Dr Poon King Fu (Poon's Clinic for Women P/L)


Dear Mummies,

I am a 1st time mum, and I am now at my 5th week. As I have tested positive on the pregnancy test kit, I was too excited, and without checking or getting advise, went to the most convenient gynae (happen to be free, when me and my hubby walked into his clinic).

After going to him for my 1st time check, I realised his clinic is a bit run-down, everything is no computerised, ie. medical records, appt card, to even the medicine label!

As it is my 1st time, I do not know what to expect, and after he did my 1st ultra sound, and after reading from tis forum and check with some friends, I realised that I was not even given a printed copy of my 1st ultra sound!

Please please, anyone out there, can anyone tell me if you have been to him, and should I continue going to him?

Not sure why his clinic is empty when I went there, I thought normally most gynaes are fully booked.


Well-Known Member
Is this the one at Hougang Ave 1? If yes, this gynae will waive off delivery charges if he knows that you have financial difficulties.


Yes, you are rite! Did you or anyone you know went to him before?

I am not concern about the financial part. I am more concern about the technology his uses in his clinic.



Well-Known Member
I have a few friends who went to him. Technology wise, my friends did not complain. They went to him mainly due to budget constraints. & I can understand that since he does not charge alot, his clinic may not be equipped with the best & latest equipment.


New Member
I gave birth to my second boy in April 2009.Natural birth without epi. Was introduced by my colleague to Dr Poon and I am glad that I made a decision to use a differeny gynae from my first pregnancy. Everything was much better. I think his scanning machine was quite new cause is able to do detail scan and he detected umbilical cord was round the neck an suggested early delivery when baby already in good size.Lucky I already dilated when admitted on his stipulated date. my colleague has to visit hospital for detail scan. No pain on the stiches that he did. He is also pro natural birth. I was concern about the cord and wonder if should go for c section. He ask me to try natural first cause healing is faster and risk is lower. The reason why his clinic not crowded because his assistant manages the appointment well. So, you wont have to wait too long. I heard of my colleagues who hv to wait very very long for every visit for their gynae.


New Member
Dr Poon's clinic is not run down at all. It looks cosy actually and most of the time it's not too crowded, which is a good thing cos the appointments are planned and spaced out very nicely so patients don't need to wait very long. I find this method very good as it makes the patients less frustrated and can save time! I've heard of other gynaes whereby the queue is super long. I won't be able to take it.

His ultrasound machine is actually quite new and advanced because you can do detailed scans there. Anyway, he's a very nice and patient doctor and does not rush me during consultations. In fact, i feel that my consultations with him are more than 15mins each time. It's good because he allocates a good amount of time for each patient. My hubby and I are very happy to see him as Dr Poon is a friendly and nice doctor. :) Even my mum loves Dr Poon!

I highly recommend him!!
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I called up the Hougang Ave 1 clinic. The nurse told me that Dr Poon's package ($700) is only for patients who are in their 3rd month of pregnancy. So that means any checks / consultation before the 3rd month is charged separately?

Anyway, I have booked an appointment to see him. I'm still having my spotting (it has been 12 days on and off) and I am rather worried.


I am not sure if his clinic has been renovated or not, but as far as I can remember way back then more than 1n1/2 yrs now, the clinic is run down (anyway, its individual standard as well).

I also remembered that his charges are high, and the worst part of all (pls refer back to my initial post), he does not give you the scan image. So if the technology is advance, where most clinics will give us the ultrasound scan image, why doesn't he give us one?

I remembered his clinic nurse mentioned dat if we wan the ultrasound image, we hv to pay.

But I can't deny dat Dr Poon seems like a nice and patient doctor. Other than my complain about his clinic, I think the rest shld be pretty okay.

Dr Poon's clinic is not run down at all. It looks cosy actually and most of the time it's not too crowded, which is a good thing cos the appointments are planned and spaced out very nicely so patients dont't need to wait very long. I find this method very good as it makes the patients less frustrated and can save time! I've heard of other gynaes whereby the queue is super long. I won't be able to take it.

His ultrasound machine is actually quite new and advanced because you can do detailed scans there. Anyway, he's a very nice and patient doctor and does not rush me during consultations. In fact, i feel that my consultations with him are more than 15mins each time. It's good because he allocates a good amount of time for each patient. My hubby and I are very happy to see him as Dr Poon is a friendly and nice doctor. :) Even my mum loves Dr Poon!

I highly recommend him!!


New Member
Dear all,

I was under Dr Poon's care throughout my pregnancy and had successfully delivered my first child under him. I would say he is very careful during the scanning. He detected my baby's cord was next to her neck, therefore he recommended me to go for inducement for safety reasons. I would say his scanning machine is high-tech and is able to detect without going to hospital to do the scan. Though the clinic is not fantastically decorated, i feel service is more impt. Most imptly, you must feel comfortable with the gynae becos he will be the one to deliver for you.



Actually I am v disappointed with what I heard about Dr Poon today from a friend I know from forum. I have read many reviews that Dr Poon is good but was v surprised to hear he doesn't seems to know what is wrong with my friend.

Maybe Dr Poon is good with normal pregnancy - those w/o complications.

1. When a pregnant woman has bleeding, the appt shd be immediate, how can he schedule an appt in the afternoon to see her??

2. I have nvr come across a gynae who dunno why a pregnant woman is bleeding. There is definitely a reason for bleeding/spotting. Spotting may be due to implantation or some will have placenta bleeding and my own neighbour actually has leaking waterbag thru out her 9 mths. Heard she got to wear adult diapers to see gynae everytime for her visit. If a gynae dunno what's wrong with pregnant woman - I THINK THE GYNAE IS PLAINLY INCOMPETENT. Sorry to say that but it's true.

