EDD December 2013


i had my strep b test done last 2 weeks at 35 weeks. gynae told me that KKH will call if the test turn out positive.. no calls since then and am seeing the gynae this monday for my 37 week appt. hopefully all is well! 3 weeks plus to go! JIA YOU MUMMIES!
I will be doing my Strep B test in my 36th wk.. i read somewhr no need to do too early coz result may change etc..

LilMissy: jiayou!! getting so exciting for all mummies here...

phoebe84: i think visualspells c-sect date is 10 Dec..


LOL!!! yeah I can do that with no problem but this does not mean I am very flexible coz I always struggle to pass my sit n reach in school.

Any mummies find your temperature warmer than usual when u sleep? My gosh, yesterday I did NOT sleep at all coz I felt so warm underneath my comforter & the soles of my feet were itching left, right, up & down.... Aargh.......

TGIF mommies!

Selp & mrschievious: hope both ur nausea and dizziness have subsided! try nt to walk too fast!

LilMissy: whr did u get the compression socks? u wear it in office too? i'm so tempted to get too.. my swollen feet r such an eye sore nowadays.. it got worse esp if i stand for too long (like more than 15 mins).. *sweat*

Muffie: glad to hear the cramps are gone! i dun really experience menses cramp.. but stomach smtime has tight feeling on and off.. i assumed tt as the false contraction..

are any of u doing those stretching exercises tt we learn from antenatal class? i find i got difficulty trying to sit with both sole pressing against each other.. forgot the name of the pose liao.. esp now with the serious water retention pig trotter feet in the evening.. haha..


Erm... How big is too big??? Based on head circumference & body weight....My baby gal is also on the big side... At 32.9 weeks, she was 2.7kg...
So far, she seems to be the heaviest among all the EDD Dec mummies here... Oops.

@ch0coh0lic yeap, i've confirmed a c-sect (with epidural) as my boy's head is too big to pass through my cervix already. My initial EDD was 25 Dec, but now it's 2 weeks earlier (38th week). According to my gynae, he says the op would only take an hour to see my baby boy!! So excited!

How's your little one doing? Which week are you at right now?


My bb is 3.1 kgs today! Doc says i may deliver next week or week after!!
Strep B test came back susceptible. She said have but not alot, i dunno what it means but now i'm on antibiotics.
@faith86: how come ur strep B test is done so late?

Niwae, mummies, just went for my gynae check earlier today. Gynae decided to see in again next week, although she did briefly say, i'll see u next week, if not i'll see u in the hospital! lol...althought again after tt she said, dun worry, i dun think she'll come out at least not in another week. the lil one is slightly engaged apparently. gynae checked the top part of my tummy, and feels quite empty.

Gynae advised since i'm going without epidural, not to go to the hospital too early. contractions every 20 mins is still ok. contractions every 2-4mins is not ok. lol. but she warned me not until to the extent that i'll give birth at home. Lol..

It's countdown already. 37W for me now...

Must be feeling excited?! :) I'm entering my 37th week too and the last time I went to the gynae he told me to be prepared for an early birth as well cause baby is very low and tight already! I still want a December baby.. Crossing my fingers and toes! Haha!


Selp, camcam, lilmissy : wah hope ur bb will wait till Dec then pop :) it's really like anytime for u gals!

I still have 2 more weeks to 37w. My gynae said I might deliver 37-38w..

Already start washing the pass down clothes for my gal.
Preparing my breast pump, parts, containers to store milk (if alot !! Hope so hehe)..

My nursing wears .. socks, home slippers..

Oh n I should go for a pampering day to cut hair, do up my pedicure, facial... last few pre-natal massages... these days really feel pelvic pain more intense!!
selp: wah.. tt sound v soon! hope ur bb can try to wait a while more.. if not u may b the first to pop here! if bb become too big, i think doc will also advise u to deliver early rite..

phoebe84: yah u sho go soon! i wan to go my my pedi too.. but has been too lazy.. hahah! stomach has been feeling tight again ytd.. hope its bcoz bb is turning.. i haven settle my post natal massage and submit my pre-admission form yet.. Oops.. very slack.. haha!


@phoebe84: i hope she waits till dec too! it really feels like anytime now.... :teek:

meeting up gynae this friday again, but the clinic prepared my admission docs for me already...but i dun think it'll be this week. hubby asked me again whether i packed my bag already...briefed my colleagues in case anything happens in office.. lol..


@phoebe84: i hope she waits till dec too! it really feels like anytime now.... :teek:

meeting up gynae this friday again, but the clinic prepared my admission docs for me already...but i dun think it'll be this week. hubby asked me again whether i packed my bag already...briefed my colleagues in case anything happens in office.. lol..
Ya even my hubby is asking me to pack my bag though this is my 2nd one hahaha. I been lazy too.


Hi Dec Mummies.. I've Mia for the longest time.. Hope everyone is coping well!

My baby decided to come out super early and I've delivered him on the 14 of Nov.... 1 month before my edd.

But bcoz baby is preterm so he is still in nicu while I'm resting at home. Will go visit him daily with my breast milk. Hope to bring him home by this Wed!

I wish everyone here have a smooth N easy delivery! Take care girls!


missA: congratulations! as long as he's coping well and growing well, im sure thats what matters the most! :) and may you get to bring him home soonnnn!


Selp, camcam, lilmissy : wah hope ur bb will wait till Dec then pop :) it's really like anytime for u gals!

I still have 2 more weeks to 37w. My gynae said I might deliver 37-38w..
I wish for a Dec baby but looks unlikely!!

ch0c0h0lic said:
selp: wah.. that sound very soon! hope your baby can try to wait a while more.. if not you may b the first to pop here! if baby become too big, i think doc will also advise you to deliver early rite..
Doc says she is pro natural so won't induce, plus I seem healthy, bb also healthy, waterbag is looking good, so I think she is just making me prepared.
I am so nervous. Argh.
My in laws are going to standby, my mom very nervous, my sis is flying back, my hubby has stopped working overtime. Feels like we are going to war.

missA said:
Hi Dec Mummies.. I've Mia for the longest time.. Hope everyone is coping well!

My baby decided to come out super early and I've delivered him on the 14 of Nov.... 1 month before my edd.

But bcoz baby is preterm so he is still in nicu while I'm resting at home. Will go visit him daily with my breast milk. Hope to bring him home by this Wed!

I wish everyone here have a smooth N easy delivery! Take care girls!
Hi mummy missA, congrats! Hope your bb grows strong and quickly discharge and go home with super health!

LilMissy said:
meeting up gynae this friday again, but the clinic prepared my admission docs for me already...but i dont think it'll be this week. hubby asked me again whether i packed my bag already...briefed my colleagues in case anything happens in office.. lol..
Suddenly everything feels super speed! Don't you think?


@selp: feels like u guys are going to war? LOL!! tt's funny....my dad is super anxious and panicky. he wants to ferry me to everywhere i go..HAH....

yes! suddenly everything is happening at turbo speed! when previously, things were still okok...heh~

it really feels like just waiting for time.......tick tock tick tock...