Edd dec 2012

Mreow Mreow

Ur frequent hardening of tummy is BH!!
I have it very often man.
In half an hour can have 3times.
Luckily at the moment still painless..
Juz very tight...

Hmm, u might not be overdue like wad my doc said...
Keep ur fingers crossed babe!!! :D
When Is ur next check up? :)

Mamadt, I didn't mention my nipples!!
Think I will be like u and not fiddle so much with them. Haha! :)

Luckystar, I'm glad u found a better Gynae!!
I'm sure she makes u feel more reassured...
That's very IMPT.
Have to be able trust ur Doc, Esp during Labour!
We are in their hands man.... :)
Meow meow

I cannot rem the name of ointment le.. it's a medical term. Ya I felt better today.. yday sit or stand up will feel pain lor... :(

Wow good news for you! Actually I also don't week pelvic pain though I'm petite but I have big hips.. haha ... if so really hope my baby can come out easier... haha...your gynae press can tell baby engaged le? I wonder engaged can feel anything? I useful to hear my friend said it's like there's a ball at your vaginal there cos baby is so low but now I don't feel this yet. Coming Fri will be able to know baby engaged already or not. :)

Luckystar glad u found a better gynae! Better to trust your instinct than to regret. Cos I find some gynae really don't perform their role well


mreow mreow
wahhh your baby is engaged! mine not yet... a bit worried when my baby will engaged... ur gynae so good even ask ur birth plan, miine don't even bother to ask me. until i ask her should i prepare a birth plan then we just talk a bit not even 5 minutes!
we will not visit her again for our next baby, so regret never change the gynae. she's very professional no doubt, but she's not informative at all.

i want to count the interval, but i just feel like the cramp is forever hehehe, told my husband, what if it's a real contraction but i never realize, scary!

your baby is in good size, mine small T_________T everything go to me! each visit to gynae, she will always tell me a bit small, feel so bad. let's hope tomorrow baby will increase until 2.7 at 38weeks ba.. previously 2.5 at 37 weeks. my hubby always said it's ok, smaller baby good for normal delivery...
we're counting down....


Momopeachgal , MamaDT
My exp with the second gynae was much better today. She is really hands on ; she did the swab to check for GBS , and also checked baby engaged or not . She told me baby is engaged but not descended as yet. Also she found that I had a fungal infection , quite a lot, and that would have been bad for a normal delivery. She's given me meds for that . I can't believe my gynae did not detect this , or even if he did detect, he didn't treat me for this.
Also the new gynae told me that my baby was big sized , it was already measuring about a week ahead. So it measures 37 weeks at 36 weeks now. So if I wait till 40weeks the baby might be too big for natural delivery . So would be a good idea to induce at 38 weeks.

Net net gave us a lot to think about.
Hi Luckystar

Glad u found a good gynae. May I know what is ur baby weight? Hmm I had small bacteria count on urine n my gynae did not say anything although its in report. I shall grill him tmr.

Wah I lost 1.5kg since last Wednesday. Tmr go for scan measure baby weight again.

Hi mummies, have u read abt the KKH baby mix up? Scary ya. Mum told me do baby foot print n hand print after give birth. Now I'm searching for dermatologically tested ink and paper hahaha. Maybe I can use lint less paper from my company but dunno abt the ink. Any suggestions?


Hi all!
I'm back from Gynae checkup!
Now at Mustafa eating Indian Food!! :D

Here's my LONG update.......

Doc pressed my Tummy, said she's engaged!! :D :D

Baby is growing well @ 2.8kg.

He ask bout my Birth plan.
He's Fine wif me prefering Natural birth w/o epidural first
so he let me try to c if I can tahan the pain! :)
Let me decide till I'm 5cm dilate.
He also said that most of his mummies succumb to Epi in the end!

he say most probably no choice he will do the episiotomy cuz our Asian Vags can't open to so big for the baby.
Initially I rather have a natural tear than be Cut ma...
Damn... Ouch :(

He also said
1) sHe'll be over 3kg at birth.
2) next wk at 38wk will do Cervix check .
3) I'm ready to Pop,
But won't be this wk on my 37th wk
4) after Determine Dilation should be able to tell.
5) could pop anytime during my 38-39+ week.

