EDD Dec 2014


Pris & starling

I cfm she will do d same tin tis round . Tis her habit . Hard to change her . She gt hygiene pro . When she cme my hse , after she tk out her socks . She dun wash hand . Den tk tibits for my lo . Nvm , previously during my #1 confinement , she watching tv , touching her feets . Den my boy jus few weeks old n crying for milk , den she jus stand up n go prepare milk wif out wash hand also . Faint.. i must remind her , eh ma u nvr wasH ur hand . Den she will jus rinse hand wif water ONLY .. omg.. faint.. they dun allow me to hire cl , cos too exp .. den if gt cl , at least she do wrong i can jus scold ma.. but she's my mil leh.. i cant do any tin .. my hse kitchen gt no table for her to put stuff.. cos my is new bto , so as ur kno .. d kitchen is much smaller den those old hdb kitchen . Even theres table for her , she will still put stuff on d floor . + her hse sofa cannot sit 1.. is for their clothes ... she gt 1 more daughter.. but doesnt help to do hse wrk 1.. all she will do is cme bk hme , play game , use fone , eat n slp nia .. notin else . Hse dusty , sofa full of clothes , she can jus leave it dun care 1.. my mil n sil all born in dec.. nw i scare my daugther / son will b like them lo.. faint..

I did have weird dream also almost every nite . I even dream of my pass away grandma . Recently hard to have gd slp . Mayb worry bout my confinement tis yr ba.. also worry bout my #2 will b like my mil or sil , den i will headache liao.. i sure train them to help since they r young . Mil always say wanna do reno in her hse for new flooring.. told her ur hse full of junk , contractor c also faint . Den she kip say contractor will move themself.. told her u at least have to move all tins out d living room or room , leave empty hse for them to do flooring for her ma.. she say she kno wat to do.. kip say she tired no time to kip her stuff away . Den postpone till nw , cannot do her new flooring cos my mum say i still gt go to her hse.. so better nt to do her reno..
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Joey, wow u still can tahan! For mi, think I will kick a big fuss n everyday face black black...
ok, dun think abt all these.. Think happy thoughts now, will affect bb...

Tingting, I also hv mutiple dreams.. So u r not alone!



I cannot th also bo bian . Cos she's my mil . + she help us alot . Although she not hygiene , but she's kind . She dun throw temper . Other den hygiene , she gt no other bad habits like gambling or drink beer or some tin . So i cant complain much . Cos my both sis mil cannot make it , they kip complain their mil nt gd , gambling . Steal their son stuff n sell . But didnt return them $$... den kip ask $ from them even though they already give them 零用钱 . Den borrow loan shark . Blah blah blah . So compare wif my mil , she's better . Lucky tat i dun stay wif her . If not i sure go crazy . Den i will b a full time maid doing hse wrk for them if i stay wif them. . I did try to help them clean once or twice . Make it clean n tidy . But it doesnt last for a week lo.. nxt week visit , it back to d same .. den i stop helpin them to tidy up their hse . Cos anw it will bk to d square . So no point . I TOTALLY GIVE UP LIAO . Haix.. every time she visit my hse , she throw her socks near d entrance door , throw her bag beside my sofa floor ( even i make a space for her to put her bag ) , leave d newdpaper open on d floor . Den d packet food she buy for her son to eat nvr cover nicely , nvr care .. pour on d floor also leave it .. more sian is i jus mop d floor nt more den 2 hours lo.. really bth ..


New Member
hello mummies! i've no weird food cravings/aversions or dreams! hee! thankfully i still love all the foods i used to like before i got pregnant. my appetite isn't great especially in the evening so i just stick with soups or soupy stuff. other than that, no puking for me. saw my gynae for the 2nd time yesterday and the baby is now 20mm! haha! as this is my first pregnancy, i find it super amusing...it's soooo tiny, i cannot imagine.

i'm currently taking folic acid (1000mcg) but my gynae now wants me to also take prenatal multivitamins which have another 800mcg of folic acid. do you know if it's ok to take so much or perhaps i should stop taking the 1000mcg one? for got to ask my gynae yesterday and read online that taking too much folic acid may not be good.


Joey, lucky u not staying with ur mil n ur hb not the same as them..

