EDD in Sept 2011


Yes yes! Like that! Scary when u wanna go toilet right?
I also sleep naked! High 5! Carisella, good to know u feel better now! More happy days ahead! :)
I think better tell gynae next check up ~_~" it's super scary lo..

carisella, bb charlotte is soooooo cute! super daddy's girl, side with her daddy!
Haha.. She's really being an angel even in my tummy :) really blessed

lols. i cant slp naked. haas living with the in law... room no toilet. i keep running to the toilet to urine in the middle of the night. if slp naked have to dress, undress duno how many times. lols. although i very much wish to do tt. haas! yeah carisella.! i m happy that u feel better=D life still goes on yeah=D dolphyant, why have to watch diet?=(
I make sure i empty my bladder to the LAST drop (LOL) before i lock door slp naked :D

Thanks All, I really do feel much better after yesterday :) Little monster brighten up my day
Carisella, glad u are better now J
Cheer up ok? Things will not be so bad..

Ur baby is similar to mine! But only listen to daddy! Don’t listen to me.. and I nearly fall yesterday at Compass point..
I thought I saw the step but just nearly trip over.. and Thank God hubby was there to hold me tight and he scold me why I am getting careless..

I was quite shock and baby gal kick hard on me too… I feel bullied… don’t kick daddy hand when he put over my tummy when he don’t, she will kick.. and drinking milo is making her kick so hard n more… haha

I feel like I am peeing more often or even I just went toilet I just want to go toilet again.. is it baby growing and sitting on bladder again?


Carisella, glad u are better now J
Cheer up ok? Things will not be so bad..

Ur baby is similar to mine! But only listen to daddy! Don’t listen to me.. and I nearly fall yesterday at Compass point..
I thought I saw the step but just nearly trip over.. and Thank God hubby was there to hold me tight and he scold me why I am getting careless..

I was quite shock and baby gal kick hard on me too… I feel bullied… don’t kick daddy hand when he put over my tummy when he don’t, she will kick.. and drinking milo is making her kick so hard n more… haha

I feel like I am peeing more often or even I just went toilet I just want to go toilet again.. is it baby growing and sitting on bladder again?
Think so? I used to only pee like 3 times a day.. now i can pee like every hour once :( so tiring to move to and fro toilet..
and why so careless? ~_~" lucky hubby is there to hold u .. becareful next time ah


Hey mummies,

Those of you who're travelling, remember to get the letter/cert from your gynae stating that you're fit to travel. Otherwise you may not be able to board the plane / boat! I came back to Singapore at 20 weeks to visit my mum and the airport wouldn't issue my boarding pass cos I had no letter! Ended up having to call up the hospital and trying to explain the situation to a nurse who didn't understand any English...

And then I just returned to switzerland last week and the first thing the SQ counter girl asked for was my gynae letter when she saw that I'm pregnant. =(


Btw is everyone's tummy very big now? That's why having the swollen legs and tiredness etc?

I'm worried cos my hubby says my face, arms and legs are skinnier than before pregnancy... tummy not really big yet although i'm clearly pregnant. He says I look like a balloon on sticks! I don't know how big my baby is either cos over here I can only receive 3 ultrasounds for the entire pregnancy. =( Already had the 2nd scan at 20 weeks, and the last ultrasound will only be from 36 weeks onwards just to check that baby is in the right position for delivery.

I've been eating normally, no less than my hubby but I seriously wonder where all the food is going - hopefully to baby? Cos I'm not gaining at all even though the nausea has finally tapered off =(


Babybull - me too, i'm not putting any weight on my arms or face. But my bump is big n round, feels so tight. Look like i just swallowed a big basketball.
Think so? I used to only pee like 3 times a day.. now i can pee like every hour once :( so tiring to move to and fro toilet..
and why so careless? ~_~" lucky hubby is there to hold u .. becareful next time ah
yeah i feel i am getting more clumsy lately! sigh like more blur with things and stuff maybe i am abit worried for $$ sometimes i just be more blur blur.. but i try to look and walk slower so not to fall down too..
:eek: envy u all.. i like putting on weight more lately...
hubby says tummy is more firm less fat at baby area...
but i am like keep gaining weight everyday!
i am eating more normal but sigh scared too over weight

i just took 1 pc of durian only and i feel like a gain 1kg from that!! argh.....

