DR Kelly Loi from KK AMK


Active Member
Hi newbie2009,

I am still considering who should I change to. Thinking about Dr. Irene Chua but afraid that she might be too busy to intake more mummies. Hmmm you also thinking about changing gynae? Anyone in mind?

Warmest Regards,
Sunnysummer J
Since you are only week 13, i think u are okay to consider Dr Irene. She will not be available for month of August only.


Active Member
I' was seeing Dr Irene Chua throughout my first 33 weeks of pregnancy. I was supposed to see her for the first time on my next appointment (next Tuesday).

However due to some pregnancy problems, I met her earlier last Friday at the delivery suite.

I'm still having the same problems until now and when my Hubby called up KKH yesterday, it was Dr Irene Chua (already on maternity leave) who called back to address my Hubby's concerns.

The nurse who answered the phone explained to my Hubby that Dr Kelly Loi will only be officially taking over on my next appointment onwards.

I am thinking of going down to KKH again later as the same problem is affecting my really badly and I am also concerned about BB's development.

I was frustrated (couldn't help it), I was feeling extremely exhausted and in despair last Friday and had to wait for about 2 hours for Dr Kelly Loi to arrive.

I was strapped to the machine for monitoring of contraction and BB's heartbeat, lying down increased my urge to urinate and I felt very uncomfortable.

My Hubby took half day leave to take me to the hospital, he waited for me outside the room at the delivery suite. Both of us went there without taking lunch, I was waiting inside and kept worrying about my Hubby.

In the end I decided to give up waiting for nothing and told the nurse that I want to go to a GP instead. The nurse called Dr Kelly Loi again and told me she's already on her way up.

I know that it's not her fault as my visit was sudden and she might have been busy with other patients who require medical attention more urgently than I do.

I told her I suspected that I have an urinary tract infection as I have some of the symptoms. Protein is not found to be present in my urine and I had to wait for a few days for the urine culture test for bacteria.

I was almost in tears, desperate and helpless after 3 sleepless nights due to the discomfort but she couldn't prescribe anything except medication for my heartburn. She did ask if I wanna stay in the hospital but I don't think it's much of a difference by staying there to wait for the result.

Perhaps it's only professional of her to not prescribe any medication (not necessary sleeping pills) to help me to sleep but to go back and continue to suffer is mentally disturbing.

She's quite attentive when listening to my problems but I also feel something is lacking... connectivity? I am thinking of inducing at 37 weeks if my condition doesn't improve, I am not sure if she's experienced with inducing birth.

This is my first pregnancy and I am already getting phobia of going through the same thing again. I think that will be it if my labour experience is also a nightmare.

Any advices?


Active Member
I' was seeing Dr Irene Chua throughout my first 33 weeks of pregnancy. I was supposed to see her for the first time on my next appointment (next Tuesday).

However due to some pregnancy problems, I met her earlier last Friday at the delivery suite.

I'm still having the same problems until now and when my Hubby called up Kandang Kerbau Hospital yesterday, it was Dr Irene Chua (already on maternity leave) who called back to address my Hubby's concerns.

The nurse who answered the phone explained to my Hubby that Dr Kelly Loi will only be officially taking over on my next appointment onwards.

I am thinking of going down to Kandang Kerbau Hospital again later as the same problem is affecting my really badly and I am also concerned about baby's development.

I was frustrated (couldn't help it), I was feeling extremely exhausted and in despair last Friday and had to wait for about 2 hours for Dr Kelly Loi to arrive.

I was strapped to the machine for monitoring of contraction and baby's heartbeat, lying down increased my urge to urinate and I felt very uncomfortable.

My Hubby took half day leave to take me to the hospital, he waited for me outside the room at the delivery suite. Both of us went there without taking lunch, I was waiting inside and kept worrying about my Hubby.

In the end I decided to give up waiting for nothing and told the nurse that I want to go to a GP instead. The nurse called Dr Kelly Loi again and told me she's already on her way up.

I know that it's not her fault as my visit was sudden and she might have been busy with other patients who require medical attention more urgently than I do.

I told her I suspected that I have an urinary tract infection as I have some of the symptoms. Protein is not found to be present in my urine and I had to wait for a few days for the urine culture test for bacteria.

I was almost in tears, desperate and helpless after 3 sleepless nights due to the discomfort but she couldn't prescribe anything except medication for my heartburn. She did ask if I wanna stay in the hospital but I dont't think it's much of a difference by staying there to wait for the result.

