EDD Jan 2013


New Member
wah seh.. cherm, is this your 1st kid?
you really buy alot sia~~~ haha luggage must be overweight?
gosh. now i feel bad for not buying anything for my boy.
anyway i am going to taka and robinson this sun to get tollyjoy and pigeon clothing.
These two brands have better material feel keke..
Did you buy the freestyle accessories from usa?
it is cheaper leh..
do u have any site selling cheap accessories for the freestyles? i need to buy the "cups" lah.. got 1 pair of spares but i need to get more. also i need to buy the bottles too.
I have issue with plastic/ pvc items so after some time i discard and use new ones :D
wasteful but no choice keke.
at least u feel tired during he last trim. i think some of us are already feeling lazy lor~~ everyday hope its friday haha :D
Asphere: Yup! Our first child and first grandchild on both sides of our families! So, no hand-me-downs and also no expenses spared. I bought the freestyle pump as a set via Amazon and got it shipped to a friend's place in US where I was staying. It was a steal at 50% of the retail price in Singapore! I was so worried that my luggage will be overweight cos US have very strict policy on their labour laws, so they will charge a premium if the luggage is overweight/ oversized. But thank God my baggage was just nice! My stroller got delayed but I even got to claim insurance for that and it off-set part of my shopping for baby stuff in US.

For cheap freestyle accessories online, I have not come across any, but I have a business associate who told me that she got some Medela "cups" from Paragon. Not sure which shop she is referring to. Apparently it's $30+ for a pair. I've seen the accessories at Tanglin Mall as well, but I'm not sure if they are cheaper.

I, too, hope everyday is Friday. Haha. It'll be Friday soon! Hang in there!!


Hello ladies! Omg, 15 pages of updates hahaha. Can you add me to the Whatsapp group too? :) I didn't know there's a WA group! 90013066 :) Thank you ladiess <3

Oh, my EDD is 290113, delivering at Thomson. Gynae is Dr Wendy Teo, Ang Mo Kio Hub 3rd Floor


New Member
I read some of the forum... the sex of the baby is not 100 % accurate =.=
tweety: I guess it's not 100% accurate cos doctors will always safeguard themselves by putting a disclaimer. I have a family friend who used to practice medicine but has since moved on to a more corporate role in one of the medical institutions. He mentioned before that gynaes usually tell parents-to-be that their child is one gender, but in their record, they put down the opposite gender to protect themselves in case they are really wrong.

Not sure if he was joking or being serious but sounds plausible.


Another 29 jan baby. 29 jan is so popular. Hahahhaa.

Cherm; you are definitely super excited. You make me feel that I did nothing. So far. I got only 5 rompers and pacifier for my boy. Nothin else. Omg. I'm sorry baby.


Active Member
helloyou: your edd also 29.. woah so helloyou hikari and me are all 29 haha.. so i may be meeting u during delivery day :) hikari will be at kkh.
hikari wanna change to tmc ? haha.

LeeTham: seem like our chat getting more mommies keke.. please add her in~~

Cherm: hmm guess i must really go dig back my history. $30+ still ex :)
i simply cant rem who i purchase the cups from sigh~~ going to search through all my history tough job haha.


Active Member
Aksoh: me too... haha at least u have 5 rompers!!! i have only 1 set coz he show us his gender... omg now i felt like a bad mother :( this sun i must buy clothes for my son~~ not too many coz his korkor clothes too many too haha.


New Member
hi mummies, where would you suggest i get a new baby cot? not sure if i should go to baby kingdom, robinsons or taka...
bigstar: I went to baby kingdom and almost settled for a cot there before getting one from mothercare. I guess you've got to consider your preference (size - Cot or Cot bed, drop-side or fixed side, castors or no castors). For me, I was looking for a cot (120 x 60) rather than a cot bed (140 x 70) as I wanted to give my son a "cars" bed by the time he turns 2. I know I am really kiasu. Already thinking of 2 years down the road. I was thinking of getting one with castors so that I can move the cot between my room and the nursery but I really don't like the castors look. I was also advised by friends to get those with drop-side cos my back will thank me. However, my first requirement on the cot size really limited my choices and in the end, I got 1 with a fixed side. If you are considering a drop-side cot, you may want to look at the release mechanism. There is the single-handed release, vs the 2-handed release. Most people say the single push release is much better cos your hands will be full with the baby and unless someone helps you with the 2-handed release, you won't use that function much.

