EDD August 2013


I'm staying cheerful for this festivity :)

Yes I got the progesterone from gynae. This time round I dont get any side effect. The last time I was prescribed and I felt horrid. I hated the days then! Didnt look forward to anything at all.
Dragontail, i also agree with the rest. Why don't you go to another gyne to seek for another opinion. I believe it would ease your mind up instead of worrying. :(
It must be really hard for you right now....Pray....wish for the best...i believe we all here would also be praying for you....hopefully everything would be okay....


Dragontail...Must look on the bright side k =)
Miracles will happen....
Dun think too much...rest well and your little poppy seed will grow. :)


Active Member
Thanks for all your advice.

My gynae didnt say there's zero hope yet. Some things need time to develop I guess. I'll seek another gynae's advice if next Wed's result is still -ve. Have told my boss I'll take a sick leave for that day.


how many weeks are you in now? Wah.. must keep plastic bag in our bag and car.
Today marks the 6th week into my pregnancy. Nausea was very terrible the whole morning. :( I put 1 "breadtalk" plastic bag inside my bag. haha. Think i should get those cannot see through one better.

How about u?


Today marks the 6th week into my pregnancy. Nausea was very terrible the whole morning. :( I put 1 "breadtalk" plastic bag inside my bag. haha. Think i should get those cannot see through one better.

How about u?
I'm 8th weeks now.

ya.. maybe get a colored plastic bag. hehe =)


Dragontail, any news? I hope your pregnancy symptoms are back.

I think now is the 7-8 weeks portion whereby most of us are feeling exhausted and nauses. :( Its terrible. Can you guys have a good night sleep? I had to wake up every 2-3 hours just to pee pee. :( By 8 o'clock in the morning, i feel nauses and I can't sleep...very alert... now i am feeling sleepy....


Dragontail, any news? I hope your pregnancy symptoms are back.

I think now is the 7-8 weeks portion whereby most of us are feeling exhausted and nauses. :( Its terrible. Can you guys have a good night sleep? I had to wake up every 2-3 hours just to pee pee. :( By 8 o'clock in the morning, i feel nauses and I can't sleep...very alert... now i am feeling sleepy....
i hold on my pee to sleep.. haha.. lazy to wake up during midnight. I sleep quite early since 8pm til this morning 7.30a.m. But I do woke up few times cos stomach abit cramp but yet i refuse to go toilet. =p

after such long sleep, I didnt feel refresh like before pregnancy, still very sleepy now. =p


i hold on my pee to sleep.. haha.. lazy to wake up during midnight. I sleep quite early since 8pm til this morning 7.30a.m. But I do woke up few times cos stomach abit cramp but yet i refuse to go toilet. =p

after such long sleep, I didnt feel refresh like before pregnancy, still very sleepy now. =p

!!!Mamalve, how can you hold your pee sia! I tried...but give up....:( Need to clear the bladder before i can sleep. Then sometimes my hubby middle of the night suddenly will unknowingly put his hand on my tummy =.="" End up making me feel like peeing more....

Yah...hopefully this period will pass....really tired....


!!!Mamalve, how can you hold your pee sia! I tried...but give up....:( Need to clear the bladder before i can sleep. Then sometimes my hubby middle of the night suddenly will unknowingly put his hand on my tummy =.="" End up making me feel like peeing more....

Yah...hopefully this period will pass....really tired....
haha... wlilian u r cute! so do your hubby! hehe... luckily my hubby did not do that.. haha.. =p

i clear bladder before going to sleep. but I really hate to wake up in the middle of the night, I rather sleep! haha...


Active Member
wlilian, thanks for the concern. I've had an mc. Was at my gynae visit yesterday and he said all cleared naturally so luckily I do not have to go thru a D&C.

Good to read all you mummies are happy and well here. All those uncomfy ms will pass :) Have a merry and healthy 8 more months!


wlilian, thanks for the concern. I've had an mc. Was at my gynae visit yesterday and he said all cleared naturally so luckily I do not have to go thru a D&C.

Good to read all you mummies are happy and well here. All those uncomfy ms will pass :) Have a merry and healthy 8 more months!
Hugs dragontail, keep up the hardwork!!! We wait for u..!! =)


New Member
Hello all August Mommies :) I'm glad to find this thread. I'm also going to be a Aug mommy :)) First time for me, and I'm not staying in sg, so a bit scared and apprehensive :(