EDD April 2013..cont

To all mummies here, wld u mind if ur father in law carries ur baby girl without wearing a shirt n only with a pair of boxers? And with the same attire, putting her to sleep beside him on his bed ? Needs an opinion from all of you.
LyDeeAna:775846 said:
My baby born on 4.4.13 @ 0647hrs... when thru labour at 1245hrs... took epidural.at around 4.30am... safely deliver at 0647hrs...

edd was 22 Apr... he was born at 37wks 3days...
Congrats lydeeana!!!
sw33tvanilla:776483 said:
To all mummies here, wld u mind if ur father in law carries ur baby girl without wearing a shirt n only with a pair of boxers? And with the same attire, putting her to sleep beside him on his bed ? Needs an opinion from all of you.
Will really be uncomfortable for me as well. Maybe ask yr hubby speak to him.
Nurses at the hospital brings me bb to be fed every 3-4 hrs, and funny thing is only one side of breasts is producing milk, like 12ml, the other like, has nothing!

WoWorried, quickly bought fenugreek capsules to take, hope it works
As long as you feed your baby both sides, the milk supply will come. Rest well!
Will really be uncomfortable for me as well. Maybe ask yr hubby speak to him.
I had that feeling whatever my in-law did during my confinement time, I wasn't please. They are just trying to help and in fact, skin to skin contact is good for the baby. May be you can speak to him in a different way, like asking if he feels cold not wearing any cloths etc. Sorry, I am just ke po.
Mrs S, suggest u take epi.. so u r more relaxed n u dilate faster.. if u cant tahan the pain and faint while pushing, it can be very dangerous. ..
Mrs S, suggest u take epi.. so u r more relaxed n u dilate faster.. if u cant tahan the pain and faint while pushing, it can be very dangerous. ..
Whatever drugs you take crosses the placenta to the baby. When baby reaches the birth canal, there is reduce discomfort. While you may experience more pain, and that pain comes from fear than the pain itself. If you can let your body takes over and not resist it, birth will takes place sooner without the epidural. There are lots of misconception her and lots of fear people put on others. Birth does not have to accompany with excruciating pain. You can choose to prepare your body and mind for birth if you have not done so. Don't let other's experience becomes yours. Good luck!


New Member
Hello ladies...

I had my checkup done tis afternoon at 4pm.. Am at 38weeks 7days.

Doc says im 3cm dilated... And he did a stretch to my cervix, to try n start the labour..And told me admit to delivery suite to come tmrw mrng where dey gg to burst the waterbag.

Am not reli sure why.. But does dis stretch reli work??


Oh wow Euniz, labor is impending...!
Never heard of cervix stretch before...
All the best n good luck!!!
Hello ladies...

I had my checkup done tis afternoon at 4pm.. Am at 38weeks 7days.

Doc says im 3cm dilated... And he did a stretch to my cervix, to try n start the labour..And told me admit to delivery suite to come tmrw mrng where dey gg to burst the waterbag.

Am not reli sure why.. But does this stretch reli work??
It is called stretch and sweep, separating the membrane(sac) from the lower segment of the uterus. a form of induction. Can be very uncomfortable and also can cause infection. You can ask for their patient and time. There is no medical urgency to get the baby out. When they break your water bag, your baby has less cushion and baby can be stressful. It is good your body is ready but baby is not ready. It's best to wait for the natural onset of labor. More natural and more exciting. Good luck and take care.


New Member
Hi Mummies, anyone here having small babies? I'm pretty worried as i'm in my 37th week but my baby is just 2kg. Not sure what to do. Gynae kept wanting to induce me to deliver the baby but i do not want baby to go to NICU and would like to drag longer to ensure that baby's lungs mature. Any similar experience to share or any advise?