EDD Apr 2013

thanks gals.. just read from the ministry of manpower website. as long as i served 90 days in the company i will get the paid maternity leave even though im under probation.

mine is a perm job.

yeah! i also look forward to every visit for the ultra scan.. hehe.. i gonna wait long long for my appointment. hehe..anyone going to do oscar ?
Hii Aprilaries,

Im also looking at job switching currently. I think my current work environment is not suitable for Preg woman. Anyway, if the new company is a government linked company, they are very supportive (especially after NDR). In any case, if your new co were to fire you when u are more than 3 months preg, they are still suppose to pay you the ML. (according to MOM website) ^^

Im doing my Oscar when baby is about 13th weeks. ^^
Do you mummies have weird dreams?

The day before I'm preg, I dreamt of myself giving birth to a baby in the toilet. Shortly, the baby grow into a 2-3 years toddler.
A little embarrassing, but these few days I keep having sexual dream. I dreamt of myself being a male having sex with 2 females (which I don't know them). Yesterday, I dreamt of myself having sex with the lady that sold spectacles near my place. :nah:

When I woke up from my dream, I'm sleeping facing up with abdominal cramp. Do you mummies have the same problem?
Hi tomatoning! Ya I am always feeling nauseous but I have never vomited, though at times I really prefer that I jus vomit instead of having that nasty feeling. I'm 7plus weeks now and these days, I'm not as tired and nauseous as before. Hubby says its becuz I have gotten used to it Aldy. Actually I have a huge threshold for tiredness even before I got pregnant. But the first few weeks really killed me, now I'm much better, not as tired as before.

I don't have any weird dreams, cuz I don't really have any dreams before I was pregnant.

You might want to think twice before switching jobs cuz many companies may not be so accommodating and accepting, y not stay in ur current job first as u r more used to it? I plan to resign only after I have given birth cuz it will be rather difficult to look for a job with a big tummy I guess. All d best to u!


New Member
Yohoo.... ALL, Apr 13 mum here too... my EDD is around early Apr, right now 8 wks plus...
for my 1st trimester, i do have all the preggy symptoms except vomit... gastric discomfort tortured me 24/7. no appetite to eat. hope it gets better when it comes to 2nd trimester.
Just went to see gynae for 2nd time, saw and heard baby's heartbeat, very excited experience.
I found ginger tea helps when it come to nauseous. try it!!!
Keep ur gals updated... cheers ^^

Lady Jess

New Member
Hi Ladies!

When did your morning sickness start? I read it usually kicks in at around week 6. Is there any body not having one at all?


New Member
Hi Ladies!

When did your morning sickness start? I read it usually kicks in at around week 6. Is there any body not having one at all?
Hey Jess, dunno whether mine can consider as morning sickness or not. but gastric discomfort and pain started around 7wks. always feel nauseous but didn't vomit at all so far...

Lady Jess

New Member
Hey Jess, dunno whether mine can consider as morning sickness or not. but gastric discomfort and pain started around 7wks. always feel nauseous but didn't vomit at all so far...
Thanks Kolly for your reply!
I am approaching week 6 and don't have morning sickness yet. I only feel tired and sleepy. I am now anxiously waiting for some stronger symptoms like morning sickness which I think will make me feel more pregnant.


Hi Ladies!

When did your morning sickness start? I read it usually kicks in at around week 6. Is there any body not having one at all?
Hello Lady Jess,

Mine start to kick off when I was 7 weeks. Started to feel nausea, and later on, vomited. Feeling better now after an injection and pills from gynae :)


Hi Jess - mine started in week 6 n became real bad in week 7...:( some lucky ladies don't get it at all...

Tomatoning - I do have dreams abt baby n also my hubby. :)


Xiuxiu - dr also asked me to go for injection if it's still bad. What kind of injection is it? And how is it suppose to help? Am scared of injections...:(
Hi tomatoning... yes I also having weird dreams recently...I'm going into week 6 and sleep very early every nite...I tink for the past 2 nites I dreamt of many things lol.. seldom dream of so many things before I got pregnant..

