EDD Jan 2013


Misspiiggy: is okay even ur risk is low. We buy this insurance also dont hope anything will happen right. This insurance is also a form of saving plan our baby. It covers our bb until they r old. Plus in the future if ur child need some cash for studies or wedding..he or she can tske money out frm this saving insurance interest free.
If u wan to know more..u wan contact my insurance agent. She can explain to u about this Prulink ;)

Good things must share


Active Member
I read here that confinement can't eat yam. Why is that so? Yam is one of my favs :)

Am just done at the gynae. He told me womb is very clean and I can try again after two mense cycle. I suddenly feel a sense of relief and a hope. I will take good care of myself, see my traditional chinese medicine, and work towards the best.
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Afternoon ladies!Wah seems like Asphere and LeeTham's boys will have names starting with letter A.I did discuss the confinement lady thingy with Hubby.I know that when we give birth its nearing CNY too.So either can't get confinement lady or rates too ex.So we worked this out.We will be getting a maid with childcare experience and order those Tingkat confinement food for me to eat.Should be more affordable that way.And maid can continue caring for my little one after my maternity leave is over and I've to go back to work.LeeTham:what kinda insurance?Can i know the details?Thanks babe=)Dragontail:That is great news!I'm sure you will be blessed with a precious one soon.Can be born in snake year(like me)hehehehe!Jiayou jiayou!mybeautyrights:Im also going to see my baby's gender next month during detailed scan..actually can go see now but my Hubby is away for a month.wanna wait for him to come home than can go see together=)Seems so faraway cos Im so excited!helloyou:you lucky girl.so no stress/pressure workwise I presume?


hello mommies~

senscgal, yeap i saw OB following day of scan.. actually nth much lo, jus discussed tat results were normal, bb doing well ^^

hikari, oh my gosh serious!.. phew i havent said anything to bb yet.. tink i'll jus ask her to be guai guai and healthy!

Dragontail, all the best to you~ have a gd rest for now ^^

haven't slept well past 2 days.., really difficult to get gd position even though i have lotsa pillows ard to support.


Hirika: I jus PM you about the insurance thingy..if you don't mind, I get the prof. one to explain to you on the insurance thingy. :)


Active Member
Cant eat Yam becoz they are consider "du" and will irritate down there.. I heard from frenz.. The insurance cover from 20 wks to baby 2 yrs old then can continue to save as endowment


New Member
It's good to be back to the forum.. I went for my ultrasound two weeks ago but bb too shy to spread out legs so hopefully will get to know the gender during my next scan tomorrow :)

Just to check, how much weight have u girls put on? I've put on abt 6kgs!!! I'm nw at 18 week, is it too much? Sigh! Mil keep saying its gd to put on weight, nvm etc.. BUT!!! I'm so scared that I won't be able to lose those fats after giving birth!!! T_T

And have u all started looking for postnatal massage? Do u have any contacts? How much? Is it really necessary to get Malay lady to do? Chinese ok? I've called up one, she's ex nurse, a Chinese.. 7 visits in 2 weeks for $900. Is it consider ex?


Hi mummied today i got select my new flat today!! Is a long tired day this morning..finally got to lay down n rest.
Anyone has swollen palms?? Mine swollen n when i close my fist is so painful.

Ajen: i get 4kg so far...i m 20wk 7days.


New Member
Congrats!! Must be very excited abt the love nest! Hehe

So far still alright no experience of swollen palms.. But skin around belly button is sensitive n pain. N tummy is protruding..

U put on only 4kgs!! Oh my! Think I've put on too much!! Gotta cut down on my food intake!!! :(


It's good to be back to the forum.. I went for my ultrasound two weeks ago but bb too shy to spread out legs so hopefully will get to know the gender during my next scan tomorrow :)

Just to check, how much weight have u girls put on? I've put on abt 6kgs!!! I'm nw at 18 week, is it too much? Sigh! Mil keep saying its gd to put on weight, nvm etc.. BUT!!! I'm so scared that I won't be able to lose those fats after giving birth!!! T_T

And have u all started looking for postnatal massage? Do u have any contacts? How much? Is it really necessary to get Malay lady to do? Chinese ok? I've called up one, she's ex nurse, a Chinese.. 7 visits in 2 weeks for $900. Is it consider ex?
Me too. i have gain 6kg . i am week 20 now. always so hungry ...i am very worried too..


New Member
Idk if I'm gaining too much.. Will have to check with my gynae tmr.. Are u all going for any prenatal classes or exercise?


Hi mummied today i got select my new flat today!! Is a long tired day this morning..finally got to lay down n rest.
Anyone has swollen palms?? Mine swollen n when i close my fist is so painful.

Ajen: i get 4kg so far...i m 20wk 7days.
LeeTham:Congrats girl.Happy happy.Got new flat and baby boy to look forward to!Swollen palms?Not that I notice on myself.Do rest more,you seem so busy and tired lately!
Ajen:Im going on 19weeks.so far no belly visible yet..gained abt 1.3kg or so?Aiya now can gt excuse to gain weight,shd gain more..dun specially go and control.Hehe!


Hikari: Well, cos running own biz and this year economy not very good, somewhat stress, but ok, BB is taking my stress away :)

Btw, I am starting to feel back pains, and Gynae says its because I don't frequently clear my bladder while being asleep and hence bladder is pressing on the baby and baby on my spine. Has anyone of you gotten the tummy support pillow? Does it help you?

Anyway, on the weight issue.. I have been losing weight instead of gaining weight, lose about 1kg plus already, but gynae says its okay cos I have been eating frequently so just hope BB is gaining the extra food. :)
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Active Member
alamak i miss so much post haha. dunno where to cut in too.. keke.. anyway real happy to know that paternity leave will be paid leave and hope all companies will make it a must for all ftb.. keke. i gain 2kg+ and am in the 17 weeks i guess.. i kinda lost track already. :D oh yah regarding the jamu lady. my previous one is $50 per session and she will let me know if i need to continue after every session and is a everyday thing.. i dun really like it coz i dun feel relax haha.. but she also massage for my boy then so $50 for 2 pax is worth haha..not going prenatal class as i having tight finance issue haha so save as much as i can haha..Lee tham you need baby clothes ar? i try help you look around if have i let you know.. coz previously i have a lot but you noe ppl always give those ugly one to others. so in the end we dispose quite a number keke..


dear ladies, as was asked previously... i am monitering my baby heartbeat by using the angelsound fetal doppler... its only at $59.90 free shipping... checked it out at Q10.sg... anyone thought of baby names yet?


dear ladies, as was asked previously... i am monitering my baby heartbeat by using the angelsound fetal doppler... its only at $59.90 free shipping... checked it out at Q10.sg... anyone thought of baby names yet?

I dont know my baby's gender yet until detailed scan mid September.But I already decided on names for both genders long ago.Haha.Super kiasu!