Chores that CF lady should / will do???

Hi all,

What sort of things/chores should a confinement lady do?

I know of course, she will cook confinement food for me, boil my red dates tea, bathe baby and cook for hubby, my son and herself. So I am sure she will wash dishes, wash clothes and vacuum floor.

Will she wash bathroom and toilet? How about changing bedsheets? Does yours do these?



Think it depends on the cl. My first one f
Is an indonesian Chinese, she did a lot, helped me to wipe here n there, swept n mopped, handwashed my ger's cloth diapers n after bfing, she would help me to carry her. She ate simply and cooked for my hubby too... Gave her a big red packet before she left. Haha. Unfortunately, she couldnt help me for my second confinement.

My current one refuses to let my boy wear cloth diapers, (though I m using bumwear n told her to put in washing machine) n since I m bfing, bb sleeps with me at night. Apparently, their duty is to look after mummy n bb only, toddler is not included. But becoz I let her sleep through the night, she does help me to mop the floor once a week. It really depends on how calculative the person is....


For me
1) cook
2) prepare water for me to bathe
3) wash the pumping stuff (after i pumped)

For bb
1) bathe her
2) feed her (from those in the fridge)
3) take care of her at night too (bb sleeps in the same room as her)

For my family
1) sweep floor daily
2) mop once in two days
3) keep the kitchen clean after every use (she will mop the kitchen floor and clean the stove, etc)
4) cook for all for dinner
5) put clothes into washing machine and hang (she dun do ironing)
6) general cleanliness at home.

I mean i dun expect her to do much also cos i think it's super tiring to take care of my bb. haha. she was cranky and after 3 days of bf, my nipples were sore and bled. Also, for the first few days, i was walking around too much. Ended up the stitches were abit swollen. So i was really immobile and had difficulty walking and moving. i had to pump out and she did the feeding for me.

I am ok with this arrangement. in fact, my CL loves babies. so she will talk to my bb and play with her. I feel very relax when she was around. and she taught me how to bathe her, bb's habits and signs to look out for etc before she left. =) very grateful to her.