He did the vaginal swap test.
So pai seh but no choice.
Better get used to him seeing my Bits now first. Haha! :)

He scheduled me for CTG next wk to see how my contractions are like.

Rmb I was having this query?
That y I don't feel pain pelvic pain?
I asked if I might be overdue as I don't have pelvic/ligament pains that most mummies have now.
Or could it be because of my HipSize?

He said "nope, dont feel pain doesnt mean u will be overdue. Yes, u don't have the pain cuz ur Hip is of Good size. The pain is Usually experienced by Women with small hips as their hips need to expand. Actually I think Delivery for u will be quite good & ok and baby should come out easily"

I was quite happy to hear that!! :)
Also happy to hear that I guessed correctly!!
That my hip sure bigger than u all as I'm 1.7m & I don't have the pains u all get!!

Mum & Aunties juz told me that if Hip small, after natural delivery, hip will widen & stay bigger than pre-pregnancy cuz during labour it will open sideways...

Woooo, means u mummies will be shapely and have Hour-glass figure after Labour!!!! :D

Hi Mreow Mreow,

Wah u fancy hips big big ya. Haha I'm torn between C sect n natural. Mom n godmother gave diff view. Mom said natural better. Give baby massage during travel from birth canal and experience shiok-ness sex can't give.
Godmother say c sect better cos down there remain tight. >.< awkward when old generation discuss and put into such context. Hahaha.

I too short to have big hips. Later I will look fat :(


Dmummy and momopeachgirl ,
My gynae exactly the same. He is extremely good in stitching and his wife is a plastic surgeon then every mummy goes to him and his wife after giving birth. For Ceasarean and episiotomy it is good to find good stitcher. If not like My aunt told me some gynae stitch not so good the husbands stand beside gynae and ask to re-do cos husbands need to face the vajayjay T_T. Lol.
I also have to ask him questions if not he brush me off quickly. But luckily he is a good natured man. I managed to joke with him during my CTG. he didn't directly push for Ceasarean although he might earn more frm that.

Mreow Mreow,
Today is nice date for me to give birth. Wonder why I didn't pop yet. Might go for induce on next Monday if not pop. I like 8th dec. dunno can tahan till then or not. Haha picking dates like picking wedding date ya! Memories.

Sze sze

Mreow mreow, that's good news for you~
agreed with your doc, i think ppl with bigger hips easier for natural delivery... my sis's gf with bigger hips and yoga background, she delivered her first bb very fast...

Btw, mreow mreow, for all baby that already engaged, you may pop anytime even if you are in wk37 or 38!!!
good news is most of us are already full term~
You done hospital bag already? :tlaugh:

Some info that I just learnt from my sis last night, it is about her experience during 2nd bb natural delivery...
When her 2nd bb engaged, doc advised her that once her bb engaged, the bb won't be able to move out already, and because her bb engaged too deep, she won't have any water bag burst, she would only have bleed and need to admit hospital...
So in case anyone encounter bleed, don't frek and panic ya~

Liza, really feel happy for you~

MamaDT, why we need cotton wool to clean nipple? not using something like baby wipe but is those kind of wipe specially for nipple wipe? I saw my sis used that to wipe nipple after take off the bra & bra pad and just before she latch on her girl, I think I dunno seen where selling this kind of wipe (maybe kiddy palace), i haven bought but thinking to go buy soon...

Luckystar, lucky u search for alternative opinion... good for you...