Perhaps it's only professional of her to not prescribe any medication (not necessary sleeping pills) to help me to sleep but to go back and continue to suffer is mentally disturbing.

She's quite attentive when listening to my problems but I also feel something is lacking... connectivity? I am thinking of inducing at 37 weeks if my condition doesn't improve, I am not sure if she's experienced with inducing birth.

This is my first pregnancy and I am already getting phobia of going through the same thing again. I think that will be it if my labour experience is also a nightmare.

Any advices?
Which week are you at currently?


New Member
Dear newbie2009,

After some thot, I discard the thot as I felt that ½ way changing a gynae they might not know our problem or conditions well. I think I will stick to Dr. Kelly Loi, even if I feel that she is not the type of gynae that is very caring and understanding (in fact I feel that she is so cold and without feeling when answering my questions & doubt). I feel that she juz doing her job without “heart” but at least she do it right (such as never give me a wrong medication).

Gers a bit off topic I went to the 24 hours clinic at KKH due to my gastric pain, the doctor who attend to me was he uncaring (I ask him is it normal to keep having gastric pain during pregnancy, I did explain to him in the past I had gastric pain problems but quite long did not have it le. He juz tell me off is your stomach the same stomach??? If so, gastric pain will always be there. Then I feel no point ague with him I juz wanna take my medication and go home at rest since it going to 12am.) and irresponsible (why??? He prescribes the medication I cannot be consume (the strongest pain relief medication for gastric pain which I understand it cannot be consume during pregnancy) but too late when I saw it when I reach home and wanna eat it).

Dear Triquetra,

I understand how you feel in fact I am also under Dr Kelly Loi, I thot of changing to Dr. Irene but after some thot even Dr. Kelly she might be “cold” but I felt she will at least do her job well and rest assure I had check with the counter nurse when I wanna change gynae, she advice me that Dr. Kelly and Dr. Irene they having the same experience so no worries. Triquetra rest assure I feel Dr. Kelly she will deliver your baby safe and sound de. J I will also entrust my baby to her. J So when is your EDD??? Ur baby is boy boy or ger ger???

But nevertheless, I feel as long she can deliver our baby into this world safe and sound even if we dun have any good feeling or complain we have for any gynae. The most we dun choose the gynae or recommenced him or her to others.

Gers Nite nite and sweet dream.:Dancing_wub:

Warmest Regards,
Sunnysummer :001_302:
Hi mummies,

just want 2 share my experience with Dr Kelly. I went for induced labour advised by her at 40 weeks. As i opted for B1, she only came to check on me 2 times during the induction. She showed concern n supportive when i was about to deliver my baby. so there's no problem on her part during my actual birth. The only concern i want u gals know is the package u choose b1 is she will be there to deliver the baby but the MOs are the one who will handle the checking of dilation and monitoring the process and reporting to her.

I was very very fed up with the way the MOs work, they lack of experience and cant even find my vein properly hence they have to re pock me. By that time i already in great pain so i just show face. Another thing is when the MO about to burst my waterbag, somehow she couldnt burst it, she has to dig here n there. i dont know what she doing for 10 mins at the end they have to use the connector thing and no water came out. My baby came out and there is 3 small holes on top of the head. I had written a complain to kk but they say that they just go with the rule of the package i chose. Since i had chosen b1 so the MO will handle the labour process, Dr Kelly will only came in to deliver mt baby. Damn so i was so unlucky to b handled by these stupid MO. Imagine it's your first pregnancy and u got treated and experienced these kind of thing. Im still angry whenever i think about it.
Instead the senior nurse is more experienced than those new medical trainee. If only I remember her name, I won't let her off. She showed those 'action face' and cant even burst my waterbag properly.. Arghh That point of time I was too weak to say anything.. so if u gals doesnt feel comfortable at any point of times just say it out to them if not they will treat u as guinea pig. hee


Active Member
Hi mummies,

just want 2 share my experience with Dr Kelly. I went for induced labour advised by her at 40 weeks. As i opted for B1, she only came to check on me 2 times during the induction. She showed concern and supportive when i was about to deliver my baby. so there's no problem on her part during my actual birth. The only concern i want you gals know is the package you choose b1 is she will be there to deliver the baby but the MOs are the one who will handle the checking of dilation and monitoring the process and reporting to her.

