Cant stop worrying


Oh no... then need to work our ur schedule w ur hubby alr... they have said it is encouraged for partners to go together. .. but going alone is fine!


chilcare leaves

If a toddler plus a newborn, the childcare leaves should be six days or 12 days for Singapore working mothers??


U may want to check on MOM website or ur HR on the childcare leave entitlement. Of cos telling ur co as soon as u can is good so that they can do planning on ur coverage while u go on maternity.


Re: chilcare leaves

If a toddler plus a newborn, the childcare leaves should be six days or 12 days for Singapore working mothers??

Hi Clovermon, still remain as 6days for child care leave. Govt dont go by the number of kids you have, as long below the age of 7.


Re: annoucement to employer

When will be a good period to inform the employer on your pregnancy news?
I informed my boss when im ard 6wks+ as I have v bad MS. He need to know as I taking MC quite frequency. Dont want my boss im 'snaking' :)


New Member
Hi gabby,
yep i will be delivering in the states! feeling a bit unsettled because i dont know how the gynaes in the states do it...and they probably think the whole confinement idea is crazy! but thank God my parents-in-law have agreed to come over during my final few weeks and staying beyond my confinement period to take care of me and baby :) this will definitely ease up the heavy burden on my poor husband hahaha..

i am super ignorant about all the pregnancy terms used so effortlessly by all i am going to ask this, what is antenatal class? how is it different from prenatal classes? I am going to attend some light yoga classes at my yoga centre to better prepare my body for delivery, and plan to go swimming soon!


Hi Chiyocha,

Antenatal class is to teach new mummies/daddies how to take care our ouself during pregnancy and also to take card of the baby.


Hi chiyocha, im sure the healthcare service in States will be as good! Dun worry abt it ok!! Good that ur in laws are going over to help u out as new mummy n daddy probably will feel v stressed n lost at times.

I m planning to start some swimming n yoga classes. Kkh has classes on Saturdays. I might wanma sign up there.
Hi, you have to relax! Don't think too much because it will cause you so much stress. That's not good for the baby. Stop worrying about miscarriage..

Hello all MTBs,

this is my first pregnancy and i'm about 6.5 weeks pregnant today, i should really be feeling the excitement and anticipation of everything that's going to come from this point onward..but instead of that i feel really in distress because i cant stop worrying about many things..especially the possibility of losing it. I have had mood swings so i'm very worried it will affect the growth of the baby. A friend of mine also kept telling me to not get my hopes too high because miscarriages are common?! he's probably coming from an overly logical point of view, but i still think it is such a mean thing to tell to people who are pregnant for the first time. As if i dont worry enough...

Do you face the same worries as well? Any tips on how to curb these worrying thoughts? i really need some help here...



Thanks gabby ..thought that having more babies contribute to the nation will have more childcare leaves to look after the kids' needs. Look like there is no benefits for working mum when we have more kids for the nation. No wonder lesser couples wanna to give birth. Nowadays, news even reported sg is the world no. 1 most expensive country to live in. Can you imagine ..nowadays even essential food products like baby milk powder also can cost ard $90 and complete by toddler within two weeks...such essential food costing no control ...if there is more benefits on baby maternity leaves plus milk powder pricing ...etc...I believe there will be more couples planning for kids...even enrichment courses fees for those toddlers onwards also like daylight robbery...can be ard $580 for 16 weeks lessons and it's just one fee for one subject only and strangely many parents are kaisu and forking that sum during their children age of 3 onwards. A good profit earning for those education sectors! However, wonder such lessons is it necessarily or just a commercial business strategy.

It will be good to get the gynae letter before informing on your pregnancy as if your employer terminates you due to your announcement , you can call up MOM to take action against your employer if you get cheated. I had checked this info by calling up MoM so confirmed it's a way to secure for working mommies
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Hi clovermom, ya I wish the Govt will allow us to use more on our medisave for maternity. Currently only can use up to $450 to pay for pre-delivery expenses.
This amount is definately not enouch to cover! :( :(

I have already informed my boss on my pregnancy during my early stage as Im getting very bad MS. Hopefully I wont be ask to go :001_07:


If employer asked you to leave, you should not do as told as you may report to MOM and they will look into it and take action. So long you have worked for them for a certain period of time, they can't make you quit just due to your pregnancy. Stay firm, just endure till maternity period arrived as it's a law that women are protected else no couples will want kids nor get marry and nation will be affected, so will be those business economics!
Hi, you have to relax! dont't think too much because it will cause you so much stress. That's not good for the baby. Stop worrying about miscarriage..


New Member
Hi Chiyocha,

You can consider buying a diffuser and diffuse some therapeutic essential oils from Young Living to soothe and calm yourself during this difficult period. Bergamot essential oil helps to relieve anxiety, depression, stress and tension. It is uplifting and refreshing and helps to open the heart chakra to radiate love energy. Just need to buy a diffuser, bergamot and lavender essential oils. Best result to alternate the oils. Many uses for lavender essential oil. This diffuser will come in handy when haze is around and you can diffuser purification or thieves essential oil to purifiy the air. You can check it out from website : Essential Oil Sg - Therapeutic Essential Oils Singapore, Effective Remedies for Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Hair Loss, Eczema, Flu, Fever, UTI, HFMD, Sinus, Weight Loss