EDD December 2013


Hi mummies, I just went for my detailed scan ytd and was asked to cme back again today as bb was not in the correct position even after several tries. It's a wonderful feeling to see bb moving!
Muffie: Congrats on a bb boy! :D how long did it take for u to scan? I hope bb will b in good position.. so exciting! a few collz commented that i might b having a boy, coz stomach seem sharp.. is ur stomach sharp?

faith86: good luck for ur scan today! hope ur bb is in good position!


chocoholic: thank you! :D the scan took about half an hour to 45 mins.. they had to check on alot of things.. u can even see the baby kidneys.. haha i kept asking them "what's that?" "what's this?" even before she got the chance to tell me.. heeeh too excited i guess! my tummy looks round to me.. my collz tot i was having a girl but nopeeeee it turn out to be a boy! :)


Tks chocoholic! bb was still in the wrong position, however, they manage to scan through the heart on the 2nd attempt. Mine is looks like a bb gal cos she didnt open her legs wide enough.. haha!


Chocoholic: mine detailed scan also next Monday 5aug. Urs at TMC? Mine is n at 330pm!

Mummies n I start feeling baby kicks tonight !


I also just had my detailed scan last week! :) and also having a baby boy. Seems like Dec baby got a lot of boys?! Heh

My breast is also very swollen on days and felt painful. Do you all wear bra to sleep? And do you all sleep on the left instead of on your back or right? I'm a naturally sleeping on my back person person it cause me breathless bcoz of the weigh the of the baby. Would be good to have a pregnancy pillow to support the tummy while lying on the left.

These days I felt popping rhythm in my tummy.. I think it's know as baby hiccup. Kicking is slightly more powerful and painful compared to hiccups.

And as for low placenta, I used to be diagnose with low placenta before my 20 weeks scan but my last scan sonographer told me it has moved up. Don't worry there r still time for your placenta to move up until Ur due date! :)
phoebe: woo! yah mine is at TMC too! at 2pm! mayb might see u.. keke! n so nice to feel the bb kicks! i dreamt tt i feel the bb moving.. haha.. hope can feel it soon!

faith86: oic.. ur bb so shy.. hee.. so can get confirmation only at the next scan?

Muffie: wah so cute can see the kidney even?? whr did u have ur scan? i hope mine will be informative..

missA: Congrats on bb boy!! i think tis yr seems to have more bb boys than gals..? hmm.. I dun sleep with bra on nowadays.. more comfy to be bra-less.. did u check out pregnancy pillow? i heard its really good.. but i haven seen it yet.. my bed is already full of pillows now: 1 pillow at the leg, 1 pillow on my left and 1 pillow on my right.. haha! n bb hiccups! so cute! :D

Btw, anybody considering to go for 4D scan? oh and did anyone went for the Taka baby fair?


missA: congrats on having a baby boy!!! :D definitely alot of baby boys this yr itself..

chocoholic: my detailed scan was in KKH.. yup! it's very informative.. i'm considering goinng for a 4D scan.. but not sure how much it will cost though...


Thanks chocoholic and muffie!

Yes I bought the pregnancy pillow already from mother care. It's actually quite useful bcoz it felt more comfortable to have something for to kiap in btw the legs while lying on the left. The middle section of the pillow also help to support the tummy. Quite worth investing!

Last week I went to taka fair and bought the cot. Actually the price is not discounted much. Infact it's the same price I saw while I visiting the show room at baby super store. But I guess it's easier to shop for everything at one stop! :)


Oh and yes I also wanna go for 4d scan! I heard it's about the same price as detail scan. Not sure if normal gynae clinic can do such scan or muz go to the fetal assessment unit then can do it. Will ask my gynae during next appt. It's best done from 27 weeks onwards I think.


chocoholic: The sonographer mention that it looks like a gal. she's still in e same position as ytd but they tried to scan through the heart after trying various methods.

MissA: Congrats on your bb boy!

Muffie: When's ur appt to do the scan at KK? Mine is at KK too :)

I'm actually waiting for Oct for the bb fair. Think they have a lot of items there.
missA: can check hw much the pillow cost? do you switch side when sleeping? i will flip around left and right.. wonder whether it will be funny to kiap the pillow and flips..

muffie & missA: I heard frm a friend that 4D scan needs to go to special clinic.. nt sure whether TMC fetal assessment unit has this service.. best to take between 24 - 30 wks.. i prob will check with my gynae next wk during my check up.. price wise friend said ard $100+++.. if bb too big, den cannot see the full body already.. i'm still considering whether to go or not too... prob need to book appt in adv if want to do it.. Hmm


Thanks girls!

Choco : the pillow I got is about 70 if I remember correctly! It's very long almost 1.6m. I think the purpose is to keep u in position while u sleep but I will end up tossing and turning at night. And bcoz my favorite sleeping position is on my back , I will still end up waking up on my back. But my husband comment these days I snore very loudly which I never did before.. Probably because baby is weighing on me and I'm breathless in my sleep.


New Member
skater dress with slash neck and capped sleeve.jpgt-shirt dress with lace panel in acid wash.jpg

Hi all, I have bought 2 maternity dresses (size 8) from ASOS recently. In fact, I just received it over the mail last weekend. However, they are too big for me. Hoping to sell these off at a discounted price for mummies who can fit nicely in them!

1. Skater dress (cream) - bought it at $43.35. Willing to let go at $38.
2. T-shirt dress (brown) - bought it at $36.85. Willing to let go at $32.

Pls contact me at 98446512 if interested. tks.
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New Member
hi mummies, the brown t-shirt dress is sold. am only left with the cream skater dress. bought it at $43.35 and willing to let go at $38. please note that this is a brand new piece (size 8) from ASOS. interested parties, please contact me at 98446512. tks.

Maternity Skater Dress with Slash Neck an Capped Sleeve UP 43.35 SP 38.jpg
missA: ^5! I'm having a bb boy too! haha! Bb v guai let us see his face too.. and he has his eyes opened.. hubby said looks abit scary coz looks like a mini skeleton with eyeball.. lol! i thot its quite funny.. i'm having a low placenta too.. hope it will move up in the final term!

phoebe: hw was ur scan?? i'm done by 2:30 pm i think..

oh and abt the 4D scan.. i checked out TMC fetal assessment unit.. they r charging $350 for it! Gosh.. so ex! @_@


@choco Congrats dear! Ya baby scan all look like alien at this point of time bcoz can only see skull at this time hahaha but when it's time, can go do 4d scan to see how bb look like! :)

Placenta will move de. But meanwhile don't strain too much like exercise, carry heavy things, squat too much or BD. U will be fine!


missA and chocoholic: YAY! high five to both of you! dont worry chocoholic, hopefully it will move up.. im being very positive that it will move up too