EDD Apr 2013


New Member
Hello ladies!!
Am new here.. 1st time mommy to be. Pretty excited & super cluesless.
Just went 4 my 2nd checkup at my GP, she confirmed baby is at 8 weeks & 2days.
My EDD is 20th april. So far no bad prego symptopm. Jz light cramps. Been takin brain pill
for the baby n folic acid.

Read the thread some of u seems to have gynaes n already Know wher 2 give birth.
My GP told me to do some research! Im lookin at KKH, TPS or Mount A or E.
any recommendation frm u ladies?
Hi autumnfall, I just went for my scan today and heard my baby heartbeat. I have constant abdominal cramp too. But gynae assure that if the cramp is by the side of the abdominal, it's fine. He claims that if it's abdominal cramp and u got spotting, then seek gynae immediately. I totally understand how u feel, always feel safer and happier after seeing the gynae and hearing him say your baby is healthy and normal. :)

By the way, I'm also having fluctuation in my energy level, one day I can be very active while the other day I can be totally shack. I guess it's normal since the baby grow from a peanut to a grape size from week 6-9. ^^

I also lost some weight since pregnancy, but gynae says its normal. Rem to drink more water or juices to replenish your water loss from diarrhea. ^^
Hi ibisco, I'm also very sensitive to smell. I hate the smell of frying garlic and ginger. It's torture cause every time I walk pass the food court or coffeeshop, I feel like puking. I'm also complaining about my husband breath. I'm only fond of pleasant smell like flower scent.

By the way, can I check with you ladies if it's ok to use aromatherapy? Those that u burn the essential oil in a clay pot. I read sonewhere that some sense like lemongrass might cause miscarriage. But Im not too sure if this is scientifically proven, so anyone have any idea?
Hi Euniz, welcome. Are you looking for male or female gynae? My gynae is Dr K.C. Yeo at Thomson medical Center. Most of my relatives and my sibling have him as the gynae. His very experienced. You might want to consider. Some ladies here have posted their gynae infor in their thread. ^^
Hi Euniz :) try to find a gynae near ur home so that it's easier for checkups... I'm staying st boon lay n my gynae's clinic is at boon lay mrt stn.. some gynaes deliver at certain hospitals only..my gynae delivers at Gleneagles... most of my colleages deliver at TMC. U can go to the gynae/ob thread to research :eek:


New Member
Hello Tomatoning and LittleBluecinders

Thank u for the warm welcome!!! & thanks for the gd info!!
Im staying at wlds but my GP ia at Yishun, pidemco medical centre.

Im lookin atfor a female gynae. I ever called Mt A n this lady recommend me Dr Kang wee
she said dr kang is very nice, motherly and good bedside manners..


New Member
Hi Tomatoning, regarding aromatheraphy, i also wanted to try and yes, some scents are thought to relax ur muscles so its not so good for early pregnancy. My take is better not try if there's a slight chance of danger?... We just gotta pinch our noses hehe ;)



Pigletbao, Littlebluecinders, autumn fall : my scan went well today. Saw the bb's heartbeat!! It's amazing :) n saw the amniotic sac n the yolk sac too. :)

Autumn fall, I am 6wks n edd 2nd may. My gynae is LC Foong n his clinic is at Gleneagles. Thomson is too far for me so I chose somewhere more central instead...

Littlebluecinders, hehe if your info is true, my hubby would be very happy :) he's wishing for a boy first :)

Btw I think Duphaston is meant to stabilize the fetus... So if you can try to continue. I m prescribed Duphaston for another 3 more weeks so far.....


Hi dear, think u should finish the Duphaston tho spotting has stopped. Think it's supposed to tide through most of the first trimester when the placenta is still in production...
My gynae stopped it for me at 9 weeks when I finished the prev course prescribed n he saw that baby was progressing well. :) just gotta bear with the nausea for now...as long as bb grows well, it'll be worth it! :)

Welcome all the new mummies who have joined us!! Congrats!

