Can still employ maids??


Well-Known Member
Hi all, wonder if any mums know.. I also dunno got such rule.. Do u have to earn a 30K annual income to employ a maid?? Coz my fren needs to employ a maid badly but the agency rejected her. Are there no other alternatives?


The problem is very difficult to find a good maid!

My sister hires a maid for many years, but not plan for a new one.

Even the maid goes back for marriage in her own country,
go on hiring her with new condition when the maid comes back ...:we2Randy-git::wong19:


Active Member
Never heard that there must be an income ceiling to employ maid. But I do hear that sometimes if the family has low income, they will need to check their background. This is to ensure that they won't owe the maid's salary.

I do see low income family hiring maid cos they really need one. So i guess it depends on individual background.

Your friend can ask her agent why her application was rejected. They should provide an explanation.


When i employed maid the agencies did ask for my income... was told it's requirement fm the government. Ya! can ask why her application being rejected???? Good n responsible maid r not easy to get... it's heng or sway to get 1!



urmm..yup u nid to haf a income at 30k annualy..
my agencies oso asked for dat income..u nid to meet the they afraid u wun be able to afford to pay the maid..
is ur fwen stayin wif her parents or IL? she can actualli ask them to puttin their name instead of hers..if they meet the requirement


New Member
Hi all, wonder if any mums know.. I also dunno got such rule.. Do u have to earn a 30K annual income to employ a maid?? Coz my fren needs to employ a maid badly but the agency rejected her. Are there no other alternatives?


Yes, base on your income or comine with husband income they require 36k for both of yours.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. my fren asked MOM but their reply was its' not the only thing they take into consideration. But then, if the agencies reject u 1st, then how to go to MOM to apply for a maid rite? Duhz.. Stupid ans...

Anyone knows which agency wouldn't reject such applications?? Haha. :p


New Member
There is such a rule, however the MOM does not reveal the exact amount, most agencies estimate that the annual income should be around $30,000.

If you do not meet this requirement, you can still consider the following scheme:
(1) Joint income scheme
If you have family members other than your partner staying together with you, you can combine the income in application.
There is another scheme under sponsorship scheme, this is usually for senior citizen.
you can check all details here income requirement in employing maid.

Hope this helps mum with the this concern.