EDD Dec 2010


Hi all mummies, just want to inform you guys that I have delivered a baby girl via emergency c-section on 15/10/10. My due date is on 15/12/10. So yah I delivered 2 months early at 31 + 3 days gestation weeks. This is all due to preeclampsia. My BP skyrocketed & there's protein in my urine. For safety of both mother & child, doctor adv c-section. My baby girl name Marsha is in neonatal intensive care unit & will be there for quite a while.
To all please pray for my baby girl. Hopefully she will pull through this difficult times. I know she's a strong girl. If other preemies can do it, she can too!
Hi Suzy,

Take good care of yourself & dun worry, your baby gal will be fine. :)


New Member
Hi mommies! Just went to e baby expo today. A bit disappointed with e offerings as I did not manage to find a lot of selection as I had expected to. To top it all up, I think e organizer did quite poorly in e layout of e place. E aisles were pretty narrow for a crowd full of expectant mothers and families with kids in prams. Had to push my way through some areas and it totally turned me off. moreover some major brands like j&j baby's, maclaren n avent were visibly missing from e show. Will not recommend e mommies whom have not go to go. For avent there's e philips carnival sale next weekend, which I think has more chance of getting stuffs.


Luckily i nv went for the expo sale :)

Just to check with u mummies. Is it normal for our tummy to appear slightly down at this stage? Cos my colleague told me that she noticed my tummy tend to be lower than before recently.


Ya e expo fair was a disappointment. Heard there is another fair in nov.
Yes it's normal for e tummy to look lower. Mine as well.
Another having contraction pains at week 34?I hv been having Pains worse than cramps since 3am Saturday. Jus went to see gynae n after lookg at e graph he said tt yes I m having small contractions. so now m on pills to control e contractions n delay e bb from coming out for another 2/3 weeks hopefuly!!


i still can't differentiate how is contraction like.. few weeks back i experien ced sharp pain but obly for dat 2-3 days on and off. then peaceful.. only these 2 days i start to experience menstrul cramp like, but mild pain only.


New Member
Ya e expo fair was a disappointment. Heard there is another fair in nov.
Yes it's normal for e tummy to look lower. Mine as well.
Another having contraction pains at week 34?I have been having Pains worse than cramps since 3am Saturday. just went to see gynae n after lookg at e graph he said that yes I m having small contractions. so now m on pills to control e contractions n delay e baby from coming out for another 2/3 weeks hopefuly!!
Wow! Oh boy, guess we're all into high-gear mode already. Just went for gynae's appt yesterday and he said my little one's already facing down. I'm at week 33 btw. so hoping that he'll stay in that nice position for 7 more weeks. But also means I have to tahan his feet kicking around my ribs or his butt move below my chest for that long as well. Ouch!
No cramps/contractions yet. Hope I can tell the real thing when it comes along. Hee.
N yes, i do get a scan every time i go to my appts. Doc says it's very safe - no worries!


New Member
Dont preassure yourself to much a strong mummy will give strong vibes n strength to d baby its a bonding from god she will b fine our prayers for her, my elder sis had a premature labour only 5mth d baby d size of her palm, had to be in d incubator for almost 6mths n now shes d biggest of all my nieces healthy n active



I am in 31 week now. Feel some bony pain below. When gyn for check and luckily no dilation yet.

Anyone feel the same?


New Member
Hi all mommies!

Thread's been quiet for a while so thought will just start the ball rolling again. How's all of you getting along? I'm now into week 34 and starting to feel some contractions below my chest - that's like quite high ey?

My baby room is filling up pretty quickly *gasp!*. I can imagine how much things my babe will have next time when he starts playing with toys/books etc.

Thank goodness it's a short week this week! Will be spending the holiday with my dear hubby - breakfasting at our fave cafe, taking a slow walk in the park around our neighbourhood, and maybe even finally sing karaoke! Hee.