Hi all, is it necessary to finish up the duphaston pills? The nurse at the clinic told me to do so but spotting has long stopped.. so wondering if can stop taking or not... i suspect it contributes to the nauseousness

Pigletbao, Littlebluecinders, autumn fall : my scan went well today. Saw the bb's heartbeat!! It's amazing :) n saw the amniotic sac n the yolk sac too. :)

Autumn fall, I am 6wks n edd 2nd may. My gynae is LC Foong n his clinic is at Gleneagles. Thomson is too far for me so I chose somewhere more central instead...

Littlebluecinders, hehe if your info is true, my hubby would be very happy :) he's wishing for a boy first :)

Btw I think Duphaston is meant to stabilize the fetus... So if you can try to continue. I m prescribed Duphaston for another 3 more weeks so far.....

Hi MrsS... Glad to hear that the checkup went well! :) i Still gotta wait a week for my next checkup, hope can see bb heartbeat by then! Our edd quite close and I shld be delivering at gleneagles too..

Decided to go to gleneagles cos my mom is a nurse at NICU there...easier for her to come visit me haha
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Hi MrsS... Glad to hear that the checkup went well! :) i Still gotta wait a week for my next checkup, hope can see bb heartbeat by then! Our edd quite close and I shld be delivering at gleneagles too..

Decided to go to gleneagles cos my mom is a nurse at NICU there...easier for her to come visit me haha
Thanks Littlebluecinders ! :) how many weeks are u? N when's yr edd?
1 week will pass quickly so hang in there! :)
Lucky you... Your mum can take good care of you then :)
Euniz, my gynae is dr Kang wee and she's v v v gd!! Only flip side is mt A currently having Reno works so kinda messy but to me still ok LAH....

Tomatoning, thanks! Haiz but sometimes the cramp gets so bad i can't differentiate if it's diarrhoea or just cramping... Lol then I'm fine for a few days and I get diarrhoea again... These pregnancy is really driving me crazy, hope I can get to see the gynae real fast cuz I really wan to know if baby is ok... These few nights I been having trouble slping even though I'm v tired...

MrsS so glad for u!!! And has dr foong deliver at Thomson before? If so, I think he's the same doctor who brought me to this world 26 yrs ago! Lol... My mum kept telling me bout dr foong who could tell my gender at week 10.... Lols hope it's the same doc cuz he's gd!!!

Oh have u ladies started showing? My tummy is kinda bloated now, I'm week 9, haven't been eating much actually... Hmm...
Autumnfall...1.30am u still awake? Hehe...I'm no better, having insomnia for past few nights too :( keep tossing in bed and I'm awake now at 6.30.hmm maybe I shouldn't sleep too much in the afternoon..

MrsS, my edd is around 25 April few days earlier than urs :eek:

My gynae is Dr john yam..he has a clinic at Gleneagles too
Littlebluecinders, yes yes I have probs slping at night these few days, maybe becuz I been taking long afternoon naps... How ar? Afternoon never slp I very tired leh... And my cramps get unbearable at night, I wake up and had diarrhoea last two nights, Haiz.. Then sleep till halfway I hungry can't slp lol...

I slept at 2 plus, woke up at 7.... Previously I have no probs slping... I can take long naps and still slp like a pig at night. I realised all the nauseous, cramping, diarrhoea and insomnia started after my prenatal and calcium pills. I will b week 9 tmrw, hope it gets better...
Hihi, I'm also insomnia despite the fact that I'm very tired. Can i check with u gals if u got a slight yellowish discharge with a little smell? Btw, did u gals had a yellow and green test strip urine teat every time u visit the gynae? Is that suppose to be the vaginal infection test strip? I just had my scan yesterday and the gynae say the baby is healthy. But I forgot to ask about the yellow discharge, getting forgetful. ^^
Tomatoning, yes I have some slight yellow discharge (sometimes its white, sometimes it's milky) and they have an odor. I urine on the strips too, not sure if they are test strips for infection. But I did have urinal infection test few weeks back and they came back negative. At that point of time, I had slight white/transparent discharge which smell too...


Hello! First time mummy here!

Hello everyone!
So glad to have stumbled upon this as I have no mummy friends or even nummy friends to be.

I am at the start of my 8th week and EDD is 23 April 2013. I will be having my second check up at KKH this Wednesday! Will I be able to hear the baby's heartbeat? :)