I've been reading reviews online but there is an on-going debate on drop-side vs fixed side cots and whether to use a bumper or not. Perhaps some of the more experienced mums can share their opinions here?


Asphere: Yes yes! :) You are Tzelin right? I am so confused now haha! Got Hikari and Tzelin on my FB :) Yes! So exciting. Time really flies! 6 months alr!


New Member
Another 29 jan baby. 29 jan is so popular. Hahahhaa.

Cherm; you are definitely super excited. You make me feel that I did nothing. So far. I got only 5 rompers and pacifier for my boy. Nothin else. Omg. I'm sorry baby.
helloyou: your edd also 29.. woah so helloyou hikari and me are all 29 haha.. so i may be meeting u during delivery day :) hikari will be at kkh.
hikari wanna change to tmc ? haha.

LeeTham: seem like our chat getting more mommies keke.. please add her in~~

Cherm: hmm guess i must really go dig back my history. $30+ still ex :)
i simply cant rem who i purchase the cups from sigh~~ going to search through all my history tough job haha.
Aksoh: Pls don't feel this way. I'm just super gancheong like that and I'm quite the shopaholic. My husband says he can't buy stuff for me on birthdays and anniversaries cos everytime I think of something I want, I'll go out and get it. Sounds like excuse to me. Haha. Sometimes, it's more practical to wait and see what you need before buying. As it is, I am already thinking that some items I bought may not be used. And I really need to go lay out all the clothes I bought and make sure I remember to use them when my son grows into it. I got the stuff cos it was really much cheaper in US. Most of the items I got are 50% off SG prices. Like very wasted not to get.

Asphere: Yes! I think you'll have lots to go through! You're the Imperial Concubine with 800+ posts!!!


Active Member
helloyou, correct i am tzelin :)

Cherm: you are right almost everything is like 50% of singapore price keke. my freestyle i get from online too real good deal just that there is no local warranty for me :) but its okie works fine for me..


New Member
Thanks Cherm! That's really helpful! I didn't think so much into it and just thought that I may wanna get a 4-in-1 cot... then after that I was thinking if I should just get a normal cot for the nursery and a playpen to put in my bedroom at nite.. dilemma..


New Member
Which part of USa you went to ?
helloyou, correct i am tzelin :)

Cherm: you are right almost everything is like 50% of singapore price keke. my freestyle i get from online too real good deal just that there is no local warranty for me :) but its okie works fine for me..
Thanks Cherm! That's really helpful! I didn't think so much into it and just thought that I may wanna get a 4-in-1 cot... then after that I was thinking if I should just get a normal cot for the nursery and a playpen to put in my bedroom at nite.. dilemma..
tweety04: I went to California. Was visiting my friends in Stanford. I ordered most things online and got free shipping. Got the baby clothes at Marshall's, Carters, Baby Gap etc. All super cheap. 3 cK onesies for US$17.99. 5 Timberland onesies for US$14.99. Couldn't resist. Their couponing system is also very enticing. It makes you go back for more just to use the discounts. If you know of anyone going to the US, pls ask them to help you get some stuff. It's really worth it.

Asphere: Yea, I took a risk with all my electronic goods. While I was there, I opened up everything to make sure they were in good working condition. In case they are not, I could exchange it before returning to SG. Only issue is the plugs I have are all the 2 thin-pin plugs. I got an adaptor for each plug to save myself the hassle of swopping each time I want to use another electronic device (eg. breast pump, baby monitor).

bigstar: No problem! I started out wanting to get a 4-in-1 so that my baby can use it for a long time. We inherited 1 from a relative and when we fixed it up, we realized that it's too big and takes up too much space. I can't imagine having that big a cot in my home for 5 years (cos that's how long they claim to last). I'm not so sure about playpens cos they are quite soft and I heard that babies should sleep on mattress with support firmer than an adults'. This was what the sales lady at Spring Maternity told me. Most people use playpens when travelling, but my mum told me recently that her colleagues love playpens as cot substitute. Anyone with experience?


I'm on my way home. Yeah. ;) ask my boss to cove duty for me. Wahahhaa

Cherm: nah. I'm okay. Just feel guilty towards baby. But still I have lots of pass down. If not i also going to buy. Hahhaa. Splurge like no tmr.