Charges for Delivery - THE BIG DAY


New Member
i also chose 4 bedded at thomson... but my son abit too big,doc say most probably have to induce,got extra charge also no choice liao... i will be bringing all my barang barang,dowan use hospital tings or else got extra charge... hope bb gd boy,dn let mummy spend too much money on the hospital bill... now talking to him everyday n tell him to come out on his own,dowan induce cuz extra pain n money... haha...

single mother no baby bonus :( they are still children of the country mah... how can tey treat children with single parent or children with special needs differently... yes there r organizations tat provide support but the gov not supporting... our children are diff but not less! haha... mummies jia you!


i also chose 4 bedded at thomson... but my son abit too big,doc say most probably have to induce,got extra charge also no choice ... i will be bringing all my barang barang,dowan use hospital tings or else got extra charge... hope baby good boy,do not let mummy spend too much money on the hospital bill... now talking to him everyday n tell him to come out on his own,dowan induce cuz extra pain n money... haha...

single mother no baby bonus :( they are still children of the country mah... how can tey treat children with single parent or children with special needs differently... yes there r organizations that provide support but the gov not supporting... our children are diff but not less! haha... mummies jia you!
Hey hey, doc also say my boy might be a bit too big but so far no advise on the need for induce yet (super cross fingers!!!!!!!).

I am also unmarried and yes i do not understand why benefits only applied to married mothers when we all are equal...


New Member
yah loh! gov so bad... but still have to be strong... wen is ur edd? mine is 13 oct but throughout pregnancy bb on n off abit overweight,haha... since last wed's checkup,he alreadi 3.3kg... tis wed goin for checkup again n confirm c need to induce anot... if induce,i will do it on the 9th,hopefully son will pop out on 10th so he will be a 10/10/10 baby! i every nite b4 sleep will psycho him n tell him come out on 10th... hahaha


Well-Known Member
to answer your questions...

1) y the $4k cash they give out later? N not in one lump sum but part by part?
Cos alot of parents don't know how to 'save up' and spend all at one go!
It's meant to cover 'costs' like vaccination, etc. So the timing is roughly around the timing that you need to pay for these vaccinations.

2) unless they encourage only rich ppl to give birth, y is it so ex for average families to have a child?
It's not exp. Average income then average lifestyle.
Go KKH/SGH, choose subsidized, totally ZERO CASH (for most of my friends without complications).
Govt allow the medisave claim in such a way that if you really got no cash, still won't die cos can go Govt hospital. However, if you choose private hospital, then be prepared to fork out the cash on top of the Medisave deduction.
Not saying that it's not good but it's a personal choice.
I personally have written in to suggest that all delivery costs or pregnancy related costs should be allowed to deduct fully from Medisave to encourage more Singaporeans to have kids.

3) y cant we use medisave to pay for the delivery?
You can. It's just a matter of how much is the total costs at private hospital vs govt hospital.

4) y hospital charge extras for weekend delivery??
If your boss ask you to work on weekends, you will expect OT pay right?
Similarly, the hospital staff and gynaes have families too!
If you want to them to understanding to you, then we also need to learn to be understanding towards others.

Anyway, no point griping on all these cos it'll affect your mood and affect baby.
Just be a happy mummy!
Since you've already prepared 'standby' cash in case yours is not enough, then don't worry and be a happy mummy :)


Well-Known Member
to answer your questions...

1) y the $4k cash they give out later? N not in one lump sum but part by part?
Cos alot of parents dont't know how to 'save up' and spend all at one go!
It's meant to cover 'costs' like vaccination, etc. So the timing is roughly around the timing that you need to pay for these vaccinations.

