Cheese Lover


New Member
Hi all mummies and mummies to be! =)

I jus found out I was pregnant 2 wks ago! I'm so excited...!!

Anyway, after reading some forums, there was advise on avoiding cheese. I'm a cheese lover and i think I cannot avoid cheese. I love eating pizzas, pasta, and those breads that sell in bakeries that has cheese sometimes. Are these cheeses safe to eat...??

Can anyone advise me??
Thank You!!


Active Member
Hi all mummies and mummies to be! =)

I jus found out I was pregnant 2 wks ago! I'm so excited...!!

Anyway, after reading some forums, there was advise on avoiding cheese. I'm a cheese lover and i think I cannot avoid cheese. I love eating pizzas, pasta, and those breads that sell in bakeries that has cheese sometimes. Are these cheeses safe to eat...??

Can anyone advise me??
Thank You!!
Hi gerigeri,

Congrats. How many wk r u now? Well, don't be too happy 1st.. Once u r a cheese lover before preg.. maybe or maybe not you will like cheese during your 1st trimester. Cheese is good for pregnancy.. but some cheese you should avoid.

Cheese can be taken.
Boursin, cottage cheese, cheese spread, cream cheese, mascarpone, mozzarella, Philadelphia, Quark, ricotta

Cheese to avoid.
Blue Brie


New Member
Thank you Imperial Concubine and Worthy Lady...

Ur nicks are sooo cute! LOL... =p

I'm about 6weeks now. So anxious to know what gender my baby will be. But still need to wait for it to grow first. Baby being healthy is still the priority..

Im still enjoying my pizzas, pasta and bread at e moment.. I dunno when i will start to 'dislike' it.. hahaha..

Thanks for the tips n links!!


Active Member
Thank you Imperial Concubine and Worthy Lady...

Ur nicks are sooo cute! LOL... =p

I'm about 6weeks now. So anxious to know what gender my baby will be. But still need to wait for it to grow first. Baby being healthy is still the priority..

Im still enjoying my pizzas, pasta and bread at e moment.. I dunno when i will start to 'dislike' it.. hahaha..

Thanks for the tips n links!!
Hi Gerigeri,

Oh imperial concubine is not my nick. (u should look @ the name above it)My nick is Dilys. :) I had my change of whole eating Appeitte in my starting from 8wks. The whole 1st trimester I dislike what I used to like to eat. Until 2nd trimester, exactly 12wks I got my normal Appeittee back. 16 wks u will know the gender.

:) 6 wks now u should be resting well.. Don't walk too much.. & never carry heavy things.