can we drill hole for spring cot during confinement

Hi mummies ,

Can we drill hole in our bed room for spring cot during confinement ?

I was told by my Mil cannot due to Chinese customs. My bb boy can't sleep well at night , every time after 9pm he will be a wake and tend to look around with the mouth open wide for feedings but the things is he just finish a bottle of 90ml. That the reasons to get a spring cot , as I dun trust those portable spring cot I still prefer to drill on to wall that safe to me
Anyone encounter this issue pls share


Active Member
i only heard during preggy cannot ,confinement yes why not ? =)

if ur mil really dont allow den wait for a few more days to full mth den drill ..


New Member
Hi jasline,
agree with xiaodaisy; only heard of such taboo during pregnancy, not for confinement.
but if u feel more assured doing so after baby is full month, then try to hold out this period without a spring cot first.
In the meantime, try other measures to help ur baby sleep better at night e.g. Introduce a pacifier, dim the lights etc..
Do whatever u r comfortable with.
good to discuss with hubby, consult mil or parents to reach an amicable harmonious decision too..
good luck! :)


I also drill hole aft confinement told by my mil too! Y nt u try waking ur bb up in the evening and talk or play with him! I'm using this method to my gng 2 mths old bb! It really works for mi. :)
Although every 2 hourly feeding, but aft feeding, he Will fall asleep straight