Cant stop worrying


New Member
Hello all MTBs,

this is my first pregnancy and i'm about 6.5 weeks pregnant today, i should really be feeling the excitement and anticipation of everything that's going to come from this point onward..but instead of that i feel really in distress because i cant stop worrying about many things..especially the possibility of losing it. I have had mood swings so i'm very worried it will affect the growth of the baby. A friend of mine also kept telling me to not get my hopes too high because miscarriages are common?! he's probably coming from an overly logical point of view, but i still think it is such a mean thing to tell to people who are pregnant for the first time. As if i dont worry enough...

Do you face the same worries as well? Any tips on how to curb these worrying thoughts? i really need some help here...



hi chiyocha, take a deep breathe and relax!!!! my mood swings were really bad and uncontrollable during the initial stage (im abt 12w now)... but just let nature take its course!! ur body is adjusting to a new life in the tummy and u have that extra blood (hence the mood swings?!!) I don't think u should harp on what ur fren says about miscarriage - yes, it is just a speech of caution, but y does he want to tell u that??!! I dun even want to hear anything like that or go near anyone like that... at least until I feel my baby is stable enough...

ur excitement will probably come when ur tummy is showing... or after u have visited the doc and done the scan and hear bb's heartbeat.

dun worry so much k!! when someone wants to say smth u feel uncomfortable, either walk away or change topic!


Hi Chiyocha,

I feel the same too! Esp after 2 sad stories from my friends, I cant help but keep thinking of it. Hopefully everything will be smooth sailing


don't be too disheartened by the negative news. I was feeling like that a few weeks ago.... my mum had to "scold" me to wake me up... be happy, be positive!!! baby will turn out fine!!!!! :)


New Member
Dear MrsWong,

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement, I will definitely keep reminding myself that! Thankfully, he's the only person to be so negative about pregnancies so I dont have to deal with too much negativity around. In fact, everyone else was happy and optimistic for me yay :)

Gabby, i hope we can both strive to see the positive throughout this journey! Get support from your husband, that will help you a great deal. Also, i've stopped reading up about MC and SB. My husband says the mind is a powerful thing, what it thinks, it happens, so it's better not to feed your mind with too much unnecessary bad news. If we go down the path of worrying, there will be endless worries that will suffocate our lives; what if i die while crossing the road, what if my husband leaves me, what if my kid gets into bad influence later in life? There is ALWAYS the possibility of a negative outcome in every situation, but if we are so consumed by it we are actually the ones making it happen (self-fulfilling prophecy). Funny how i'm taking on the encouraging role even though i started out being needy first haha! I guess i'm also trying to encourage myself while encouraging you on :)


I agree on the self fulfulling prophecy!!!! So all mummies must relax ok!! Not easy I know. E mood swings are terrible. But try n laugh and smile as much as we can!!!! We all want a smiling and happy baby right?? :D


Thanks you mrswongbb and chiyocha!

My hub scold me as well and ask me to have a strong mind. Stop thinking of negativity


I can understand how you feel gabby25.
Once you do the scan check that your womb is fine, you will be lesser worrying.
Congrats on your pregnancy.
Pray to god if you are worried, it helps. :)


New Member
Hi Chiyocha,

you should relax, don't worry so much, it's not good for your baby. Be happy and possitive, everything will be fine. :001_302:


Hi ladies,

Like most of you here, I worry over every small little thing as well. From before preggy, till preggy and till now after giving birth I do tend to worry about baby's health.

But now I have learnt to look at things with a positive mindset. I tell myself, life is too short to keep worrying. Do what you enjoy most, enjoy your life be it with or without a child. :)


New Member
Hi chiyocha and gabby,

Hope u ladies are feeling better. I'm expecting number 2 and I went through the same feelings as you for both pregnancies. I had very severe morning sickness with my 1st kid and each time as I threw up, I would thank God that it is a signal that the baby is safe. (I would actually drink water and throw up water). Once you are able to feel the baby move, it gets better as you know that the baby is safe abd sound. This pregnancy, I was very stressed with my older kid and extensive work travel. I was travelling alternate weeks during tri1. Thank God that baby is safe and sound. I have recently stopped work so am just waiting for baby to arrive while doing some part time work now.

Hope things are better with you girls.


New Member
Hi MrsWong!

I'm not yet in Tri 2 haha..hitting only 10 weeks in a few days time..the worry is mostly gone because i feel MS every day! The nausea has gotten so bad i had to keep taking medical leave from work. It's really difficult trying to work and take care of the pregnancy symptoms. But at least i'm completely worry-free now!!

Morningstarz, thank you for your encouragement! I agree that the MS is a really good affirmation of my baby doing well..but it gets so bad sometimes that i feel upset that i have to go through it haha..i cant wait to stop work too! will be starting my No Pay Leave in mid-April because i will be following my husband to the states for about 2 - 3 years for his work posting. all pregnant ladies should not have to work as far as possible, i feel.


Hello all,

Im in my Tri 2 now, however on & off still have MS attack :(

Chiyocha, so you are going to deliver in states?


Hello ALL... I have a friend who had MS throughout her 2nd n 3rd tri. She even fainted in mrt a few times... she is delivering in early march and I felt sorry for her... MS is such an uncontrollable thing and no one seems to be able to understand except us. :(
Oh well, at least u know the existence of ur baby right? Look on the bright side ok!!!

Btw, r u all joining any anetenatal clases? I will be starting my lesson at e end of march in KKH. Not too sure how useful it will be. Im planning to take up some simple yoga n swimming classes too, to ease my back pain. ..


Hi Mrs Wong, yes im interested in anetenatal classes but I have not sign up yet. Hopefully will be available when I sign up. Thinking signing either with KK or Mt A.


Hi gabby, gotta start ard 4mths preg as e whole course is quite a few weeks long. There were a few starting dates in March but only 2 are on Sat.. and its almost fully booked when I went down to make payment last week.


Hi Mrs Wong, oh no.... thanks for the info. As my hub is working shift work he cant confirm whether he can be joining me. I dont wish to attend the class alone :( :(