EDD Jan 2014


any mummies have edd that keeps jumping around at every visit? mine is like push forward then backwards abit , next visit forward again then next visit backwards again, now im getting very confused and blur on which dates i should follow. worried my bb growth doesnt seem to be very consistent.


any mummies have edd that keeps jumping around at every visit? mine is like push forward then backwards abit , next visit forward again then next visit backwards again, now im getting very confused and blur on which dates i should follow. worried my bb growth doesnt seem to be very consistent.
Think the gynae will tell which date to follow. After he confirm, those shown on the pics are probably just as guides. Believe those dates are auto-calculated based on growth.
any mummies have edd that keeps jumping around at every visit? mine is like push forward then backwards abit , next visit forward again then next visit backwards again, now im getting very confused and blur on which dates i should follow. worried my bb growth doesnt seem to be very consistent.
Mine gets earlier or later with every visit. So the sonographer said that the EDD in the ultrasound scans are actually dependent on the size of the baby and that it's automatically calculated. it's a good baseline though since it doesn't go really far from my original EDD, i mean at least i know that my baby is growing okay. :)


Just wondering.. Any mommies still having ms? Mine hasnt stopped though I am like 13 weeks... And am so sick of it already... =(


Mine gets earlier or later with every visit. So the sonographer said that the EDD in the ultrasound scans are actually dependent on the size of the baby and that it's automatically calculated. it's a good baseline though since it doesn't go really far from my original EDD, i mean at least i know that my baby is growing okay. :)
okay. my gynae also said +/- 1 week should be fine :) thanks chiching!


Just wondering.. Any mommies still having ms? Mine hasnt stopped though I am like 13 weeks... And am so sick of it already... =(
haha ,mine was worse in weeks 12 and 13 , now im week 15 so slowly getting better, but the unglam bloaty feeling and burpiness is still there. hahah. I like your baby banner. very cute!


haha ,mine was worse in weeks 12 and 13 , now im week 15 so slowly getting better, but the unglam bloaty feeling and burpiness is still there. hahah. I like your baby banner. very cute!
Thanks... U can create yours too by clicking on the link... =)

I'm glad to find someone who went through what I was going through... last week was my peak... vomit till nothing come out.. still vomit... now I got so sick of 7 weeks of solid ms... In fact, I was hospitalised for dehydration at week 10... now I am just nausea the entire day... when I gag, I dunno if it will develop into vomiting.. I was just wondering will this ever end... Sighz....


Thanks... U can create yours too by clicking on the link... =)

I'm glad to find someone who went through what I was going through... last week was my peak... vomit till nothing come out.. still vomit... now I got so sick of 7 weeks of solid ms... In fact, I was hospitalised for dehydration at week 10... now I am just nausea the entire day... when I gag, I dunno if it will develop into vomiting.. I was just wondering will this ever end... Sighz....
hehe think in a better way, they say mummies with ms is good for babies but you must be careful of your nutritional intake, maybe take h20 or 100 plus to replenish your fluids if possible :) it should get abit better soon. haha i will go take a look now but how i attached it?


by the way mummies, be careful of infections too, that day there was a lady that posted she had an uti & after my check up, gynae also suspected. so rmb to drink lots of water! :)


hehe think in a better way, they say mummies with ms is good for babies but you must be careful of your nutritional intake, maybe take h20 or 100 plus to replenish your fluids if possible :) it should get abit better soon. haha i will go take a look now but how i attached it?
I certainly hope it eases off soon... I've not been able to go work for 2 months liao...

Umm.. U click on the bar.. N follow the instructions.. Choose the design u like.. Then they will churn out some tags... Which u can copy it and paste to your "signature" box found in edit profile page... Viola! It'll be done! =)


Thanks... U can create yours too by clicking on the link... =)

I'm glad to find someone who went through what I was going through... last week was my peak... vomit till nothing come out.. still vomit... now I got so sick of 7 weeks of solid ms... In fact, I was hospitalised for dehydration at week 10... now I am just nausea the entire day... when I gag, I dunno if it will develop into vomiting.. I was just wondering will this ever end... Sighz....
Have u tried any food like lemon, ginger etc to see if it helps? I'm taking water with lemon slice... At least I can drink much more now.


