Do you play the 'jigsaw puzzle' with your kids together?


Alpha Male
Do you play the 'jigsaw puzzle' with your kids together?

It becomes more popular recently in our place.



Member patience for big jigsaws. no place to store unfinished big jigsaws.
like to play UNO with my boy though.


Alpha Male patience for big jigsaws. no place to store unfinished big jigsaws.
like to play UNO with my boy though.
maybe 1000 pieces or less of such jigsaw puzzle ...
uno is another choice for all family members :tlaugh::001_302::001_302::tlaugh:


New Member
Oh my boys loved them. Since last year they have been playing it almost everyday. Now I guess they got tired of it. Really amazing, I didn't have to teach them anything.


My DD love to play jigsaw puzzle with me. She usually play the 4 to 8 pieces ones. The Better Toy Store at Ngee Ann City has a nice range of jigsaw puzzles, very high quality.
My 2 yr old boy loves to play jigsaw, but he's too young to do it right himself. So he always asks me to help.

It is quite fun. There aren't many pieces, and the pieces are big. After completing the picture, we like to look at it and talk about it. His fav is the Noah's Ark puzzle. We will try to look for the animals or identify them after completing the puzzle.


My boy loves jigsaw puzzle. Dh and I used to make the big ones.

Hope that when my boy will have the patience to do the big one with us when we are back to Singapore permanently.


Alpha Male
Yes, it is a good activity that involves everyone.
Yes,it is good for whole family.

As X'mas is coming, some gift shops are selling it at a promotion price.

And there is a cheap price for 1000 pieces or above.

Some can be tailor-made with your family photo , but need booking.

Not an bad idea as such traders may think in this way.

:tlaugh: :001_302: :001_302: :001_302: :001_302: :001_302: :tlaugh:


My kids love jigsaw since they are 2 YOS, have been build and and removed...when I need time off to do things...I will give them the jigsaw to occupy their time.

My kids hooked on to playing Monopoly, Uno, Scrabble and etc.

I'm looking for board games for them, if you have any, please tell me..


my boy is a jigsaw puzzle addict!

initially have to play wif him coz he dunno how to rotate a jigsaw piece to fit it nicely (he tot all are horizontal)

after that he has picked up the 'skill' and i leave it to himself to explore and come back to me if have doubts.

so far he can complete a 36pcs jigsaw all by himself. :001_302::001_302::001_302:


I have those 24 or 36pc giant floor puzzles. My girl can complete the puzzles all by herself even when she was only 2+yrs old. My boy now coming 4yrs old still can't do it on his own, or I should say more like no interest.


When my boy was around 15 month I start playing with his 4-8 pieces jigsaw puzzle he love it. Now 21 month still playing .
At least now no need to teach he can play himself .