3. I think ethics of a gynae is impt. Whther pregnant women sign up/do not sign up package with you, gynae shoudl still provide their best service. Cmon we are paying gynae...Worst of all, if gynae service level change after you sign package with them, something is wrong with their ethics.

My 2 cents worth and sorry that I am not going to say good things aout Dr Poon anymore after what I heard from forum friend. She is now at KKH 24 hr, I just hope she is ok and bb is fine.



Actually I am very disappointed with what I heard about Dr Poon today from a friend I know from forum. I have read many reviews that Dr Poon is good but was very surprised to hear he doesn't seems to know what is wrong with my friend.

Maybe Dr Poon is good with normal pregnancy - those w/o complications.

1. When a pregnant woman has bleeding, the appt should be immediate, how can he schedule an appt in the afternoon to see her??

2. I have never come across a gynae who dont know why a pregnant woman is bleeding. There is definitely a reason for bleeding/spotting. Spotting may be due to implantation or some will have placenta bleeding and my own neighbour actually has leaking waterbag thru out her 9 mths. Heard she got to wear adult diapers to see gynae everytime for her visit. If a gynae dont know what's wrong with pregnant woman - I THINK THE GYNAE IS PLAINLY INCOMPETENT. Sorry to say that but it's true.

3. I think ethics of a gynae is impt. Whther pregnant women sign up/do not sign up package with you, gynae shoudl still provide their best service. Cmon we are paying gynae...Worst of all, if gynae service level change after you sign package with them, something is wrong with their ethics.

My 2 cents worth and sorry that I am not going to say good things aout Dr Poon anymore after what I heard from forum friend. She is now at Kandang Kerbau Hospital 24 hr, I just hope she is ok and baby is fine.
I happen to see this post n feel that your statement is entirely bias and probably an isolated case.

Before I leave after every visit, Dr Poon reminds me that if I happen to be spotting or bleeding, I must call his emergency 24/7 number IMMEDIATELY. So in what sense do you say he is incompetent or even imply he is irresponsible?

Leaking waterbag thru out 9 mths is isolated case. Not everyone is like that. So why blame the gynae when it’s the patient’s own ‘physical anomaly’ in that sense?
Have you clarified with your neighbour? Perhaps she was just too shy to admit something was indeed wrong with herself.

On the part about ethics.. I think Dr Poon is ethical. We wanted to sign up the package when we first found out about the pregnancy. But he advised us to wait until the foetus stabilizes first. N that’s after the first trimester. If he is unethical, why reject someone who is so willing to sign up the package? Its money upfront isn’t it?

His service level never changed from day one. He is a very patient doctor who gives time to each patient and never rushes thru each appointment. I was referred to Dr Poon from my husband’s colleague..and am very thankful for that referral.

The feeling I get is that your friend was expecting to get red carpet treatment the moment she stepped in to his clinic because she paid money.

Sorry for you that you had such bad impression of Dr Poon because of your friend’s comments.

He is a very good gynae..thats all i can say..and its based on my own experience..not someone else's comments.


New Member
Hi all mommy.. I've got to open this thread again.
I just want to warn you and share my horrible experienced with dr poon.
It was after delivery that give me a wake up call.

About after 2months of giving birth, dr poon recommended me a contraception (IUD) to protect me against pregnancy. He was convinced me that it's safe and the side effect only during menstruation where I might feel more heavier or cramping than usual. Other than that nothing to be worried as all of his patient have been using this. So I trust him and go for it.

The process of putting in inside the womb was very painful..maybe because I'm so tense or maybe he just not experienced enough. After he put on he told me it might be bleeding for few days.

3weeks has been passed and I find my self still bleeding. Actually why i waited till 3weeks because, I observed for 2weeks first..try to be calm in hope that it will stop and I can keep this thing so my money will not wasted for nothing. Going 3rd weeks thats when I felt something really wrong. Call his clinic but apparently his on holiday. So on the 4th week finally booked appointment (but didnt understand why the reception put me to be a last patient to come while my condition it's very dangerous)

When I came, he checked on me.. explained that the IUD is slipped down (?!!) but not to worry as it still can be function as how its supposed to be. I asked him about my bleeding and he replied it's because I'm breastfeeding (?!!) and when I confront him why I've been bleeding for 1month and he keeps telling me because I'm breastfeed. My next question was, why my bm it's drying up, and guess what he said.. "If its drying up SO BE IT" (!!!!). I'm so angry! I told him my baby needs it as she has irregular pup and my bm can keep her to pup daily (I'm partial bf) and this is what he teaches me "Just put more water in fm" (WTH?!!). And for this stupid consultation, I have to pay $2@&.60!!!!

2days after consultation, I bleed heavier. I called him and asked what his gonna do now.. He said he will give me a pill to stop the bleeding. I confronted him, his explanation about my bf that caused me bleeding but now he turned the table and told me MAYBE because the IUD. Asked me to come but I don't want. He is PLAINLY INCOMPETENT (I'm so agree with this) and I just can't trust whatever he said again. I will only spent my money to his pocket again without getting anything.

So I end up went to see other gynae. And he explained to me that the IUD which slipped down might not effectively function and I can get pregnant anytime. And its not a good suggestion to give me any medication to stop the bleeding as Im bf. So those who read this.. Can you please imagine what if I didn't go to other gynae and follow dr poon's instruction, what will it be now? Get pregnant with that thing inside?? Or taking the pill to stop the bleeding and effecting my Baby thru the bm?

Finally I took it off and I will not going back to dr poon again.