EDD Jan 2013


tweety04:I pm-ed you cos I cannot manage to get any result frm the email add u gave me.Lol!

Diydee:Aiyo eat so much will grow fatfat you knw!

mybeautyrights:haha sometimes I envy you also..everything own time own targer not like me dun want come work have to keng mc.But yea I agree that nothing to do too long will be very sian!Well at least got us to entertain u!


Fat fat? Not even fat la!
No need to fret too much.

Yes you are living the life, so relaxed.
Unlike us, looking forward to our AL(s) & ML(s).


Active Member
tweety04: your edd is earlier lor~~ haha..

Aksoh: wah liew meaning later my whatsapp going to burst :D your gynae nv control your food intake?
my doc is more concern on my health and baby growth for now he nv really control my diet this time round.. sigh sometime make me worry only haha..

Diydee: actually i had sambal petai beginning of tri 2 every week. then stop. but now sudden craving .. haha.

mybeautyrights: slp in is good at times :D

my work place is going to be covered by dark clouds lor.. and i feel like going for lunch outside but tired to drive..
and yes i am so tired now ...omg..


Tweety04: no worries. We are always there for each other. This is what we are best for ;) you too. Must remember to take lunch

Mybeautyrights: you come work at my place. Then you know why I envy you all the time. Hahhaa.

Diydee: excited again. Knowing that bb can come out earlier. Hahaha.


Asphere: yes. Bursting later. Hahahha. You should see what is the counter at when you see your phone. But today should be okay. Cause not many spams. Hahaha. My gynae never really control my diet because he did ask what I eat. I told him. Then he say okay. Try to eat lesser. I don't know where the wt go to. I am still wearing all my pre preggy clothing!!


Your boy seems to like petai huh? Lucky your mum knows how to cook.
But actually petai is easy to cook not that tough :)
BBQ i bring sambal petai you want?

Alamak you spot me le.
I am excited, give birth early can but as long as doctor says baby is healthy i dont mind.
But so far i never did ask about my girl's weight and all. Guess im too ignorant.
Thank god i found the forum!


I approve wrong person ah?!
Alamak who i approved.
I also never go see the profile.
Is it still pending? Or you haven sent friend request yet?
tweety04: i cant find you with the email you given. I PM you my name to search.

Hikari: haha..ok lar.. let you all envy me bah.. When you all take 4 months paid ML then my turn to envy le coz u all got $$$.. Own time own target test my discipline coz im getting lazy to write some code.. Lucky u gals entertain me daily... make me so determined to wake up early to read all ur msg...

Diydee: i know how it feels to look forward. You all experiencing bitter then sweetness after that. Can retire early.


True true, bbq chix wings!
1 month to go!

Thats what i keep telling myself, 16 weeks of paid leave, must tahan now.
Its going to be worth it :)


Asphere: hahha. My colleagues asking when I'm going to buy preggy clothes to wear. But my pre preggy clothes still can wear. Only that tummy is big. Even my skirts and shorts still can wear. Then why change? Hahha.

Diydee: I'm excited too. I want to 25th to come faster. Maybe my edd going to shift as well? Hahaha.

Mybeautyrights: you envy us 4 mths. We envy you 8mths. Who is better? Hahhaa.


Active Member
my edd no change at all.. seem like the little one is determined on the date haha :D

aiyo so slpy and tired.. 530 come fast please..


tweety04:dunno why i still cant find you in fb?Lol!

Aksoh:I also still wearing pre-preggy clothing.wahliew 6 mths plus le still not much bump.dun look preggy at all.only thing is i scared bump growing very big big at the end..my legs cant support my weight.Lol!

Asphere:aiyo naturally is will gain weight and got bump bump one ma.You knw hw much I admire u charbors?I like sambal so anything with sambal I will eat.Hahha!Or just say I greedy ba.Anw I told my Hub wabt ur company he told me he will think about it,but why not?He sian of army alrdy.Haha

mybeautyrights:haha we make ur life so much more exciting right.Yea I get what u mean,we will be enjoying not working during ML but still taking money.I mean true la dun work for awhile is ok,but once too long nv work nth to do,bored also and worry no money to go out enjoy.

You girls ah keep talking about BBQ.I am going to be cranky for the next few weeks until I manage to eat all the food!


Active Member
Hikari: if he interested just let me know i check out what position there is lor and if he interested then apply lor.. haha

i am so slpy after my lunch... so tired ~~ :20:
Aksoh: i dont want. So far and so long working hours. i prefer work life balance job. Haha.. i only stopped working in mid june and lie flat till end August. If you have my MS, you would rather work..

Hikari: ya,very exciting. So many topic. Yup yup, at least when you buy bb stuffs you tap into your salary. I tap into my saving. Im the one who going get cranky coz i didnt manage to eat.. think i better go coffeeshop buy 1 bbq chix wing to eat.. haha.. Make sure your hubby knows that if he go in, hewill have chance meet many old friends too... Dont say sian after that.


Me too i cant wait for 23, seems like so far away but its actually just 1 week left but still.....
Haiyah you also wanna move your EDD earlier, cannot wait right?!

Sameeeee, so sleepy and now its raining at Changi area, even much more sleepy.
Your boy is sure of that date dont wanna push it earlier, i dont know about my girl, EDD 11 Jan 2013 also good so the daddy no need go work on Friday :p
Earlier come out can spend more time together .