Btw, just a quick qns, can the baby's heartbeat be detected at 6 weeks? I'm gg for my first gynae appt next Monday..so excited:)..the nurse told me to come with a full bladder..I guess it's so tt it would b easier to detect the heartbeat?
Hi littlebluecinder, yeap you will be able to see your baby heartbeat at week 6. My gynae did not let me listen to it during my first appt though. I seldom dream before I'm pregnant. :eek:
Hi autumnfall, I'm suddenly feeling better today. Feeling quite energetic today and no more nausea feeling. Not sure why the sudden change in me, but I guess it's much better than feeling low energy for the last 2 weeks. :Dancing_tongue:

I don't dream much too before I'm pregnant, but not sure why keep having weird dream recently.

Actually I got a job offer. Just went for their medical checkup and so have already informed them that I'm pregnant. Not sure if they will go back on their words because I'm pregnant. Waiting for their reply before I tender for my current job. :eek:


Hi littlebluecinders, yup! I heard the bb's heartbeat in week 6 but it's through a transvaginal scan. :)

Full bladder could be abdomen scan or perhaps they wanna do a urine test for u... At the clinic that i visit, the ladies always empty their bladder for urine test before meeting the dr..

Excited for u! Keep us updated! :)
Hi all, I'm close to 6 weeks..woke up with some light brown discharge today and since yesterday I realised my breasts are no longer as sore as it used to be...I had v sore breasts for past few weeks..v worried now :( am going to the doc for a checkup... really hope my BB is fine..


New Member
Hi Tomatoning! hopefully my new company will be able to accept it... excited abt the new job yet nervous about telling them that.. Congrats on your job offer, hope they call you up soon. May i know what does pre employment checkup do? im going for one too.. hehe.

Hi Lady jess, its okie not to have MS. i did not have any MS except for tiredness for my previous one.

Hi Littlebluecinders, from what i know from gynae. full bladder is make it easier to see the baby through ultra scan. however when baby is bigger, no need for full bladder to see the baby. however, it will be advise to have some bladder before visit the gynae as most of them will test your urine.

no longer have sore breasts should be ok, our MS should gets better as baby grows.. regards to your light brown discharge, do check with gynae. dont worry too much. babies are stronger than we thought. :)


Xiuxiu - dr also asked me to go for injection if it's still bad. What kind of injection is it? And how is it suppose to help? Am scared of injections...:(
Hi pigletbao, the injection suppose to stop you from vomiting but you will still feel nausea sometimes (not so often thou) and let you drink and eat something. To prevent you from dehydration too. Becos if it is serious, may need to go for dripping (which is even more painful as the injection will be to your hand?)..

The injection he gave me, don't really feel pain.. Just feel numb and like a red ant bite you when he poked in. He poked near my hip area..
Hi all just went to see gynae, I'm 7 weeks plus now, edd is 15april!!! Jus saw baby's heartbeat, now Arnd 12mm, doc says everything is healthy and ok.... Jus wondering if any of u have Oscar scan recommendation? My gynae's Scan is Arnd 300, is it considered exp, Thot of goin to public hospitals for cheaper scans...


New Member
Hi all just went to see gynae, I'm 7 weeks plus now, edd is 15april!!! just saw baby's heartbeat, now Arnd 12mm, doc says everything is healthy and ok.... just wondering if any of you have Oscar scan recommendation? My gynae's Scan is Arnd 300, is it considered exp, Thot of goin to public hospitals for cheaper scans...
our edd just a few days apart! hehe. im doing the oscar scan at TMC. i took the package (oscar scan and detailed scanning at week 20). cost is about $400++


New Member
Dear all, im also an Apr13 mum-to-be :) edd as given by gynae is 15apr. Starting to have some symptoms since last wk and am especially having fatigue and slight nausea this wk but hasnt vomitted anything out yet, just that appetite and energy level not as gd as before..really hate the nausea feeling :( but heard fr my friend as advised fr her gynae befofe that we shld nt vomit in the first place so that ur brain will nt register that and will nt vomit and once u start vomitting, it'll just go on everyday till the end of the first trimester..so must endure and nt think abt vomitting out..