Enjoy the last few weeks you have left with your prince/princess inside you! I think I'll miss the times when he squirms and stretches around in my tummy. It's been a long 30 plus weeks, but the buns are almost ready for serving! :shyxxx:


I went for my checkup last week (my 32nd week) and everything is well. Baby is almost 2kg and i'm beginning to feel baby pushing against ribcage, making my movement quite restricted. Now 33rd week liao, going for next checkup on 35th week. Hopefully all goes smoothly again :)


New Member

I am in 31 week now. Feel some bony pain below. When gyn for check and luckily no dilation yet.

Anyone feel the same?
hi there, u feel pain below? pelvis area? well.....i felt the pain too due to baby getting bigger n gaining weight. i seek advise frm my gynae n got help frm my therapist. she help me to release the pain by doing the prenatal massage. I had d session for continuously once a week for 1hr per session, u can try her help call her @ 81014039 ms manis her website www.enlivenprotherapist.com


Dear mummy,
Sorry to interrupt. I have 10pack Chinese herbal brought from hock haw, original price $2/pkt. I'm willing to let go at $1/pkt. Pls pm me if you are interested. It will be self collection and cash.


New Member
Hi hi thought i'd drop by and join the convo

about 32 weeks along now with my #2, EDD 8 Jan but having c-sect so will be a Dec baby :) delivering at Parkway East with Dr Denas Chandra.

He's (the baby, not Dr Chandra lol) been very active these past few days, feels like he's doing gymnastics and somersaults in the womb haiz

very tired these days also...often feel like hibernating

my girl is 3+...she thinks that everyone has a baby in their belly, including herself. Very cute. I can only hope that she will be a good big sister...

Hope everyone has a good day ahead :)


Hi hi thought i'd drop by and join the convo

about 32 weeks along now with my #2, EDD 8 Jan but having c-sect so will be a Dec baby :) delivering at Parkway East with Dr Denas Chandra.

He's (the baby, not Dr Chandra lol) been very active these past few days, feels like he's doing gymnastics and somersaults in the womb sigh

very tired these days also...often feel like hibernating

my girl is 3+...she thinks that everyone has a baby in their belly, including herself. Very cute. I can only hope that she will be a good big sister...

Hope everyone has a good day ahead :)
Welcome and congrats on ur #2 gumbokins!

Tink most MTB here is getting more and more excited now since its getting nearer and nearer to our EDD.. I am always worrying that darling girl will come early.. :nah: but her head is not even down yet.. haiz... dun koe y always worr so much..:embarrassed:



Hi Mummies-to-be

Sorry to disturb your thread.

I have 2 packs of Brand New Pureen Madame Maternity Pads for sale or exchange.

FYI: There are 20 pieces in a pack.

Please Note: These pads come with adhesive backing that helps to secure the pads in position

Advantages of Pureen Maternity Pads:
1. Super soft
2. High absorbency
3. Extra large for post natal use

As you can see from the picture, 1 pack of maternity pads costs me $7.50. But now, I am selling BOTH packs at $10 only. In another words, you get to save more than 30%.

I would like to exchange for 3 packs of Pigeon Wet Wipes 82s.

Where to collect the item?
1. Self collect at my house- Bukit Panjang (Fajar)

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 8421 5286.


Last edited:


Hey gals, how have u all been? It has been quite awhile dat this thread has quiet down.. I've just went for my checkup today. now is the 35th week for me and baby is 2.5kg heavy now. so far so good.. but i've already put on abt 13kg so far.. body is aching quite badly also.


went for my chkup early this month, baby weighs 2.9kg, and facing down. i gained 25kg!! overweight!!
many ppl thought im having twins =_="
i wanted normal delivery....

so far, i dont feel any contraction ...i wonder how the braxton-hick feels like...


New Member
Hi all mommies!

I'm 37 weeks this week! Babe is full term! Finally!
I think so far I've gained 12-13 kg from the beginning. Hopefully I don't have a problem in losing it after baby comes!
I can feel baby's kicks and twists very clearly now that he's getting bigger. He's been keeping me up at night pretty much with his acrobatics. Oh boy... I hope he'll be this active too when he arrives in another 3 weeks!
Have you ladies packed your hospital bag? Mine's still quite empty - only brought pads, disposable panties and a few pcs of tops. Am i missing anything still?
Hope to hear from you ladies too! Final final lap of the marathon before we hit the finish line!