
Well-Known Member
Seems like nobody has started a thread yet.

Have just tested positive yesterday & this morning (yes just to be sure!). Have not made an appointment with my gynae yet.

Filled with mix feelings as I currently have a 9 month old girl. Wondering if hubby & I will be able to cope with the new arrival.

Based on my calculations, baby should be coming around 25th October. Was hoping he/she would come on 20th October as it's also my birthday.

Wonder if a lot of mummies will want to have their babies on this same date as well as it'll be 20/10/2010.


Hi Pinkdiamonds, I just discovered I'm pregnant too on the 16th Feb. Tested twice like you...hahaha...can't believe my eyes:Dancing_wub:. I just finished my customary wedding on the 23rd Jan. Everything happened too fast. I'm so overwhlemed. It is my first one. Mine Birthday is also on the month on Oct. hahaha...so happy that my coming baby is the same as me too.
Ya. the date u mention is really cool. Easy to rem their bdae in the future. HAhaha.
I'm currently feeling really exhuasted and nausues. Will these symptoms last for a long time?
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Well-Known Member
I think exhaustion is quite common, especially in the 1st trimester. The body is going through a lot of changes and preparing to support a new life inside of you. So it's important to get a lot of rest and try not to exert yourself too much. I remember my 1st pregnancy, I can sleep whole day, but still wake up feeling super tired!

As for nauseous, not everyone will have it. My 1st pregnancy I had morning sickness all the way till the end of my pregnancy.

For my current one, I get on & off feelings of nausea, but it's too early for me to say hahaha.


Have you chosen a gynae yet?
just tested on 18th feb and went to the doc to confirm on 19th feb. edd is october. its my 1st and i also hope it will be around my birthday in october. haha.


New Member
HI all..
joining you in this thread..
i'm 8 w pregnant..
edd should be 7 oct according to the scan
this is my first child..
im so excited and hope for smooth pregnancy for all of us.. :Dancing_tongue:

for me i have less appetite to eat.. i hope it's okay for the baby.. though i have gain about 2 kg last month..

doc said its okay if sometimes we could not eat, cos we got a lot of "reserves"?!?! does that mean fat? :tlaugh:

for the date, i think 20/10/2010 is cool...!!

10/10/10 is another one... ;)
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HI all..
joining you in this thread..
i'm 8 w pregnant..
edd should be 7 oct according to the scan
this is my first child..
im so excited and hope for smooth pregnancy for all of us.. :Dancing_tongue:

for me i have less appetite to eat.. i hope it's okay for the baby.. though i have gain about 2 kg last month..

doc said its okay if sometimes we could not eat, cos we got a lot of "reserves"?!?! does that mean fat? :tlaugh:

for the date, i think 20/10/2010 is cool...!!

10/10/10 is another one... ;)

same here. if 10/10 it will be same as my birthday! doctor say my edd is 19th. hopefully 20/10 also nice. haha.
i keep feeling tired and keep feel like vomiting any time of the day. don't like the feeling. controlling my diet as well. hope to have a healthy baby.


Well-Known Member
Actually during the 1st trimester, losing some weight is quite normal because of fatigue, loss of appetite & morning sickness. We do have reserves that can tide through the period but it's good to eat well.

For me, I try to deal with it by eating small portions, instead of trying to swallow a full meal at 1 go.

When I had my 1st child, I didn't gain any weight during 1st trimester, but slowly picked up after that.

Actually if u have problems with appetite, can always consult your gynae.


Hey Pinkdiamond!Thk u! Ya, u r so right....in one week, i lose 1kg.... and i've got morning sickness twice a day, in the morning and night. Feeling really lousy....now down with cough. Hai....hope my baby getting the necessary.

Only going to see the gynae on 19th March. Going thro the subside part to do the check than change to private. cause hubby is civil servant. My medical relative say must make full use of the gov benefits.hahaha....:tlaugh:

But i'm really happy though it came so fast. Your first one, morning sickness, lasted all the way?How did you handle it? I'm like 'soft' already.