Have u tried any food like lemon, ginger etc to see if it helps? I'm taking water with lemon slice... At least I can drink much more now.
Thanks for sharing! I tried ginger at week 10.. And it sent me straight to the hospital.. I think abit too strong for me.. Lemon water makes me very hungry.. It has a temporary effect though.. Unfortunately hunger also makes me nausea... So i dun find it very helpful... Now i only find a bit of comfort sipping peppermint tea... Gaviscon n stemetil n maxolon n vitamin B... All tried liao.. Wits' end.. Lol... Maxolon through IV drip did give me relief for that few days in hosp.. But tablets n injection failed horribly.. I guess itz just my weak stomach! =(


Thanks for sharing! I tried ginger at week 10.. And it sent me straight to the hospital.. I think abit too strong for me.. Lemon water makes me very hungry.. It has a temporary effect though.. Unfortunately hunger also makes me nausea... So i dun find it very helpful... Now i only find a bit of comfort sipping peppermint tea... Gaviscon n stemetil n maxolon n vitamin B... All tried liao.. Wits' end.. Lol... Maxolon through IV drip did give me relief for that few days in hosp.. But tablets n injection failed horribly.. I guess itz just my weak stomach! =(
Hope u get better soon! Maybe your body is super strong in fighting unknown substances instead? (read about MS was because body recognize the fetus as foreign substance that shouldn't be in body). :)
Actually I tried ginger before but also can't take it. But not to that bad extend.. Just puke after taking. Think I've tried so many stuff.. Carbonated drink, super cold water, sour plum, ginger, sweet, peppermint.. Some helped a while before my body start to auto-reject.. Hehe...


Thanks for sharing! I tried ginger at week 10.. And it sent me straight to the hospital.. I think abit too strong for me.. Lemon water makes me very hungry.. It has a temporary effect though.. Unfortunately hunger also makes me nausea... So i dun find it very helpful... Now i only find a bit of comfort sipping peppermint tea... Gaviscon n stemetil n maxolon n vitamin B... All tried liao.. Wits' end.. Lol... Maxolon through IV drip did give me relief for that few days in hosp.. But tablets n injection failed horribly.. I guess itz just my weak stomach! =(
hehe ok, will check it out soon for the pregnancy banner :)


Hope u get better soon! Maybe your body is super strong in fighting unknown substances instead? (read about MS was because body recognize the fetus as foreign substance that shouldn't be in body). :)
Actually I tried ginger before but also can't take it. But not to that bad extend.. Just puke after taking. Think I've tried so many stuff.. Carbonated drink, super cold water, sour plum, ginger, sweet, peppermint.. Some helped a while before my body start to auto-reject.. Hehe...
Exactly~ i also tried the above... Also temporary relief.... Before some decides to come out~~ lol.. btw... are u still experiencing it? Or has it stopped? Which week are u in now? =)

Lush: gaviscon though only helps a bit.. I take it for v short term relief... Helps me to make it to the gynae's clinic w/o looking like a sick freak.. Lol... But it tastes really horrible!!


Exactly~ i also tried the above... Also temporary relief.... Before some decides to come out~~ lol.. btw... are u still experiencing it? Or has it stopped? Which week are u in now? =)

Lush: gaviscon though only helps a bit.. I take it for v short term relief... Helps me to make it to the gynae's clinic w/o looking like a sick freak.. Lol... But it tastes really horrible!!
Lovealot: I'm in week 15 and I still have MS. I know what you mean. I was just telling hubby that I've been puking for two solid months on a daily basis. it is easing a little (1-2 times a day instead of 4-5) so I'm optimistic that it should be gone very soon. And yes, when I am hungry, I get nauseous n when I eat , I puked n the cycle goes on n on. hang on k. u will b fine very soon k. already so many weeks of endurance, what's another few more days.


Exactly~ i also tried the above... Also temporary relief.... Before some decides to come out~~ lol.. btw... are u still experiencing it? Or has it stopped? Which week are u in now? =)

Lush: gaviscon though only helps a bit.. I take it for v short term relief... Helps me to make it to the gynae's clinic w/o looking like a sick freak.. Lol... But it tastes really horrible!!
I'm still having morning sickness. Sadly, haven't stop..but mostly my vomiting starts at evening. Vomiting air, food, drink and can also vomit some watery substance I didn't know what it is.. Lol.. Now am at 12+ weeks.
For gaviscon, actually it taste kind of salty... Compared to normal antacid tablet I took. But it is indeed a fast relief. I took it when I feel heartburn initially. Have you tried preggie pops? I actually finished my first container but then when my second container was purchased, my body auto rejected it... If you want to try it, I can mail some over to you. But due to the humid weather and me keeping the sweets in room temperature, some may stick a little to its wrapper. :)