Berkland, I think the dosage shld b alright as I'm consuming 2.5mg.
Dont worry la.. your bb will be closest to you and will follow you and your behaviour more!! so dont worry about her becoming like your MIL.
Anyway yah I understand your feeling.. esp when yr MIL is kind.. but just have hygiene problem..
I think your method is right.. just try to work around her bad point of hygiene.. have to work abit faster than her though.. prevent her from causing problem for you..

you are now in which trimester? My doc last time told me can stop folic acid when i start multivit (obimin) but calcium was given extra..


Starling & pris

Nw i jus pray tat i able to hire cl instead of asking for her help.. cos their planning suck.. cos their planning make me have to do many tins n tk care of bb myself during confinement .. no different from whether i did or did not do a confinement lo . Cos doesnt rest enough .. den cos me to b weak after my confinement.. yst i told my hub.. say nw is 2 bb instead of 1.. cos include my #1.. so if mil wanna help. She cannot go wrk for a mth .. tis will b my last.. not going to have #3.. so i nid proper confinement.. so he say will check wif mil.. if she cant.. den will hire cl.. praying damn hard nw.. will check wif her asap .. cos nw cl very hot.. specially it fall in between christmas.. actually my hub is same as them.. is b cos i dif quarrel wif him many times.. so he did help out alittle.. if not he will b like them.. do notin after bk from wrk or during his off day..


Gynae told me to start multi vitamin after 12 weeks.. mean starting of 2nd trimester.. currently still taking folic acid.. but during my #1.. i tk multivitamin .. it make me feel so heaty n pop alot of pimple lo..
Whynot u just tell ur hubby u decided to get CL. Dun need chk with yr mil liao..
U r right.. u will need tt additional professional help.. and confinement is like reborn for us if done well! Good luck to yr negotiation.

And yah my multivit also start 2nd trimester n stop folic.



jus told my hub.. he agree to hire cl .. but he still insist to ask mil b4 hiring cl .. haix.. pray hard , she not able to help ..lol.. hahaha..
Mayb its his way of showing respect for his mum.. in case later mum ask why u din ask me??
Anyway since she is working n u r gettiNg CL.. think she probably think she dun need help.. haha pray hard for u too.. must rush yr hubby else cnt secure CL in time.. yr mil still need help..

Now u juz focus on happy things bah!!! :) so far hows the pregnancy?? N compare to the prev.. any diff??


New Member
i'm almost 9 weeks! My gynae said to start on multi-vitamins now though...and DHA and Calcium and he previously gave me 50mg Vitamin B6 (apparently for morning sickness) but since I didn't have any morning sickness, I didn't take that. I think I'll probably just stick to only multi-vitamins and then try to get all the other nutrients from food where possible. Not too keen on taking too much supplements actually.

Joey, yeah, i think your hub probably just want to ask your MIL out of respect. After all, she did help you during your 1st pregnancy so she may feel hurt if this time around, you hire a CL without even asking/telling her. Anyway, all the best ok! And yes, think happy thoughts! :)


Pris & berland

Ya , i understand . Tats y at 1st i ask him to ask mil. C whether tis round she wanna help or not. den after tat all my fren whose give birth same mth as me in 2012 . Told me tat if tis round is my last , i shld get professional to help . Cos i nid more rest , tk correct tonic for my body . Cos during my #1 i nid to do all stuff , cant even rest well . Due to their lousy planning.. from nite till noon , i have to wake up every 2 to 3 hrs for feeding or pump milk . Den only after 1 pm den can rest awhile . Den i still have to do sweeping , feeding , pumping milk . Monitor mil whether did she wash her hand after tounching her feet or wat . Worry bout her hygiene pro b4 preparing milk for my son . I nvr do washing n mop floor . Cos cant touch water during tat period . I find it very tiring , den my hub doesnt really wake up to feed bb . Always slp like pig . So i hope tis round i able to get proper rest , so i able to regain my energy .

My ms start eariler den previous , i start my ms during 18 weeks during #1 . But tis round i start at 7 weeks , den i start to vomit most of d food i tk . Den tis few days i feel back pain , den pelvic cramp when i walk too long . Den i will start to feel giddy n sweating when i feel pelvic cramp . Tis cramp feeling usually happen when im 30+ weeks . But tis round happen during my 10 weeks.. so i abit worry . Any mummies here same as me ? Although i dun feel cramp all d time..

if this time you gg have CL... remember to book for the massage also laH!! helps with your recovery!!! and i thin u deserve the pampering too!

