am eating mandarin orange every day, hope be is ok...


Active Member
actually i haven't been eating much fruits recently, except for some yummy fresh cherries at my parents' place...
everything also scared to eat =/ will try to munch on apples on and off... =)


actually i haven't been eating much fruits recently, except for some yummy fresh cherries at my parents' place...
everything also scared to eat =/ will try to munch on apples on and off... =)
Hi Felicity,

Don't be scare to eat fruits. :D As long as you eat moderately, it is ok.. We need different nutirents and vitamins.
Different cultures has different thinking of what to avoid during pregnancy. If we consider all these, I think there is nothing much for us to eat.. haha..


Active Member
Hi Felicity,

Don't be scare to eat fruits. :D As long as you eat moderately, it is ok.. We need different nutirents and vitamins.
Different cultures has different thinking of what to avoid during pregnancy. If we consider all these, I think there is nothing much for us to eat.. haha..
Thanks a lot Julia! I just ate half a sweet crystal pear =)


actually i haven't been eating much fruits recently, except for some yummy fresh cherries at my parents' place...
everything also scared to eat =/ will try to munch on apples on and off... =)
Yap fruits are good, if u r really worried, can chose to eat honey dew, strawberry, guava, apples, kiwi n dragon fruits... All r not heaty nor cooling by with lots of nutrient.