Admitted on my Edd. Gave birth on 10 / 10 at 0456am. With epidural . No induce! Natural birth! princess kerissa took my 21st birthday attention away!! Now she has the same birthday as me. :)
congrats missymelody:)
i read some books, they say anytime from 38 to 40 weeks is full term... anyway, my edd is on10 nov but thought i could say hi on this thread:)
icic, i guess different books have different explanation. But normally gynae will try to stretch the pregnancy to at least 38weeks so that baby's lungs is mature enuff.

BB Tigger

Admitted on my Edd. Gave birth on 10 / 10 at 0456am. With epidural . No induce! Natural birth! princess kerissa took my 21st birthday attention away!! Now she has the same birthday as me. :)
Congratulations, missymelody! I also delivered on my EDD (3 Oct). Induced labour with epidural. :wink:


New Member
Admitted on my Edd. Gave birth on 10 / 10 at 0456am. With epidural . No induce! Natural birth! princess kerissa took my 21st birthday attention away!! Now she has the same birthday as me. :)
Hi Can i check with you how much you need to top up the cash for your medical fee? you spend how long time to push yr baby out? is it very painful? i am still considering wan to take epidural or not ler.......my edd is begin of Dec..abit kanchong now ...:p
Hi Can i check with you how much you need to top up the cash for your medical fee? you spend how long time to push yr baby out? is it very painful? i am still considering want to take epidural or not .......my edd is begin of Dec..abit kanchong now ...:p

If ur under package, then usually the additional cos include PD's fee, any extra check ups baby may need, etc which is exclusive in the package. So at the end of the day, u won't know the additional charges until ur day of discharge. Usually, if ur under package, on day of admission, u be asked to pay in full the basic package fee(depending on which one u choose, with epidural or nt), then on the day of discharge, they will get u to top up any extra cost which u may incur during ur stay in hosp. As for the medisave claim, hosp will reimburse u based on ur original mode of payment at a later date if im not wrong.

For me, i waited for contractions to come in at initial stage so as to feel how its like b4 i ask for epidural. Once i got it, i was totally numb waist down, dr had to tell me when to push. They can adjust the dosage for epidural, it this is ur first, i thk don't rule out the option of epidural, keep ur options open cos once u reach a certain dilation, u wan epidural oso cannot liao.


Active Member
Hi Can i check with you how much you need to top up the cash for your medical fee? you spend how long time to push yr baby out? is it very painful? i am still considering want to take epidural or not .......my edd is begin of Dec..abit kanchong now ...:p

Depends you deliver in private or government hospital and the grade of room you stays. Mine is in private hospital-single rm (3 days, 2 nites), for both baby and mother i topped up $1k plus.

How long is the labor really depends how fast your cervix dilate. My 1st deliver is abt 6hrs, 2nd delivery is 3hrs (induce, coz i dun want to wait) ... hahaha ...... both delivery i push for less than 15mins baby is out but assistanced birth (vaccum suck) with luaghing gas and Pethidine and w/o epidural. Painful or not depends your level of thrash hold of pain. On the big day if you cannot take the pain, request for epidural.

Stay relax and enjoy ur last trimester of prengnancy. Get your hospital bag ready for the big day.

Take care



New Member
Depends you deliver in private or government hospital and the grade of room you stays. Mine is in private hospital-single rm (3 days, 2 nites), for both baby and mother i topped up $1k plus.

How long is the labor really depends how fast your cervix dilate. My 1st deliver is about 6hrs, 2nd delivery is 3hrs (induce, coz i dont want to wait) ... hahaha ...... both delivery i push for less than 15mins baby is out but assistanced birth (vaccum suck) with luaghing gas and Pethidine and w/o epidural. Painful or not depends your level of thrash hold of pain. On the big day if you cannot take the pain, request for epidural.

Stay relax and enjoy your last trimester of prengnancy. Get your hospital bag ready for the big day.

Take care

Thanks ya..

6hours for 1st delivery is consider very fast as i heard from my friend..all are them more than 12 hours ...


Well-Known Member
hi all, have delivered via elective c-section on 10/10/10. twins were at 2.6kg & 2.3kg each. we were discharged 3 days later and babies are doing well at home. :)


New Member
hi pink diamonds..
heard that if u have baby boy, it's not good to drink soy milk...
for it will increase one of those feminine hormones...
u can check with ur gynea for confirmation as what i heard might be old wives' tales... ;)

Good day to all of mother to be!!
It's not just an old wives' tale. Someone I know, who studied nutritional science in uni, told me the same thing. And it extends to all soy bean products, not just soy bean milk. That means tau huay (dou hua), bean curd, tau kwa, all cannot eat. All the stuff I love to eat some more! I had to restrict myself because I was pregnant with a boy (now a healthy, adorable 5-month-old - praise God!)

little pepo

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How are all October babies and mummies coping? My princess is doing well except that she lost quite alot of weight while her 2 little tooth came out last month. Last weight was 8.2kg at 9 months old and 72cm. Eating well and trying to quit her night feed now, still haven't start to Crawl on the floor, only mat and bed, seems like she's afraid of the cold hard floor!