EDD Aug 2011


I think my hubby forgets that I am pregnant sometimes cos he will treat me like a bolster. And his legs are super heavy!


New Member
Kimyen, sometimes when my hubby in a rush to go back to office, I also never scan. (happened once) but the consultation still $70+.

Anyway I am in wk 38 this week and I will be doing CTG scan.

I'm doing my CTG scan this weekend too! At TMC :) gynae say after 38 weeks must do ctg scan once every week until baby is out. Dreading the parking at TMC :(


New Member
Hi mummies

May I know what is CTG scan? And why are some of you paying for consultations? Isn't all in package?
I'm curious cos I'm w Dr Ang and so far after I cleared the package I do not need to pay when normal checkup


Pipilili; My guy commented last wkend that my hips grew so wide that he can't use me as bolster anymore..:(

Joyclee; which dr ang is it? I'm with this lady; dr Ang huai Yan ...But package
only covers wk 36 onwards..:/ consultations only.. Normal scans are standard I think... CTG
scans additional payment cause done at the hospital itself not at gynea...:/

But have yet to do any ctg scans this time round cause baby is super active....

Miarosa; parking at TMC is bad? Heheheh and I thought glenE was bad...:p bloody narrow turns... Sometimes we give up and park at bontanical gardens and walk in...:/ I do wonder how
Xc90s park at the last most basement sometimes.; keep telling my guy he no skill... Hahaa

jovin ; Seriously, I was afraid of looking at the photos as well... But cant stop
him; he's a photography freak so let him take, only had guts to view them months
later and was shocked there really isn't much blood involved..:) haha... So don't b scared and grossed out k:D but b prepared for one 'event' ; they will place baby straight
on mummy's chest when delivered... With cord and gooey stuff and all.... Trust me, inwasnt prepared and I just stared at her in shock...:/ and she stared back of course. Not a really motherly way of welcoming a small one I know , but gonna b prepared mentally for that this time round...:p

kimyen; u trying for normal delivery this time round right?:) have the gynea gave the go ahead? All the best:)


Pipilili; My guy commented last wkend that my hips grew so wide that he can't use me as bolster anymore..:(

Joyclee; which dr ang is it? I'm with this lady; dr Ang huai Yan ...But package
only covers wk 36 onwards..:/ consultations only.. Normal scans are standard I think... CTG
scans additional payment cause done at the hospital itself not at gynea...:/

But have yet to do any ctg scans this time round cause baby is super active....

Miarosa; parking at TMC is bad? Heheheh and I thought glenE was bad...:p bloody narrow turns... Sometimes we give up and park at bontanical gardens and walk in...:/ I do wonder how
Xc90s park at the last most basement sometimes.; keep telling my guy he no skill... Hahaa

jovin ; Seriously, I was afraid of looking at the photos as well... But cant stop
him; he's a photography freak so let him take, only had guts to view them months
later and was shocked there really isn't much blood involved..:) haha... So don't b scared and grossed out k:D but b prepared for one 'event' ; they will place baby straight
on mummy's chest when delivered... With cord and gooey stuff and all.... Trust me, inwasnt prepared and I just stared at her in shock...:/ and she stared back of course. Not a really motherly way of welcoming a small one I know , but gonna b prepared mentally for that this time round...:p

kimyen; u trying for normal delivery this time round right?:) have the gynea gave the go ahead? All the best:)
hahah Yeah.. I hope i dun faint seeing that, moreover.. i carry him for 10mths...


kimyen: Dun worry whether gynae under sub scheme is no good cos I can 100% confirm they are good. My cousin is under sub scheme under KKH. And she had a breech bb where they spotted and held her behind when she went for her check up. In the end, they told her they need to emerg c - sect her. She din even know which gynae c-sect her...hahahaha...but the wound was nicely recovered. Have faith in KKH....complicated preg also kenna referred to KKH leh...how can KKH be lousy? Maybe in terms of a few black sheeps, otherwise I think they are ok.

joycelee: KKH - Private suite dun provide any package, unlike private clinics. Every consultation is $70+ for me. If I take vitamins, it will cost more. ($100+) Anyway I dun mind not having package cos package equals to bonding you. It might be slightly cheaper but sometimes I wonder if service is still equally as good. Not saying all private gynaes who offer package is no good, but some are more $ face.

miaarose: I am wondering whether CTG is offered only to first time mum cos some forum mtbs who is w KKH private suite dun get to do CTG weekly, like me. Anyway whatever the gynae says, I just do cos I think he should know what is BEST for me. Plus I am also a worry wort...so better to make me feel safe.