I was very very fed up with the way the MOs work, they lack of experience and cant even find my vein properly hence they have to re pock me. By that time i already in great pain so i just show face. Another thing is when the MO about to burst my waterbag, somehow she couldnt burst it, she has to dig here and there. i dont know what she doing for 10 mins at the end they have to use the connector thing and no water came out. My baby came out and there is 3 small holes on top of the head. I had written a complain to kk but they say that they just go with the rule of the package i chose. Since i had chosen b1 so the MO will handle the labour process, Dr Kelly will only came in to deliver mt baby. Damn so i was so unlucky to b handled by these stupid MO. Imagine it's your first pregnancy and you got treated and experienced these kind of thing. Im still angry whenever i think about it.
Instead the senior nurse is more experienced than those new medical trainee. If only I remember her name, I won't let her off. She showed those 'action face' and cant even burst my waterbag properly.. Arghh That point of time I was too weak to say anything.. so if you gals doesnt feel comfortable at any point of times just say it out to them if not they will treat you as guinea pig. hee
Is that the B1's policy?
My ex colleague's waterbag was burst by the gynae, she took the B1 package from KKH as well.

I'd go crazy I was you -_-''
Is that the B1's policy?
My ex colleague's waterbag was burst by the gynae, she took the B1 package from Kandang Kerbau Hospital as well.

I'd go crazy I was you -_-''
Haiz, that's what KKH wrote back in their letter that they had done by the book. But I remember the senior nurse told me Dr kelly will came in to burst my waterbag, instead the MO came. I should have verified this more clearly, i think u should clear this up if u were to take b1 package.


Active Member
sigh, that's what Kandang Kerbau Hospital wrote back in their letter that they had done by the book. But I remember the senior nurse told me Dr kelly will came in to burst my waterbag, instead the MO came. I should have verified this more clearly, i think you should clear this up if you were to take b1 package.
Will check with Dr Goh this coming Thursday.
I know most people have their waterbag burst by gynae instead of MO.


Heard she's some 'Wellness' doctor. Not very sure what's tat.
Anyway, I prefer Dr. Irene Chua any time than Dr. Kelly Loi.

She made it to my black book.


Active Member
Heard she's some 'Wellness' doctor. Not very sure what's that.
Anyway, I prefer Dr. Irene Chua any time than Dr. Kelly Loi.

She made it to my black book.
Apparently Dr Kelly really pissed u quite alot. U can consider to go to Dr Goh Shen Li. She is not bad.


Apparently Dr Kelly really pissed you quite alot. you can consider to go to Dr Goh Shen Li. She is not bad.

I only have one appointment with Dr. Kelly Loi, cos my gynae, Dr. Irene Chua went for her own delivery this month of August.
So glad it's only a one time thingie.
She didn't even bother to ask if I have any questions, just shut the file infront of me before I got out of the curtains.
So very annoyed.
Paid so much for a gynae that doesn't bother, maybe just cos I'm not HER patient.


Active Member
I only have one appointment with Dr. Kelly Loi, cos my gynae, Dr. Irene Chua went for her own delivery this month of August.
So glad it's only a one time thingie.
She didn't even bother to ask if I have any questions, just shut the file infront of me before I got out of the curtains.
So very annoyed.
Paid so much for a gynae that doesn't bother, maybe just cos I'm not HER patient.
Dr Kelly Loi passed by when I was in labour ward and talked to the nurse at the door for awhile looking quite pissed =X


Dr Kelly Loi passed by when I was in labour ward and talked to the nurse at the door for awhile looking quite pissed =X
Her face doesn't look that friendly all the time.
Even during the gynae checkup I had with her, the smile on her face looked so forced.


Is Dr Loi really that bad? Guess those mums that got attached to Dr Goh must be quite fortunate then.
I think the $69 I spent on my gynae checkup with her is totally not worth it lors.
Maybe she's not that warm, but she sees preggies everyday, she shouldn't always be looking so glum.
I would hope you don't get Dr. Loi, if you have a choice.


New Member
Ah...? It seems like most of you don't like her. My company doctor just referred me to see her. The first appointment is scheduled on 10 days later. What should I do? Help...


...? It seems like most of you dont't like her. My company doctor just referred me to see her. The first appointment is scheduled on 10 days later. What should I do? Help...
If you don't prefer to have her as your gynae, I believe you can opt for a change.
Don't be too worried, cos it might be a very personal thing.
If you still feel very uncomfortable to go for the appointment, you might like to talk to your company doctor instead. :)


New Member
If you dont't prefer to have her as your gynae, I believe you can opt for a change.
dont't be too worried, cos it might be a very personal thing.
If you still feel very uncomfortable to go for the appointment, you might like to talk to your company doctor instead. :)
Agree with you. I think I will see her as scheduled. will share my feeling after that.:)