i dont feel very swollen but my baby gal dont like me to sleep on right side
she will kick n kick and make me sleep on my left side or back to quieten down.. lol

then i just go back to right side and she will kick again lol....

my hubby says he came in the room when i was sleeping like a log i think must be knock out and baby was kicking alot and moving around yet i still can sleep my way through lol... :001_302: baby so cute and he enjoy every moment of it :wong19:


yeah i feel i am getting more clumsy lately! sigh like more blur with things and stuff maybe i am abit worried for $$ sometimes i just be more blur blur.. but i try to look and walk slower so not to fall down too..
Me too, almost fall down many times. Since my 1st trims till now, clumsy, blur, reaction slow. Last time dare to drive, but i stopped. My brain and body not tally at all. Both doing and thinking diff thing.

:eek: envy u all.. i like putting on weight more lately...
hubby says tummy is more firm less fat at baby area...
but i am like keep gaining weight everyday!
i am eating more normal but sigh scared too over weight

i just took 1 pc of durian only and i feel like a gain 1kg from that!! argh.....

i dont feel very swollen but my baby gal dont like me to sleep on right side
she will kick n kick and make me sleep on my left side or back to quieten down.. lol

then i just go back to right side and she will kick again lol....

my hubby says he came in the room when i was sleeping like a log i think must be knock out and baby was kicking alot and moving around yet i still can sleep my way through lol... :001_302: baby so cute and he enjoy every moment of it :wong19:
I have been gaining weight since the day i pregnant. at first i tht drinking milk and eating fruits is good. baby likes it.
But then doctor say i gaining too fast le, no choice got to stop.


Nevermind, try not to worry. As long as baby is healthy n happy to be kicking us mummies, we shouldn't think too much about it. If baby is slightly underweight, after he/she comes out, can still feed and make him/her chubby. If mummy is the one who put on weight then later can talk lah.... Lol. Excercise, diet or just carry baby up n down, can work it out later. :) For now we try to relax whenever we can ok, once baby pops out we'll be busy with the lil one already.
yeah, agreed with chocobaby. rabbitmummy, after confinement then think of losing weight. like i say breastfeeding totally sure lose weight one.=) relax.

rabbitmummy and fionng88, please b careful. walk slowly n carefully. if possible, invest in a good shoes .=)


Just wanna ask.. if i'm having backpains and tummy pains suddenly, is it considered labor contractions? the pain was from the lower back to the front top of the tummy..

It happened as I had an argument with my parents ..


Just wanna ask.. if i'm having backpains and tummy pains suddenly, is it considered labor contractions? the pain was from the lower back to the front top of the tummy..

It happened as I had an argument with my parents ..
Oh i had that a few times, went to A&E cos the pain was so bad. Doc said it's ligaments pain. Caused from ur insides stretching to fit ur growing baby. :)


Good morning mummies! Hope everyone is feeling great! Going for check up later, going to ask doc for medical letter to travel n ask about opting for a c-sec.

Anyway, does anybody know about AHG? Additional housing grant... Got invited to pick a flat in 2 weeks. Read about the AHG from HDB website, can use it for the downpayment of flat is it? Dont understand lah....

Catch up soon ladies!
Good morning mummies! Hope everyone is feeling great! Going for check up later, going to ask doc for medical letter to travel n ask about opting for a c-sec.

Anyway, does anybody know about AHG? Additional housing grant... Got invited to pick a flat in 2 weeks. Read about the AHG from HDB website, can use it for the downpayment of flat is it? Dont understand lah....

Catch up soon ladies!
yeah. AHG is for those salary add up less than 5k de is I m not wrong...
now lately i am getting more back aches and using my bloster to rest my back and sleep half on my sides.. i cant totally sleep on my back without back pain..

baby gal still kicks when i sleep totally on my sides... waking me up in the middle of the nights and less sleep...

did any ladies wake up with fingers and hands feeling very numb?
i went to see a GP and he says its normal.. got worried as i feel like so numb...
after 11am then my hands didnt feel numb....