EDD April 2013..cont

Hmm I feel slight discomfort but not really painful. If u can tahan the way she check dilation, stretching is only slightly more painful... she will check for dilation and jus before she pulls her hand out, u can feel ur cervix stretching further for arnd 1sec and she faster pull her hands out. I believe she stretched me cuz ever since, my labor contractions has been very regular and my baby hasnt move much. I suspect it also helps in engaging babies head further, sort of like letting them sink in further to hasten birth..

I feel that dilation has a lot to do with backaches, once the pain radiates to ur tailbone, u dilate further.. for me it was like that.. haiz long way before I can see my boy, hope waterbag can burst first.. fastest way to dilate...
Hmm I feel slight discomfort but not really painful. If u can tahan the way she check dilation, stretching is only slightly more painful... she will check for dilation and jus before she pulls her hand out, u can feel ur cervix stretching further for arnd 1sec and she faster pull her hands out. I believe she stretched me cuz ever since, my labor contractions has been very regular and my baby hasnt move much. I suspect it also helps in engaging babies head further, sort of like letting them sink in further to hasten birth..

I feel that dilation has a lot to do with backaches, once the pain radiates to ur tailbone, u dilate further.. for me it was like that.. haiz long way before I can see my boy, hope waterbag can burst first.. fastest way to dilate...

Actually I also heard from a nurse fren, that instead of bursting water bag, another method is to sweep the membrane of dunno the uterus or the water bag to induce labour. This shd be quite close to what you are talking about.

Dr asked me if I wanna do that today, I said, uh, maybe not today lah, cos scared there might be huge discomfort. As it is, I already hv to bite my hand when she checks for dilation!


Walao lyn, make me sibei gan cheong......... Tmr morning my turn see gynae liao. My legs are getting very swollen too. Walk like between legs giap-ing one watermelon like that... Waddling like penguin or what I duno... But just hope everything will end soon!
Relax Jouline, probably not painful lah, jus uncomfortable! it's just that my muscles probably tensed up after the ultrasound scan as the horse wiped the gel off my stomach in a very rough manner and I was afraid she'd traumatise my baby! Then immediately after was the dilation check, so the discomfort... Otherwise shdn't hurt much!

just breathe and relax!


Hi all, I feel sad... I just went for my gynae check up. He asked if I want to give birth early cos I'm getting too heavy for my height and baby's weight is also increasing... So I said can help me check cervix? He checked and told me frankly say if can induce, he will help me. But he said induce will not help, cos my baby still don't want come out, she's like head trying to squeeze through my pelvic bone but not able to... So my baby may be overdue... And he said since not able to induce, must wait. Scenario may be c-sect. I was so eager to think I will be able to see her by this week but I doubt so now...

Autumnfall, don't count better. Make one self so stress not good...


New Member
Hello ladies.. Jz done with my antenatal checkup, am at 37weeks now.. No dilation check eversince my hospitalization. So am not sure if i already dilate more than 2cm or jz stagnant.

Doc didnt say much... Jz informed him dat i kept having this menstrual like cramp.

He said totally normal as the body is prepping for labour...

Spose to haf a weekly checkup.. But doc on leave next wk, he asked if i want to have another doc to check.. I turned him down... Too lazy to travel all the way to KKH just for a short checkup... So mine postpone till 2 weeks later. Hehehe...

I be on maternity by den.. Starts on the 10th.. Heheh
Hi jou don't sad. Baby gain weight is good thing. If gynae tink can deliver early then why not? U worry about the cost of cesarean? I have a colleague wife, doc ask her deliver early but she say wan wait then end up baby stillborn coz got severe eclampsia. Tat 1 then very very sad.

Autumn my gynae ask me count at least 10 movement per 12 hours. Baby no move very dangerous. So I tap on my tummy every an hr or so to make baby move if I feel no movement.

I really wish for sat to faster come. I very eager to c my baby.


Ice... Not the cost part. I really wish to have a natural delivery without epidural. Now may end up c-sect. What is eclampsia?

Bonjour, go see your gynae get some cough syrup. Safest for you and baby liao..
Jouline:773398 said:
Ice... Not the cost part. I really wish to have a natural delivery without epidural. Now may end up c-sect. What is eclampsia?

Bonjour, go see your gynae get some cough syrup. Safest for you and baby liao..
Natural wo epidural. . Wow u so daring ah! End of the day mum n baby safe most important. Doesnt matter mode of delivery.


New Member

I read abt this last nite.. So just sharing..

I like the method of swaying ur hips
Side to side.. Find it very soothing.

And gg on ur all fours n swaying side to side.. It made my back soooo much better...

But i rather Not consume anything to start labour....
I ate pineapple, went for long walks, do squats and walked up and down a stool and I was in labour the next day! jia you to the rest of the mummies here who r anticipating their bundle of joy. Going on labour without epidural really hurts!: (
Hi all jus delivered my hearty boy at 3w5d, all natural without epi but frankly I will suggest all to take epi becuz e pain is unbearable and poses danger to both mother and son.. if I had to choose again, I will not hesitate to take epi... thinking back, am really angry i didnt take earlier as baby might have been out earlier...

Was induce as baby's movement wasnt favourable, I think having a gd doc helps.. my dr was very patient and gave me time to try as im a ftm, took 17hrs but she was patient and encouraging.. babys head was rather high and he wasnt ready to come out so during every contraction, his heartbeat slowed and I becamr so worried.. eventually, thank god I finally dilated the las fee centimetres and baby was out le :) during the pushing I had episiotomy, so ya did my stitches and all.. the wound doesnt hurt, guess cuz I didnt take epi... was jus v slpy after delivery... anyways all the best to u mummies and have a safe n smooth delivery ya;)