Does hiring a massage lady helps in slimming down????


I'm still pondering whether to engage a massager or malay neighbours told me that they only help in blood circulation not in slimming down:err:that's why i not sure if i should hire one.....or just buy a tummy binder to trim the tummy.....any advices.....mummies out ther.....:001_302:

Nouva Mascot

New Member
I'm still pondering whether to engage a massager or malay neighbours told me that they only help in blood circulation not in slimming down:err:that's why i not sure if i should hire one.....or just buy a tummy binder to trim the tummy.....any advices.....mummies out ther.....:001_302:
Hi Wasant!

It's true ML can't help you to slim down at a short period of time. That's what i think and look forward during my pregnancy..... Be realistic, we have been "bloated" for past 9 months and hoping to slim down within 7 or 10 days during the massage, funny isn't it..... :001_302:

The whole idea of post natal massage is to help us recuperate faster and better, so we will be able to nurse and handle our baby once the "confinement nanny" are gone..... No point of getting a binder ourself when we don't really do a right thing.

My experienced with Post Natal massage is really "fantastic". My ML will massage and bind me and with her special massage "technique" that will release "wind" from my tummy was really great.... Each session, i'll will released more and more "wind", sometime it sound like "machine gun" he he he..... (very embarrasing):we2cute:

I did loss a few kilos but that was my "water retension", yup her massage helps to realeased wind, water retention, blood clots and improved blood circulation. She also relieved my back ached problem which occured during labour, due to "epidural" i guessed. I felt much better after 1st and 2nd session and enjoyed her massage thereon.... Now i kind of missed her massage or maybe i'm addicted..... he he he

Her massage is really "EXCELLENT"
You should try or consider, wish you all the best and take care......:tlaugh:


Don't think so.

I have been going for lots of confinement and postnatal massages after I gave birth. And Nope, it does nothing for my weight.

Rather, it is the breastfeeding that caused my weight to keep dropping.

Exercise and breast feed. that's the key =)


New Member
Hi Mummys,

I have some TR90 Stocks to let go.

TR90 = 90 Days program. No need diet. No need starve (dieting makes you more fat). No weight rebound.

Average result 6kg - 7kg in 3 months. Lowest 3kg Highest 14.8Kg

See testimonial =

They expire Oct 2015.

They retail at $2080

But i need cash so i am letting go at a very cheap price

I am giving $700 Discount of retail price.

I need cash. So my loss is your gain.

Drop a text to 97921567 asap to prevent disappointment because i only left 2 sets.