
Well-Known Member
oh finally got the energy to surf online. Ya, constipation is on and off a problem too... Just eat more fruits and more water.

My family made me drink a fresh cup of fruit juice every morning. Helps to add in more Vit c and build up our immunity. so won't feel so weak. Haha...but some days i really feel like a slime....so shag.

Ydae, my hubby looked at me tummy.... says like not growing.... freak me out! Currently, only a very little tummy. Baby shld be about 7weeks.... so does it really show at our tummy yet?
Don't worry! The tummy grows very slowly in your 1st pregnancy because the skin is not stretched yet. I remember I was not showing at all until about 5 months into my pregnancy. Before that it was hard to get a seat on the train or bus to work cause nobody can tell I'm pregnant. & it didn't help that I was always dizzy and weak.

So don't worry too much, baby is definitely growing inside! :D


Oh man, thks a lot! yeah! It is so true! Now so weak, and really can't get seats on trains and bus.... hahaha....its really not easy at all. Plus i'm small sized... the eye level wil hardly go to my tummy. hahaha... the more can't be seen.


New Member
hey berry3, i heard abt this from my fren too! i guess i shall wait for the gender before i continue drinking soya milk hahahha.

my tummy is pretty obvious now, maybe i have many fats on my tummy to begin with, heehee. nonetheless, people still ignore me on the trains. just look at me, my tummy then turn away, pretend like they dont see anything.


New Member
Hi hi!! My edd is on 11.10.10... Jz came back frm check up at sgh.. Initially gt spotting, then doctor/gynae gimme injection n some medicine to eat to stabilize baby.. Then my next appointment (4 wks time) gotta do the down sydrome test..jz for assurance according to doctor.. And it's expensive..haizzz


Well-Known Member
It's quite normal procedure to do such tests, and I believe the doctor won't recommend it unless it's not necessary. Assurance for the doctor, and most importantly assurance for you. :)


New Member
Hi All,

Have been reading this thread but did not get to post any.
I'm joining you all and my EDD should be in Oct too :)
Went to GP to confirm that I'm expecting.
Should be 8 weeks by now but I've not seen a gynae.
Is it too late?
I've booked an appointment next Friday.

I also experienced MS and actually vomited a few times.
Now it got better but still feel sick and will feel like throwing when see certain food. Do you all experienced this also?

My tummy seems grows bigger than usual hee... I feel fat lor.

Anyway, I'm first time mummy-to-be!
Congrats to all too!


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Have been reading this thread but did not get to post any.
I'm joining you all and my EDD should be in Oct too :)
Went to GP to confirm that I'm expecting.
Should be 8 weeks by now but I've not seen a gynae.
Is it too late?
I've booked an appointment next Friday.

I also experienced MS and actually vomited a few times.
Now it got better but still feel sick and will feel like throwing when see certain food. Do you all experienced this also?

My tummy seems grows bigger than usual hee... I feel fat .

Anyway, I'm first time mummy-to-be!
Congrats to all too!


it's normal to have aversions to certain food and smells. u might even be surprised that food u used to like, u now feel sick when u see/smell it. or u might like to eat things u didn't like to eat before.

Drink more water and try to eat in small meals.

It's a good time to book an appt with the gynae. U can do a search arnd the forums and check on the various gynaes available, unless of course, u r intending to go to KKH. :)
i have not book a gynae. my mum in law says its too early to visit one and because my husband is the only one working we didnt plan for a baby but since has one now. alot things i dont know how. kinda stress. any gynae can pay using medisave? i can just go KK directly or do i need to be referred? help will be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
i have not book a gynae. my mum in law says its too early to visit one and because my husband is the only one working we didnt plan for a baby but since has one now. alot things i dont know how. kinda stress. any gynae can pay using medisave? i can just go KK directly or do i need to be referred? help will be appreciated!

Whether it's expected or a surprise, I do believe a baby is a blessing. No point being stressed about it when it's already happened, now just need to try to maintain your cool and think about what's the next step.

How many weeks are you? A good time to go for your check-up would be at around 6 weeks, unless you experience anything that you don't feel is right (eg: spotting, bleeding, very painful cramps, etc).

Yes, you can pay by medisave for your medical fees. There is a certain amount of your pre-natal check-ups and delivery that you can claim by medisave. But I believe you still need to prepare some cash on hand.

I believe you will need to go the polyclinic to get a referral to KK for subsidised rates. If you walk-in you'll be considered a private patient. I am not too sure maybe some mummies here who go to KK can help?


wow...you guys did the check so early.... Heard fr my medical relatives, can only go for those checks when the baby is abt 11 to 13weeks. so the scan will be more precise and the doc can diagnose clearly without presumeing things for us to guess what it means.

But I guess as mummy will be pretty anxious. Haha...I thought going gynae immediately when I found out I'm pregnant. In the end, I still waited...will see them on my 9th to 10th week. Keke, can't wait. Hope everything will be good!

I actually went thro polyclinic get a referral to kk for pre natal checks. Cos hubby is civil servant so for that can be covered all cost. After that, my medical relatives than advise me to change to the"chosen" gynae. Must make full use of govt subside. Hahaha.... like what pinkdiamond said, we'll need some hard cash ltr on.

Can anyone tell me the feeling of seeing ur baby the first time thro the scan? Hahaha....i was imagining, might burst out crying. hahaha.... but on the other hand, maybe i can't understand the pic as it is. is the scan really clear?


Well-Known Member
wow...you guys did the check so early.... Heard fr my medical relatives, can only go for those checks when the baby is about 11 to 13weeks. so the scan will be more precise and the doc can diagnose clearly without presumeing things for us to guess what it means.