2) unless they encourage only rich ppl to give birth, y is it so ex for average families to have a child?
It's not exp. Average income then average lifestyle.
Go Kandang Kerbau Hospital/singapore general hospital, choose subsidized, totally ZERO CASH (for most of my friends without complications).
Govt allow the medisave claim in such a way that if you really got no cash, still won't die cos can go Govt hospital. However, if you choose private hospital, then be prepared to fork out the cash on top of the Medisave deduction.
Not saying that it's not good but it's a personal choice.
I personally have written in to suggest that all delivery costs or pregnancy related costs should be allowed to deduct fully from Medisave to encourage more Singaporeans to have kids.

3) y cant we use medisave to pay for the delivery?
You can. It's just a matter of how much is the total costs at private hospital vs govt hospital.

4) y hospital charge extras for weekend delivery??
If your boss ask you to work on weekends, you will expect OT pay right?
Similarly, the hospital staff and gynaes have families too!
If you want to them to understanding to you, then we also need to learn to be understanding towards others.

Anyway, no point griping on all these cos it'll affect your mood and affect baby.
Just be a happy mummy!
Since you've already prepared 'standby' cash in case yours is not enough, then dont't worry and be a happy mummy :)
woah.. i like your answer:tlaugh:straight to the point


i also chose 4 bedded at thomson... but my son abit too big,doc say most probably have to induce,got extra charge also no choice ... i will be bringing all my barang barang,dowan use hospital tings or else got extra charge... hope baby good boy,do not let mummy spend too much money on the hospital bill... now talking to him everyday n tell him to come out on his own,dowan induce cuz extra pain n money... haha...

single mother no baby bonus :( they are still children of the country mah... how can tey treat children with single parent or children with special needs differently... yes there r organizations that provide support but the gov not supporting... our children are diff but not less! haha... mummies jia you!
Ya sometimes juz dunoe hw gov thinks...
Anyhow im doing wat u doing n my hospital bag like run-away-frm-hm size lol cos i oso bring my


to answer your questions...

1) y the $4k cash they give out later? N not in one lump sum but part by part?
Cos alot of parents dont't know how to 'save up' and spend all at one go!
It's meant to cover 'costs' like vaccination, etc. So the timing is roughly around the timing that you need to pay for these vaccinations.

2) unless they encourage only rich ppl to give birth, y is it so ex for average families to have a child?
It's not exp. Average income then average lifestyle.
Go Kandang Kerbau Hospital/singapore general hospital, choose subsidized, totally ZERO CASH (for most of my friends without complications).
Govt allow the medisave claim in such a way that if you really got no cash, still won't die cos can go Govt hospital. However, if you choose private hospital, then be prepared to fork out the cash on top of the Medisave deduction.
Not saying that it's not good but it's a personal choice.
I personally have written in to suggest that all delivery costs or pregnancy related costs should be allowed to deduct fully from Medisave to encourage more Singaporeans to have kids.

3) y cant we use medisave to pay for the delivery?
You can. It's just a matter of how much is the total costs at private hospital vs govt hospital.

4) y hospital charge extras for weekend delivery??
If your boss ask you to work on weekends, you will expect OT pay right?
Similarly, the hospital staff and gynaes have families too!
If you want to them to understanding to you, then we also need to learn to be understanding towards others.

Anyway, no point griping on all these cos it'll affect your mood and affect baby.
Just be a happy mummy!
Since you've already prepared 'standby' cash in case yours is not enough, then dont't worry and be a happy mummy :)
Wah u wrk for gov ah? Lol
Anyway thanks for the respond...


Well-Known Member
dun worry too much... look on the bright side you are going to see your bundle of joy soon :Dancing_wub:


yah loh! gov so bad... but still have to be strong... wen is your edd? mine is 13 oct but throughout pregnancy baby on n off abit overweight,haha... since last wed's checkup,he alreadi 3.3kg... tis wed goin for checkup again n confirm c need to induce anot... if induce,i will do it on the 9th,hopefully son will pop out on 10th so he will be a 10/10/10 baby! i every nite before sleep will psycho him n tell him come out on 10th... hahaha
my edd is 01 dec but the scans show otherwise if according to bb body or head... So high chance end of nov. So exciting, yours is due so soon!!! 10.10.10 will be a very busy day for all e hospitals! haha!


my edd is 01 dec but the scans show otherwise if according to baby body or head... So high chance end of nov. So exciting, yours is due so soon!!! 10.10.10 will be a very busy day for all e hospitals! haha!
Lol i tot only hotels busy...din noe hospitals too? Lol ok la both Hs la


Well-Known Member
Wah you wrk for gov ? Lol
Anyway thanks for the respond...

