EDD August 2013


wlilian, thanks for the concern. I've had an mc. Was at my gynae visit yesterday and he said all cleared naturally so luckily I do not have to go thru a D&C.

Good to read all you mummies are happy and well here. All those uncomfy ms will pass :) Have a merry and healthy 8 more months!
Dragontail, sorry to hear that. :( Dont be discourage....you can try again....Hopefully you will have another 1 soon...


New Member
wlilian, thanks for the concern. I've had an mc. Was at my gynae visit yesterday and he said all cleared naturally so luckily I do not have to go thru a D&C.

Good to read all you mummies are happy and well here. All those uncomfy ms will pass :) Have a merry and healthy 8 more months!
Hi Dragontail, sorry to hear about it. You take care and rest well, stay positive :) hope to hear good news from you soon.. *Huggs*


New Member
Hello all... I've got a question about food... is it ok to drink soup (say lotus root soup) that's cooked with dried scallops/ikan bilis & red dates weekly ? I like hot soupy stuff a lot and it's cold here now. I think my being a first time mom and away from home is making me a bit of a worrywort and paranoid :((


Hello all... I've got a question about food... is it ok to drink soup (say lotus root soup) that's cooked with dried scallops/ikan bilis & red dates weekly ? I like hot soupy stuff a lot and it's cold here now. I think my being a first time mom and away from home is making me a bit of a worrywort and paranoid :((
I guess shouldn't be any problem. =) I'm drinking all type of soup too.. as long as is cooked food will do. =)


Hello all... I've got a question about food... is it ok to drink soup (say lotus root soup) that's cooked with dried scallops/ikan bilis & red dates weekly ? I like hot soupy stuff a lot and it's cold here now. I think my being a first time mom and away from home is making me a bit of a worrywort and paranoid :((
I am also drinking soup, those soup should be okay. example Winter melon with pork ribs etc.... But i heard for example herbal soup...try not to drink it excessively like every single day or what...like those with dang gui or very herbs one (extrememly strong one)....cos they say too much of it might cause your child to have jondis....but moderately should be fine for you and your child to grow strong...


Dragontail, hope u and ur hub is handling well this time round. Don't give up... let ur body rest more. Pray over ur body n womb...and speak of good word to your womb everyday to be strong. God will do the miracle for you.


Hello all... I've got a question about food... is it ok to drink soup (say lotus root soup) that's cooked with dried scallops/ikan bilis & red dates weekly ? I like hot soupy stuff a lot and it's cold here now. I think my being a first time mom and away from home is making me a bit of a worrywort and paranoid :((
Yes its fine. As long as no dang gui, any soup is fine. I cooked pork porridge with dried scallops and its really yummy. R u in China?


New Member
Hello all... I've got a question about food... is it ok to drink soup (say lotus root soup) that's cooked with dried scallops/ikan bilis & red dates weekly ? I like hot soupy stuff a lot and it's cold here now. I think my being a first time mom and away from home is making me a bit of a worrywort and paranoid :((
Thanks MamaLve, Wlilian & diorly :) Ooh.. diorly, I like porridge with scallops too hehe :) Ya , I'm currently staying in Shanghai, wished I'm back home tho... wld feel better, but bo bian.... so have to learn to manage, hope all will be well. So happy to find this forum, at least can connect with the mommies back home in sg.


New Member
Hi all,

I'm expecting my first baby in aug 2013 too! Am only in my 8th week now but am thinking of buying maternity pants this weekend! Stomach is bulging out and my current pants are all too tight for comfort. Have you all bought any yet? Am I too early?


New Member
Hihi... good morning all the mummy.... I m expecting my first bb for 7 weeks n always wake up at this hrs:(
I have a bad gastric discomfort. . & constipation since I 6week pregnant :( I heard once pass 3mth all will back to normal?


Hi all,

I'm expecting my first baby in aug 2013 too! Am only in my 8th week now but am thinking of buying maternity pants this weekend! Stomach is bulging out and my current pants are all too tight for comfort. Have you all bought any yet? Am I too early?
Good...found someone like me....:) My tummy also growing and i can't wear all my shorts already...my husband keep saying i eat too much...all are fats =.=""


Dragontail..babydust to you. I'm sure you will join us soon again. =)
Welcome all mummies...
escape, i already bought my 1st White shorts from maternity shop few days ago...buy early can fully use it..haha! More important must feel comfortable too tight shorts or skirt will lead to backache.


New Member
Phew! Lucky I'm not the only one haha. Hubby still ask me to eat more! I think he can't wait for my stomach to be bigger and bigger. Lol. But my sis also say its fats Haha.

Any shops to recommend?


Phew! Lucky I'm not the only one haha. Hubby still ask me to eat more! I think he can't wait for my stomach to be bigger and bigger. Lol. But my sis also say its fats Haha.

Any shops to recommend?
Online? Q100? Much cheaper... I feel that singapore maternity wear really overrated and its very expensive =.=" just one short can cost $45 bucks.....how much to spend for 9 months sia..... on top of that i'm FTM...still need to buy alot of new baby stuff also...