Drinking Cold Can drink (Ice Lemon Tea/ Green Tea)


New Member

I am new to this forums, I am 3 mths pregnant. I am always crave to drink cold water such as can cool drink (ice lemon tea/ green tea) and eat ice cream.

IS it OK for me to continue drinking that?

Please advice


I take cold drinks almost of a daily basis, but in moderate amount la. Our body temperature is higher than usual, so it's normal to always crave for cold stuff. Moderation is the word...:001_302:

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
I think should be ok, but if you are those superstitious type, then you might want to stop drinking cold stuff, cos' my MIL told me drinking too much cold stuff will cause your bb to be phlegmy.....

For me, I also took cold stuff during my pregnancy days.....but not everyday, take in moderation, cos' cold drinks like Ice Tea/Green Tea is sweet, you don't want a big baby


i took cold drinks everyday in my pregnancy. Worse, i had craving for bubble tea so I took all the time even the day b4 i gave birth!

My baby 2.9kg at full term (consider size just right).. now 1mth+ still haven see any sign of "phlegm"... choy la but I think alot of this is just "hearsay".. :)


Active Member
I also craving to drink cold drink, but i find that everytime i drink cold drink, after awhile i feel out of breath? I'm 2months now. So i try to avoid drinking cold drink. When i have my #1, i won't feel this way but this #2 diff le?


New Member
i drink cold water almost on a daily basis.. am 24wks preggy nw.. but i try not to drink tea too often :tlaugh:


New Member
I'm 10weeks soon..
I take cold drinks daily too sometimes i had ice cream..
my hubby also nag nag non stop...LOL

but weather been so hot how not to take cold drinks..


Well-Known Member
i;'ve been taking ice lemon tea, green tea, bubble tea and even coke thru out my preg. =)


New Member
i took cold drinks everyday as well when pregnant... cant even take 1 sip of hot stuff...
go ahead and do it... ignore what MIL say about bb's health... they have no medical knowledge... ask the gynae and paedi and they will tell u there's no truth in that saying...


i took cold drinks daily... between 2 to 4 cans daily... sometimes when i saw ice cream, lol, my hubby will ask mi if i wan it instead of mi asking for it as he understands ta our body temperature is higher...


Well-Known Member
i took cold drinks daily... between 2 to 4 cans daily... sometimes when i saw ice cream, lol, my hubby will ask mi if i want it instead of mi asking for it as he understands ta our body temperature is higher...
wow! 2-4 cans daily is alot lehh! haha! last time i limit myself to take 1 can thru out the day cos i scare too sweet for bb.. the rest of the day will be iced water.. hahaha..:tlaugh:
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Hi I went for my antenantal class recently, the dietcian said that tea is not good for expecting mothers as they also have caffine in them. Thus I dun drink tea anymore. I take cold water (from the fridge) and drink. Hope this will helps :)


just tea tarik during supper after persuading hubby :)
cold drink...hmm....me just stole few sip of ribina from my hubby


Well-Known Member
JTS: as green tea, ice tea all contain caffiene, best to drink more milk n eat more calcium food as caffiene hinders the absorption of calcium into the body. :)
for me, though i drink quite a bit of tea n coke, but i take in one carton of milk daily.