Haha... I'm just stating facts...
Cos many ppl keep grumbling but don't step back to think logically....
I always tell my friends, if you are nt happy with govt, there are 2 ways out:
1. Join them & make positive changes
2. Run off to greener pastures

most of my friends chose Option 2, only to return a few years later with praises fr what our govt has done.

Singaporeans are really a spoiled bunch...生在福中不知福!


Haha... I'm just stating facts...
Cos many ppl keep grumbling but dont't step back to think logically....
I always tell my friends, if you are not happy with govt, there are 2 ways out:
1. Join them & make positive changes
2. Run off to greener pastures

most of my friends chose Option 2, only to return a few years later with praises fr what our govt has done.

Singaporeans are really a spoiled bunch...生在福中不知福!
Yah agree totally!!!! "claps claps" :)


Haha... I'm just stating facts...
Cos many ppl keep grumbling but dont't step back to think logically....
I always tell my friends, if you are not happy with govt, there are 2 ways out:
1. Join them & make positive changes
2. Run off to greener pastures

most of my friends chose Option 2, only to return a few years later with praises fr what our govt has done.

Singaporeans are really a spoiled bunch...生在福中不知福!


Well-Known Member
Haha... I'm just stating facts...
Cos many ppl keep grumbling but dont't step back to think logically....
I always tell my friends, if you are not happy with govt, there are 2 ways out:
1. Join them & make positive changes
2. Run off to greener pastures

most of my friends chose Option 2, only to return a few years later with praises fr what our govt has done.

Singaporeans are really a spoiled bunch...生在福中不知福!
yes yes! i totally agree with u stonston! some ppl just take the gov for granted and complain and whine so much... pls, and they say they know tt life is not perfect yet they want EVERYTHING to be done for them nicely and perfectly suited. why not the gov just give each family 10K a month and everyone dont hv to work anymore?????


Well-Known Member
yes yes! i totally agree with you stonston! some ppl just take the gov for granted and complain and whine so much... pls, and they say they know that life is not perfect yet they want EVERYTHING to be done for them nicely and perfectly suited. why not the gov just give each family 10K a month and everyone dont have to work anymore?????
actu Brunei is lik tt lehhh.. their govt supports them. from preg till giving birth till bb education all govt pay deeeee... i think we might as well go there if think SG living standard too high :001_302:
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Well-Known Member
Haha... I'm just stating facts...
Cos many ppl keep grumbling but dont't step back to think logically....
I always tell my friends, if you are not happy with govt, there are 2 ways out:
1. Join them & make positive changes
2. Run off to greener pastures

most of my friends chose Option 2, only to return a few years later with praises fr what our govt has done.

Singaporeans are really a spoiled bunch...生在福中不知福!

totally agreed with you !!!

and alot of singaporean think the govt owe them... and demand this and that
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Well-Known Member
totally agreed with you !!!

and alot of singaporean think the govt owe them... and demand this and that
tt's y i said, if not happy with SG govt, might as well go Brunei looo... since their govt pays for everything.. :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Their govt got natural income, ours dun have so must spend prudently!

You want to be like EU countries with 6mths mat leave, paid paternity leave up to 2 months, free healthcare, etc etc, then please pay the amount of income tax they are paying - around 20% of their gross income!

Maybe we've been in our comfort zones for too long, our parents provide very well for us, which makes us have this mentality that govt should give us everything too.
Where were you when your teachers taught NE?