Cherry Blossom, i think u need to eat more friuts, let the stool come out smoothly and won't hurt the piles...
If you did not eat iron pill or eat less, you should eat more meat (that was what my gynae told me)...
Btw, I noticed that I have very smooth poo the next day after I drink coconut the night before (I got eat abit fresh meat also :) )

dmummy, my bb also estimated ard 2.6kg at wk 37.... but very weird because previous checking was 2.7kg at wk35... hahaha...
my gynae also speakless... so I think likely my bb at birth would be ard 2.8kg...
You don't worry too much now, just try to eat more now and hopefully bb will gain more weights during these last 2-3 weeks...


Hi Sze Sze,

wah almost ur c sec date liao.. 4 more days.. so whats ur plan these 4 days? have u bought enough things yet since u cant move around frreely at least 2 weeks initially and during the rest of confinement?


@momopeachgirl: yeah i also won't recommend her to my friend, but no choice now hahahaha need to just believe in her... sometimes for the first time parents, we need more reassurance, i don't have that feeling lor from my gynae.. i will change for sure! even she's good in stiching also i will change hahaha... just hope baby will be around 2.8 when she's born T_T i don't ask too much... too big also very hard for us to deliver haha... everybody is full term now! so excited

@lovepixie: a lot of gynae won't even bother to explain much ya... my friend's gynae will explain to her everything and even have the list of PD, eat or not to eat lists of food!!! maybe it's a small stuff, but if we get it from gynae directly we will feel better *at least for me* >.< my gynae won't even bother to joke with me ler haish.... my hubby quite like to joke also feel lazy wif her... the only thing that i like is, she's pro natural...

@Sze sze: yeah try not to worry too much, i already eat a lot, not sure what's wrong. maybe i'm not eating much protein... eh why the baby weight will decrease? hahahaha... if i look at the baby weight i always blame my hubby "seee!!! everytime complain mummy is fat, then our baby afraid she will fat then she is on diet!" 4 more days for you c sec, take care yaaaa


Hi mummies! I have a bit of time as baby Nurin is sleeping after feeding. Hehehe so dropping by here to thank all u mummies for ur well wishes n prayers. :)

lovepixie: hi there! :) baby Nurin gestational age wld be 39 weeks tmrw. She's doing great for a preemie baby. Drinking 60ml of milk now n sometimes can be a little bit more. Hee hee how many more weeks to ur delivery date?

Looks like its gonna rain. It's getting cloudy here in AMK. I'm feeling kinda sleepy cuz baby Nurin wakes up every 3 hrs for her feed. Last nite is d first of many more to come. Hahaha I wanna nap too since she's sleeping now. See ya mummies!
Hello! This is my first post! Any mummies here edd is first week of dec but not going for induce or csect? Just waiting to pop naturally? My edd is 9th dec, and I'm getting impatient alr haha as I'm so ready meet my prince!! But like no news from him lol


Hi Luckystar

Glad u found a good gynae. May I know what is ur baby weight? Hmm I had small bacteria count on urine n my gynae did not say anything although its in report. I shall grill him tmr.

Wah I lost 1.5kg since last Wednesday. Tmr go for scan measure baby weight again.

Hi mummies, have u read abt the KKH baby mix up? Scary ya. Mum told me do baby foot print n hand print after give birth. Now I'm searching for dermatologically tested ink and paper hahaha. Maybe I can use lint less paper from my company but dunno abt the ink. Any suggestions?
Hi Lovepixie,
my baby weight is between 2.8 to 3.2 (weight is always +/- 400gm), so she is a little big for 36 weeks.
loose weight no problem, i also lost 1 kg, but baby weight was increased.
Momopeachgal: thanks :D started to feel abit tummy cramps a few days ago but just for awhile only, not sure whether is it counted as symptoms? Haha. Guess we are all impatient mummies!

Just a question, mummies here do you prepare to use disposable diapers, traditional napkins or modern cloth diapers for your newborn?