Dunno when you gg to book but you can consider gg to SuperMom Bazaar in August to book which I think quite good timing for you since EDD Dec.. I recommend you for babies N bellies.. try ask for Mdm Wati..

I very excited to go for this fair.. coz i normally target 2 fairs a year.. good ones.. 1st half been to BabyCare and now 2nd half.. i wan go SuperMom.. i even signed up the talks to learn more.. coz i find hor.. my #1.. i blur blur.. only read alot from online.. never get to go for expert talks.. this time must compensate back manz!!



I already going to sign up a cl , so my hub wont allow me to spend extra $$ on massage.. as when he say ok n allow me to hire cl , i very happy already . So if additional on massage he will kill me.. as long as i able to rest more during confinement.. its gd enough for me .. wanna save $$ too , for #2 supplie like milk powder n diapers..

True la haha diapers n powder really shiong...must think of ways to get gd price... u know abt jintaitong?? Sell cheaper..

I had massage at 400plus package n liked it very much... 7days.. my hubby ask me take 10days..i say i not taitai.. haha dun need...
I saved alot at delivery and checkups coz on subsidized..end up nv fork out cash.. all medisave.. heng ah...
N bb vaccination go polyclinic take all free ones.. plus optionals..

Really must saveup..me plannin on one more.. hope gd news soon hehe



I dunno jintaitong.. i scare tis kind of medical hall import from malaysia.. as recently i bought tru online.. qoo10.. pampers brand , gd buy also .. if u have coupon can deduct also.. some time they gt promo .. free toy or 1 more free pack of pull up pants.. i saw some 1 post in fb , says tat mammy poko had a serious case .. which have some tin like sands appear in their packing n their itself.. so shld beware..

Wa $400++ for massage? He cfm kill me.. nw both mil n hub agree to hire cl .. so nw im so happy lo.. can get a gd rest tis round.. gd enough for me..

For gynae check up , mine is not subsidized . So nid to pay d balance of bill n mine is under kk hong sze ching . Google her name , but no review appear . Not sure she's gd or she jus not tat popular.. previously is under kt tan .. also kk.. not sure i shld stick to tis gynae or stick to kt tan..kt tan is gd , but tok too fast n straight.. no chance to ask bout pregnancy..


New Member
hello mummies!

I was in the EDD Nov 14 chat previously but the doctor shifted my EDD to 5 Dec instead so here I am!

I'm just into my second trimester, but my morning sickness got worst instead of better! anyone had the same issue? Falling sick ever so often and I'm actually still under probation for my job. Very worried now if I am going to be confirmed and get my maternity at the end of the year. :wong13:


Welcome jiahui

Some of us still on 1st trimester.. like me.. i start my ms on 7 weeks.. started to vomit alot n often , mostly after my meal. Cant eat too full , if not i will b vomiting 100% of my food . During my #1 pregnancy .. actually i start my ms on 16 weeks , tis round gets earlier . Nw my ms doesnt get any better yet , feeling some giddiness if i walk too long , pelvic cramp but not often . For my case ,i quit my job before 2 weeks i found out my #1 pregnancy .. after tat unable to find job , due to bad ms .. so always rest at home . Does ur company kno ur pregnant ? When ur probation end ? Most company dun hire preggies.. ms getting worst or getting sick often . Wat u nid to do is tk more rest , even gynae give u med , it doesnt 100% cure . B cos tis is natural . Some ppl have their ms tru out pregnancy . So it have to depend . Actually u can check out wif ur mum . C whether she have ms tru out her pregnancy when she's pregnant tat time . Or do she have ms during pregnancy ? Cos mostly u follow ur family .. i check wif my mum , she did have ms too when she having us ..
ohh.. haha i think good gynae popular and bz lah.. so tend to talk fast fast.. my subsidized de..i like all the senior nurses.. very patient and nice..

Anyway to other mummies.. wanna go for free talks?? Got some free tix left! I am going!! =) Wanna go together?? can meet at Clarke Quay..

Having a Healthy & Happy Pregnancy (by Mt Alvernia)
Date: Saturday 28 June 14
Time: 130pm
Venue: Great Eastern Centre 1 Pickering st
Ticket price: Single - $10 / Couple - $15

RSVP to SuperMom Bazaar facebook and register for free with code MAFREE!
You will also get $50 woirth goodie bag!

Refer to website for workshop highlights.

Have a healthy and happy pregnancy: The ultimate workshop for the SuperMom-to-Be Registration, Singapore - EventNook