Edd feb 2014

I'm in my 21st week... movements are lesser. I'm abit worried.
last week's movements were alot more powerful and consistent.


New Member
Hi juzforyingxi, i am 19weeks 4 days..

Wow you have been feeling consistent movements everyday. . I am still waiting for mine..
Whenever i stay still and focus on my tummy, all i feel is my heart beat...


baby started to kick on week 18.. Weirdly she sleeps in the day time (no kicking felt), only when I am about to sleep 11pm she starts kick..

going baby market fair this saturday. Anyone going too?
What you all getting?
I went jz nw. Freaking crowded & long Qs. Wun recommend to shop ard. Have to shortlist wat u wan ... go str8, take, buy & go. I Q-ed almost 2hrs to pay for medela swing maxi. Den sign up cordlife. That's all. Parking alr $7.70.

babystarz:831480 said:
baby started to kick on week 18.. Weirdly she sleeps in the day time (no kicking felt), only when I am about to sleep 11pm she starts kick..

going baby market fair this saturday. Anyone going too?
What you all getting?