Well-Known Member
Ya 1st one MS all the way man! I really don't know how I handled it. I think after a while it became normal to me. usually morning I wake up want to vomit, after taking breakfast I will want to vomit my food out. Sometimes i try to keep it in, but once I cannot control and I ran into the master bedroom toilet to vomit. But cannot make it on time and ended up my vomit all over the toilet! Was in a rush to go out, so the maid had to clean up for me. Really felt very bad about it.

I also realized that if I don't eat enough the night before, next morning MS sure very bad (cause empty stomach). So I try to eat a slice of bread closer to bedtime.

Actually once u get over 1st trimester, things will be better. Most imptly is try to eat enough and rest well.


New Member
hi all,

mine is on 08/10.

only realised now that 10/10/10 is a nice number. hopefully baby will choose the correct time but as long as she is healthy.. nothing else matters


Hey to all coming mummies! Guess this thread has connected all the happy mums... My edd is on the 12th Oct... haha...who knows our babies will end up sleeping beside each other!

BTW, thks to Pinkdiamond again... your info really makes me feel better! Cos first one, guess feeling a little nervous and tensed. haha...so very bothered abt the MS. Nw really feels better le!:Dancing_wub: Jia you to all mummies!


New Member
hey mummy k!!! yeay to us! well when i went for my scanning it showed as 6wks. but my gynae did mention i cd be 7wks.. nvrtheless still happy!

btw MTBs, what kind of milk are you drinking now? low fat fresh milk or powder form? I've been drinking fresh milk however now a bit sick of having drink cold milk..


New Member
I'm currently taking Anmum every night. Got really sick of the taste and smell but for the sake of baby, just have to force myself to swallow it down..

It contains a satisfactory amount of nutrients we & our baby need each day. I heard that you need to consume higher level of normal low fat milk to get the same amount of nutrients needed. =))


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in drinking milk, because based on research, our human bodies are only capable of absorbing 50% of cow's milk. So I only drink soy milk.

Just trying to eat as healthily as possible right now and taking a lot of rest. 1st trimester can be very tiring, but it's also crucial for baby to stabilise.

So please *try* to eat well, drink water and ZZZ more! hahahaha.
for breakfast. usually i take biscuit with hot milo to stop the MS. lunch depends on my mood. sometimes eat light or never eat at all cause feel like sleeping and vomiting. dinner also light. my sister eat cup noodle i smell already feel like puking. i eat grapes and apples almost daily. but sometimes still having stomach pains but can't shit. dunno what to do. ):


Well-Known Member
for breakfast. usually i take biscuit with hot milo to stop the MS. lunch depends on my mood. sometimes eat light or never eat at all cause feel like sleeping and vomiting. dinner also light. my sister eat cup noodle i smell already feel like puking. i eat grapes and apples almost daily. but sometimes still having stomach pains but can't shit. dont know what to do. ):
try prunes or prune juice.. i'm also having the same thing.. few days of constipation..

we just found out on 19th feb.. and i am hoping my EDD will be on my husband's birthday 30/10.. so i can torture him.. =X

i just realised some of us stay in tampines.. must be the water?!?!?! LOL!


New Member
hi pink diamonds..
heard that if u have baby boy, it's not good to drink soy milk...
for it will increase one of those feminine hormones...
u can check with ur gynea for confirmation as what i heard might be old wives' tales... ;)

Good day to all of mother to be!!


oh finally got the energy to surf online. Ya, constipation is on and off a problem too... Just eat more fruits and more water.

My family made me drink a fresh cup of fruit juice every morning. Helps to add in more Vit c and build up our immunity. so won't feel so weak. Haha...but some days i really feel like a slime....so shag.

Ydae, my hubby looked at me tummy.... says like not growing.... freak me out! Currently, only a very little tummy. Baby shld be abt 7weeks.... so does it really show at our tummy yet?