Sze sze

momopeachgal, initially we prepared the worst - c sect, estimate cash 5k~ so now I go for c sect... hopefully won't have complications...

lovepixie, yes, read the news about mixing up the babies... so shocked!!
I told my husband to take photo and remember our bb look once she is delivered... heehee...
My bro-in-law told me that usually a bb will be tagged immediately once out from delivery room and checked again before bring back to nursing room...


hi Mummies , I'm going for my maternity photoshoot on sunday, do you have nay good makeup person to recommend?
i have a 10 am session, so would need someone who operates that early :)


Hi Lizasaifi, heartsmich,
My due date is in 4 days. >.<
I now oso considering induce or no induce. Epidural or no epidural. C-sect or not. Haiz. Will pray n leave all toGod

Hi Luckystar,
My baby oso big 36 weeks at 2.8kg. 37 weeks at 3.0kg 38 weeks at 3.3kg. 39 weeks at 3.5kg. This Sunday should be my 40th week. >.<

Personally I dowan induce. After calling all my preggy friends and friends who gave birth before convinced me that go natural and no induce if possible. But older generation give different opinion. Hmm nvm listen to this generation ppl better. Old days no research show pro natural or epidural effects etc


Hello mummies!!

Happy full term for most mummies! Haha

An update for my bb: told the nurse who checked my BP and weight that I had those cramps and vomitting, and she strapped me onto CTG before I see doc. Lol pro nurse. I lost weight so she also need to check bb heartbeat and stuff. There were two regular contractions, heartbeat was good and bb's movement is very good. Lol then see Gynae, bb is 2.74kg at week 37+3days, she advise me to induce as it is a good weight for my size to deliver naturally before bb goes 3kg which is hard for me. She finally gives me the green light to walk staircase, walk more as well so bb can come out ASAP. woot! She said induce pain but EPI can relief pain. So I was thinking quite ok lah. But I haven't give her an answer. I am thinking of a date to induce now but definitely next week before she flies as bb shd hit the 3kg mark next week. ('.'! ) stress on the limited dec dates. Haha
And bb head is very low already hence, I have many times of urge to poo haha that's what she said. And she asked me to start massaging my breast too. I think I am ready for delivery! Lol :p

Cherry Blossom, wanna hold hands and go deliver together? Hahaha we can meet at TMC labourward! Hahah :p

Sze Sze: I don't know why some mummies in TmC said they can use finish a roll of cotton wool. I am unsure use cotton wool for what except to clean nipples.. Some mummies do use cotton wool to clean their nipples. I am unsure about the wipes. What wipes is it called? After using wipes, is it safe for bb to suckle the nipple?

Momopeachgal: oh ham was DELICIOUS and SATISFYING! Hahaha

Lovepixie: yes yes the news about mixing up bb... Alamak, I couldn't believe that there is still such a mixed up in this era.... That's what I told my mum when we first saw the news. Faint.....

Mummies: I think I am quite happy with the checkup today, I walk alot and had a good steak for lunch at Jack's place and then eat honeydew then Yammi Yoghurt - peach flavor with granola! Yum yum! Slurp! Haha almost bought donutssss haha my mum was quite shock but happy to see that for once, I walk so much during pregnancy and walk pretty fast. And I kept repeating tt Gynae said I can finally walk walk more! Hahah I told her I wanna go orchard buy more cosmetics to reward myself then she said "as if u can go out during confinement -.-" - Thanks mum for such encouragement...

Lol have a great day ahead mummies!!!
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Luckystar, I am glad 2nd Gynae gave u good consultation advises and get the bacteria treated. Like Momopeachgal, wonder y ur 1st Gynae didn't detect the bacteria? Hmmm My goodness...

Mreow Mreow: our bb's weight the same! Haha so u wanna pop next week? Lol
I bought disposable diapers for night and also cloth diapers for day. How many you bought? I bought 5.... Donno enough anot.... Some bought like 10-20!

Wow that's a big baby. Keep talking to baby!


Hi ladies one advise I got from my new gynae is that to make labour come naturally , one has to walk , do squats and have sex . Lol!!
I cant have sex due to fungal infection , have to wait for it to clear out. But must walk and squat now. She said I have to do 80 squats a day !!!