But I guess as mummy will be pretty anxious. Haha...I thought going gynae immediately when I found out I'm pregnant. In the end, I still waited...will see them on my 9th to 10th week. Keke, can't wait. Hope everything will be good!

I actually went thro polyclinic get a referral to kk for pre natal checks. Cos hubby is civil servant so for that can be covered all cost. After that, my medical relatives than advise me to change to the"chosen" gynae. Must make full use of govt subside. Hahaha.... like what pinkdiamond said, we'll need some hard cash ltr on.

Can anyone tell me the feeling of seeing your baby the first time thro the scan? Hahaha....i was imagining, might burst out crying. hahaha.... but on the other hand, maybe i can't understand the pic as it is. is the scan really clear?

For my 1st pregnancy I went at about 6 weeks and managed to do a scan to see my baby's heartbeat. It looks like a star twinkling in the darkness. I went to the gynae during my 4th week (the week I missed my menses) due to some spotting, so was given medication and advised bedrest. She didn't scan for me as she said cannot see anything so no point.

Going for my so-called 1st official scan this Friday. Hopefully can see baby's heartbeat already as it'll be towards the end of the 6th week.

If you are going during 11th week, you can see a "peanut-shaped" foetus and I think you can see a bit of the hands and legs, but they will look more like "stumps" cause not fully-developed yet. You get to see movement also. I think the best thing is to see the little heart pumping away in the scan. I felt very touched when I first saw the heart-beating, like wow something growing inside of me.

Anyway, I don't want to give you so many details. Let you experience it first-hand that's the best!


New Member
I thought i'm the only one have not go to the gynae check. Still scare is it too late. Managed to change my appointment to Monday from Friday next week.
BB should be 9 weeks by then :)

Hee...I'm quite excited to learn more on my bb! Can't wait for the appointment!

So where do Mummies/MTB here go to for the gynae?


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing Dr Adelina Wong at TMC, 6th floor. Like her gentle-ness and she's a very experienced gynae. Was very pleased with her for my 1st pregnancy and delivery.
tomorrow will be 8 weeks already. thanks for your helps. ya. baby is a blessing. im feeling alright except for the morning sickness every morning and night. very terrible. maybe i will go to the polyclinic next week.


Well-Known Member
tomorrow will be 8 weeks already. thanks for your helps. ya. baby is a blessing. im feeling alright except for the morning sickness every morning and night. very terrible. maybe i will go to the polyclinic next week.
i know how you feel.. my morning sickness is terrible and it also happens day and night. only afternoon is ok.. by then i'm too tired to do anything already.

milo helps a great deal.. and very very small meals throughout the day.


New Member
Hi Mummies,
I went for my 2nd scan ytd and Im currently 9wks+
At this phase, my gynea said its time to talk about doing the down syndrome test.. There's 2 options for me to choose from,

(1) Blood Test & Detailed Ultrascan 'OSCAR SCAN' - in hospital ($350)
(2) Blood Test - in clinic ($140)

Although my friends say I'm only 24, blood test is good enough but I think I will still choose to do the Oscar Scan in the hospital to "Mai Ge An Xin"..
May I check which one will the Mummies here go for? :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Hi Mummies,
I went for my 2nd scan ytd and Im currently 9wks+
At this phase, my gynea said its time to talk about doing the down syndrome test.. There's 2 options for me to choose from,

(1) Blood Test & Detailed Ultrascan 'OSCAR SCAN' - in hospital ($350)
(2) Blood Test - in clinic ($140)

Although my friends say I'm only 24, blood test is good enough but I think I will still choose to do the Oscar Scan in the hospital to "Mai Ge An Xin"..
May I check which one will the Mummies here go for? :001_302:
erm.. i think everyone also mai ge an xin with it.. just do it! =P but i don't remember it being so expensive?


Well-Known Member
Hi Mummies,
I went for my 2nd scan ytd and Im currently 9wks+
At this phase, my gynea said its time to talk about doing the down syndrome test.. There's 2 options for me to choose from,

(1) Blood Test & Detailed Ultrascan 'OSCAR SCAN' - in hospital ($350)
(2) Blood Test - in clinic ($140)

Although my friends say I'm only 24, blood test is good enough but I think I will still choose to do the Oscar Scan in the hospital to "Mai Ge An Xin"..
May I check which one will the Mummies here go for? :001_302:

I remember I took the blood test, and my hubby had to take it too.

As for scan, there were several options, depending on the percentage of accuracy and type. I remember I took the $180+. It was around that price and was 80% accurate. I was 21 at that time, and according to my gynae she said it should be good enough for me since my risk is very low. UNLESS something abnormal comes up in the scan then I can go for the more detailed one.

This time round, I believe I will do the same thing.

Having said that, the best test will only be like 99% accurate. I have a friend who took the test and they said the baby has down syndrome. But they decided to keep the baby due to religious reasons and also can't bear to abort the baby. When the baby was born, the baby was NORMAL and absolutely fine.

Imagine if they aborted the child because the test said he is a down syndrome baby?

Anyway, which hospital are u going to take the test? $350 for blood test and the OSCAR scan sounds about right to me.


New Member
just see baby heartbeat 2 weeks ago on the 6th week. very touch.

now into 8 weeks. MS getting worse. keep vomitting. very xin ku. :embarrassed:

hope everything will be fine.

have m/c last year. now everyday also quite worried.


Well-Known Member
just see baby heartbeat 2 weeks ago on the 6th week. very touch.

now into 8 weeks. MS getting worse. keep vomitting. very xin ku. :embarrassed:

hope everything will be fine.

have m/c last year. now everyday also quite worried.
Hiyee, don't worry baby will be fine! Most MS usually end after the first trimester. Hang in there. :)