Constipation and black color shit... so worried!!!


New Member
Hi mummies! Like most mummy,im having constipation... but for the past 2weeks i have been having black stools... total black color... one of my fren say it mite b internal bleeding... my nxt checkup is abt 2weeks later... any mummy out there had the same experience pls advice... so worried...

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Are you sure it is totally black? Might be your body too heaty, that's why u r constipated....and when you don't poo often.

Drink lots of water meantime, but if you r really worried, better don't wait till 2 weeks later, go see the doc soon


New Member
i drink alot of water everyday and eat fruits,every other day also drink prune juice... everytime i shit will black color... total black...


Hi mummies! Like most mummy,im having constipation... but for the past 2weeks i have been having black stools... total black color... one of my friend say it mite b internal bleeding... my nxt checkup is about 2weeks later... any mummy out there had the same experience pls advice... so worried...
Hi,r u eating any med or vitamin daily?


yah,im takin doc prescibe supplemants... calcium,iron,fish oil...
I am taking supplements of the Med "iberet folic 500" will expect black stools and bright yellow urine...but I am nt sure if ur case is cos by the supplements u took.Did ur gynae inform u abt it ? :)


New Member
my doc nv inform me leh... i search online n found out tat it mite b caused by internal bleeding or iron pills... i nv feel much discomfort or pain,oni the occassional indigstion...


my doc never inform me ... i search online n found out that it mite b caused by internal bleeding or iron pills... i never feel much discomfort or pain,oni the occassional indigstion...
Hi dun worry so much I tink is the iron pills la...but of cos rem to call up ur gynae to chk abt it :)


New Member
Hi dont worry so much I tink is the iron pills ...but of cos rem to call up your gynae to chk about it :)
Yar i also thing is the iron pills.. coz preggies will tend to be more heaty when we consume the iron pills and cause constipation..try taking prune juices to relieve constipation..


New Member
strawberry and cherry also will help? i didnt knw... i eat apple everyday haha... pregnancy so scary hor... always worried abt tis n tat... thank u mummies for the advise and support!


strawberry and cherry also will help? i didnt knw... i eat apple everyday haha... pregnancy so scary ... always worried about tis n that... thank you mummies for the advise and support!
Me too. black stool. Checked with gyane, it was due to the iron pills. Cheer babe. Be a happy mummy.


mommies, jus to share my google findings n i personally tried n tested it works...

take iron together w/ calcium.. calcium will deter the absorption of iron n cause u a lousy day (restless n giddiness)
don't just rely on supplement pills, cos not 100% of it can be absorbed by our body..

take iron together w/ vitamin c.. vitC helps boost the absorption of iron
take plenty of fiber.. cos iron usually cause constipation
other than the supplement pills.. pls get iron/vitC/fiber from NATURAL food source cos they are most easily digest n fully absorb by our body


New Member
Hi All Mummies,

I have a question, I am now 11 weeks and I do not have constipation issue but instead my bowel tendency become more frequent (3/4 per day) compare to before I get pregnant. is this normal? Anyone experience the same?


New Member
i had veri bad constipation for the first 3mnth but as i went into my 2nd tri,my bowel movemnts so much beter liao... i tink every pregnancy syptoms vary in diff mummy... for example,i had morning sickness but my fren didnt feel anyting at all,no ms during her whole pregnancy...
Can i not take iron pills? Constipation is bad you gals think it's gonna be a big issue? So far my gynae has not prescribed....i am 17 weeks preggie now.......only taking DHA, Calcium and Folic acid....:red:


New Member
iron pills help bb alot or else doc wont prescribe... doc will advice u to drink lotsa water,fruits n vege. Have u tried plum juice? I believe plum juice help alot of us during constipation... for me,im 20 weeks liao n no more constipation liao... usuali it gets better. or u can ask doc for constipation med,help u pass motion... its veri safe for baby so no prob...