Pipilili... Ure on ML as well right? How do u keep ureself sane? 2nd day
of ML and I'm killing myself with boredom ....


haha ive been quite busy since i stopped working! haha mum keeps bringing me out due to reno next door..

pipi.. yeap!! new place is nearer to hosp.. at least on the same island hehe .. my helper also very forgetful sometimes but i think it takes time for them to get used to our lifestyle laa

i havent really went for check up which involves scanning and all the est weight since 34w :p abit lazy to go anyways.. as long as i monitor baby movement.. everyday got some form of bully mummy activity i think i'm all good :p


Any advice on doing flash cards? Or any webby to read up from? I also thinking of doing it when I go on ML which is soon...
I think there 2 methods... one with picture (more like shichida) and other is on words (Glenn Doman)
You can go you tube search Glenn Doman to see how he does it. Material for flashcards u can get those index cards or from supplier My Little Ones

Try reading the book first.. How to teach you baby to read or do maths.. borrow from library will do. Btw.. I'm really free to kill time.. hahaha


I think there 2 methods... one with picture (more like shichida) and other is on words (Glenn Doman)
You can go you tube search Glenn Doman to see how he does it. Material for flashcards u can get those index cards or from supplier My Little Ones

Try reading the book first.. How to teach you baby to read or do maths.. borrow from library will do. Btw.. I'm really free to kill time.. hahaha
Thanks jovin, I will go take a look!
I hope I will have the time to do all these cos I still have lots to do at home...


Jess...at least ure going out to get fresh air:) I'm waiting for sun to set then heading out to shop abit.... Waiting game is killing me....

Already have alot of flash cards at home, unused from Adriana....and books... So that part is settled....

And I can't sleep anymore..... Feel lethargic just lazing arnd today.... And my eyes hurt under sun.... Any of u feeling that way? Thinking it's my lens... Damn ...


New Member
Hi all,
this is wat I gather frm my frens. Ctg will be able to see how close ur contractions are. But mainly to see if got irregularities in baby's heartbeat. Make sure u bring something to read or games to play as it will take at least 45min-1hr. If the results show that ur contractions r consistent, ur gynae may do a vaginal examination on u to see of u're dilated. If contractions irregular, den gynae may or may not do the exam. The vaginal exam quite uncomfy but not painful. Gynae use two fingers to insert to ur vagina.

If u dilated 3-4cm and more than they admit u and get u ready for labour. If u dilated 1 or 2cm than they may tell u to go home and tell u to monitor ur contractions n look out for signs.

Not sure if it's only for 1st time mom.

Hi mummies

May I know what is CTG scan? And why are some of you paying for consultations? Isn't all in package?
I'm curious cos I'm w Dr Ang and so far after I cleared the package I do not need to pay when normal checkup


Hi all,
this is wat I gather frm my frens. Ctg will be able to see how close ur contractions are. But mainly to see if got irregularities in baby's heartbeat. Make sure u bring something to read or games to play as it will take at least 45min-1hr. If the results show that ur contractions r consistent, ur gynae may do a vaginal examination on u to see of u're dilated. If contractions irregular, den gynae may or may not do the exam. The vaginal exam quite uncomfy but not painful. Gynae use two fingers to insert to ur vagina.

If u dilated 3-4cm and more than they admit u and get u ready for labour. If u dilated 1 or 2cm than they may tell u to go home and tell u to monitor ur contractions n look out for signs.

Not sure if it's only for 1st time mom.
Dilate 1-2cm... hahah got feeling anot? I get the weird feeling,, bb dropping out. Even during lying down. Tonight see dr.. Yippy! aiming for 8 of aug bb.. hahha dun kno can anot. U all got any dates u specially like?


My 1st 1 dilate 1-2 cm, no feel but after that, contraction, of cos pain but bearable cos was in labour for 25hrs but still cna't give birth, ended up in Emergency C-Section.
My max was dilate 4cm only.
Sad: (

Hopefully this 1 will be faster.

No preferred date cos my EDD is 28th Aug and happens to be the last day of hungry ghost festival.
Dilate 1-2cm... hahah got feeling anot? I get the weird feeling,, bb dropping out. Even during lying down. Tonight see dr.. Yippy! aiming for 8 of aug bb.. hahha dun kno can anot. U all got any dates u specially like?


I did CTG scan and my gynae also poke me w finger. What does tt mean? According to the nurse who supervised my CTG, she said minimal contractions at wk 37 and bb heart beat ok. But my doc nvr say anything. This Fri, I will ask him more questions...kekekekeke...

Yeah everyday I wake up only when my bunny wakes up. If she overslept, I will disturb her to wake up. Move from right to left side and back again. Rub and then shake my tummy skin a little. As long as there is movement, I will feel safe.

What's the latest drama in HK now. Maybe I shd catch some drama to pass time. Can't sleep and sleep....they say the more you sleep, the bigger bb will grow. I have been eating n then sleeping. How sinful! :001_302: