EDD Aug 2011


Yeah! The total hospital bill plus gynea and PD
Don't mind me asking ure what your Gynea charged for the delivery? Mine was 2k for delivery and the '30 secs' visitations in morning during stay....paedri fees abt 900.... With all that don't think can afford another kid...:p not to mention the stress of losing the extra weight now..... Haha


Don't mind me asking ure what your Gynea charged for the delivery? Mine was 2k for delivery and the '30 secs' visitations in morning during stay....paedri fees abt 900.... With all that don't think can afford another kid...:p not to mention the stress of losing the extra weight now..... Haha
total delivery plus epidural 2548. Dr fee 1300 =3548 (-medisave 1650) =2198 + companion stay + disposables =2.5K.. ur PD so exp.. mine is 225 include in the Dr fee. Lose weight.. haiz my tummy looks ugly!
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Don't mind me asking ure what your Gynea charged for the delivery? Mine was 2k for delivery and the '30 secs' visitations in morning during stay....paedri fees abt 900.... With all that don't think can afford another kid...:p not to mention the stress of losing the extra weight now..... Haha

Ya, my bill of $2.5k is all inclusive. Gynae, PD, Dr for Epidural, Medication, Nursery etc...
Well, the actual bill is almost $5k plus actually, its after mediasave that it cost lower.

This time round, all my specialist (Gynae, PD & Anesthestian) fee are more reasonable, at least cheaper by 40% compared to my previous delivery. My previous gynae charges is exorbitant, plus the PD he recommend also charges extravagantly. That's y the bill of my single room in TMC is about the same as my double room in Mt A. Also thats the reason i change gynae... never regret. Haha!



Congrats! I can totally understand the feeling of having freshly showered hair.

Hee, i just finished my last massage session today and i told CL i want to wash hair today, she say OK. Yeah!
Waiting for bath time... :)


Kimyen, Purpeace... enjoy ur bom bom...:p Hahaha

Btw anyone of u going for those baby studio to take bb pictures? anywher to recommand? Not too exp :D


*faintz* and I thought prices for private docs are about the same.... Blurgh... Mine was female Gynea. Well at least was satisfied with her for both deliveries; not the naggy type and let me do as I please:) except when I smoked that is..:p
paedri fees I think he charges more, Even for the vacinations...my#1 vaccines was abt 200-400+ each time....but since she's used to the doc, didn't bother to change..... Hiaz...

I'm bleeding again! Menses came 2 days ago..:( thought would b delayed when breast feeding? Hiazzzzzzz.....


Purpeace.. Haha... Nice day to have a good long warm bath...:)

jovin, not going studios though... Their daddy avid photographer... Let him have the pleasure of that.... Haha...


We dun have those professional SLR cam leh... the daddy not into photo :( so I tot go studio, I dun think I wan another :p so give my boy watever I can.

Btw jus curious.. I going out next mon to do my hair, will be out at least 6-8 hrs... how abt the breastmilk? Need i bring a bottle out and Squeeze some in the toilet.. hahah. Can someone advice me.. what should i do..? I dun wanna drop my supply as well :(



You are good... can go out 6-8 hrs one shot... For me, at most 3-4 hours.

When i went to catch Jacky concert, i used avent breast milk collection shell, it prevents engorgement and collect breastmilk. By the time i reach home like 4 hrs later, think i have collected about 10ml of milk from each side, but all have to pour away cause too long le.. milk expired.

If you are out for so long, i would advise you pack a manual breast pump and pump once at least.
Alternatively, you can also use the breast milk collection shell, then all you need to do is just go toilet every 1-2 hours to pour out the collected milk. But not sure if supply will drop using this method. Its good for relieve of engorged breast for sure. :)



You are good... can go out 6-8 hrs one shot... For me, at most 3-4 hours.

When i went to catch Jacky concert, i used avent breast milk collection shell, it prevents engorgement and collect breastmilk. By the time i reach home like 4 hrs later, think i have collected about 10ml of milk from each side, but all have to pour away cause too long le.. milk expired.

If you are out for so long, i would advise you pack a manual breast pump and pump once at least.
Alternatively, you can also use the breast milk collection shell, then all you need to do is just go toilet every 1-2 hours to pour out the collected milk. But not sure if supply will drop using this method. Its good for relieve of engorged breast for sure. :)
Collection shell Wher to buy? Manual pump I also dun have only got electric ones :( cos not bringing Bb out dun kno will drop supply anot.


Kimyen, Purpeace... enjoy ur bom bom...:p Hahaha

Btw anyone of u going for those baby studio to take bb pictures? anywher to recommand? Not too exp :D
I just had my bb infant pics by a photographer name carrie last mon, my bb very chanky, pee on our bed for 3 times....you can check out my facebook pics


I just had my bb infant pics by a photographer name carrie last mon, my bb very chanky, pee on our bed for 3 times....you can check out my facebook pics
My Bb too.. But is poo on mine and grandma bed. We put changing mat, but his poo "shoot" out :(



I have been through that and done that.
My #1 poo and pee and puke on our new bed so many times... and we are going to give this bed to him when we shift house next month. Hehe.. :p


The breast milk collection shell can be bought at places that sell Avent products... think NTUC, (selected) Kiddy Palace, Isetan, Robinsons all should have.. Costs about $34.

I will be using it each time i go out without baby. Most important thing is it helps to relieve engorgement. I have 4 wedding dinner coming up between Oct to Dec, surely will suffer engorgement if i seat through the dinner, hence i bought the shells for this purpose.


Hi all mommies,

how's life after birth? My bb was down with colic one week after birth. Very difficult to handle as bb felt in pain when his colic attack him......finally i see better in my bb lately, the attack seem subsided a lot and less cranky. I had all the sleepless nights and lost 14kg in jug 2 weeks, amazing!!! Juz wanna share my time with the bb......hope u gals are doing fine.




I have been through that and done that.
My #1 poo and pee and puke on our new bed so many times... and we are going to give this bed to him when we shift house next month. Hehe.. :p


The breast milk collection shell can be bought at places that sell Avent products... think NTUC, (selected) Kiddy Palace, Isetan, Robinsons all should have.. Costs about $34.

I will be using it each time i go out without baby. Most important thing is it helps to relieve engorgement. I have 4 wedding dinner coming up between Oct to Dec, surely will suffer engorgement if i seat through the dinner, hence i bought the shells for this purpose.
Purpeace, I have been buying so much for the bf. First the Pump, next the pillow (cos i dun know how to latch on), then the breastpads.. now the collector.. i really hope i can hang in there longer :D.. if not really not worth



I have been through that and done that.
My #1 poo and pee and puke on our new bed so many times... and we are going to give this bed to him when we shift house next month. Hehe.. :p


The breast milk collection shell can be bought at places that sell Avent products... think NTUC, (selected) Kiddy Palace, Isetan, Robinsons all should have.. Costs about $34.

I will be using it each time i go out without baby. Most important thing is it helps to relieve engorgement. I have 4 wedding dinner coming up between Oct to Dec, surely will suffer engorgement if i seat through the dinner, hence i bought the shells for this purpose.
Can give me more info on the collector.. I am interested.. shouldnt have ask my hubby to buy pad. Come to think collector make EVERY drop counts! Hahahah ok.. I saw medela, and avent.. then Purpease how soon do i empty the collection? Every 2 hrs?



I can understand how you feel.. i have this mindset when im bf my #1 and my supply is low. But also because of the high costs incurred, i perservered and managed to bf my boy for 8 mths. The reason i stopped is because i went overseas for hoilday for a week, and even though i pump when in hotel, my supply dropped tremendously when back to Sin, so no choice, have to stop bf.

This time round, i hope i can bf for at least 6 mths or longer, but i know once i return to work i wont be able to bf le. Anyway, whatever the timeline, as long as we did our best, baby will still benefit. :)



I can understand how you feel.. i have this mindset when im bf my #1 and my supply is low. But also because of the high costs incurred, i perservered and managed to bf my boy for 8 mths. The reason i stopped is because i went overseas for hoilday for a week, and even though i pump when in hotel, my supply dropped tremendously when back to Sin, so no choice, have to stop bf.

This time round, i hope i can bf for at least 6 mths or longer, but i know once i return to work i wont be able to bf le. Anyway, whatever the timeline, as long as we did our best, baby will still benefit. :)
Yar heavy investment wor.. Btw... the Avent is better or Medela? I heard u cannot wear to sleep or bend down? Will flow out? I bought breast pad already.. argh waste money :( I gotten nipple shield too.. not knowing they got size.. I bought smaller size and cannot use :'(