EDD Jan 2014


I've already against 5 kg at wk 13!!! sigh.. I'm those kind that gain wgt really fast, used to hav to Ctrl my diet to maintain the wgt.. now my wgt jus go haywire!

by the way, those having gals, is ur bump round n high? n those expecting a boy, low n pointy bump?

I'm having round n high bump, so I suspect it's a gal! :)
I dunno how to see pointy or round.. lol... so I asked my hubby last nite... and he replied, "What bump?" lol...


Hi All Mummies,
I'm new here. I'm approaching week 19 this fri. I've gained 1.3kg so far. I believe that is normal as my BMI is on the high side (>30)
So far had sore breasts and feeling tired during my 1st trimester and not much difference from my non pregnancy days and now. Sometimes, it's a bit worrying as there's not much symptoms.
Have been trying for this baby for the past 4 yrs and I'm 37 this year. EDD on 3rd Jan 2014. I'm seeing Dr Beh (his clinic at TMC). And I'm expecting a boy.


Hi All Mummies,
I'm new here. I'm approaching week 19 this fri. I've gained 1.3kg so far. I believe that is normal as my BMI is on the high side (>30)
So far had sore breasts and feeling tired during my 1st trimester and not much difference from my non pregnancy days and now. Sometimes, it's a bit worrying as there's not much symptoms.
Have been trying for this baby for the past 4 yrs and I'm 37 this year. EDD on 3rd Jan 2014. I'm seeing Dr Beh (his clinic at TMC). And I'm expecting a boy.
congratulations! :) no worries abt the symptoms, diff pple diff . EDD quite close to yours my baby should be delivering on 02 Jan 2014


Hi All Mummies,
I'm new here. I'm approaching week 19 this fri. I've gained 1.3kg so far. I believe that is normal as my BMI is on the high side (>30)
So far had sore breasts and feeling tired during my 1st trimester and not much difference from my non pregnancy days and now. Sometimes, it's a bit worrying as there's not much symptoms.
Have been trying for this baby for the past 4 yrs and I'm 37 this year. EDD on 3rd Jan 2014. I'm seeing Dr Beh (his clinic at TMC). And I'm expecting a boy.

Welcome & congrats!!! During my first pregnancy, I had no ms and it was a blessing! Hehee.. So, don't worry too much. As long as baby is fine when you go for check ups, everything is ok. Take this opportunity to enjoy yourself! Having no ms is good compared to having ms. ESP if it is your first pregnancy, enjoy the couple time now and go travel to places you can. After you popped, it will be harder for couple time. :)


Hi All Mummies,
I'm new here. I'm approaching week 19 this fri. I've gained 1.3kg so far. I believe that is normal as my BMI is on the high side (>30)
So far had sore breasts and feeling tired during my 1st trimester and not much difference from my non pregnancy days and now. Sometimes, it's a bit worrying as there's not much symptoms.
Have been trying for this baby for the past 4 yrs and I'm 37 this year. EDD on 3rd Jan 2014. I'm seeing Dr Beh (his clinic at TMC). And I'm expecting a boy.
Congratz! Agree with babytazz.. having no ms is much much better than have.... trust me.. once u have it.. u would wish u hadnt... =)
Hi All Mummies,
I'm new here. I'm approaching week 19 this fri. I've gained 1.3kg so far. I believe that is normal as my BMI is on the high side (>30)
So far had sore breasts and feeling tired during my 1st trimester and not much difference from my non pregnancy days and now. Sometimes, it's a bit worrying as there's not much symptoms.
Have been trying for this baby for the past 4 yrs and I'm 37 this year. EDD on 3rd Jan 2014. I'm seeing Dr Beh (his clinic at TMC). And I'm expecting a boy.
Congratulations! Don't worry about the symptoms. I didn't have any morning sickness and all. Well except for sore breasts and feeling tired. I never felt sick during my first trimester. no craving either, i just became picky with food. We understand that it's a bit worrying. This is my first baby as well and there are times that I worry as well if my baby is doing fine...If i can go to the doctor's clinic every two weeks or every week, i would have just to see that my baby is okay...hehehe


Hi Babytazz, Lovealot, Chiching8256..
Thanks for the advice. Can't wait to go for the detail scan on 24th to see the baby. Now I can only keep myself occupied by thinking of names for the baby and doing online shopping. :p


Haha... Happy shopping! But don't buy too much! First time mummies may tend to buy a lot coz of all the cute stuff available out there ESP for girls. Boys though not as much cute stuff, can still unknowingly buy too much. Reason for not buying too much is same as diapers. Babies will outgrow them very fast.


Haha.. ya.. too tempted to buy everything now. Actually don't really know what is really necessary. I don't have any hand me down things from friends or family members. So now everything I see are all needed. By the way, anybody looking into buying pram and breast pump? What are the things to look out for into getting these items? Do you think it's ok to getting a 2nd hand ones? I'm worried about the hygiene issue.
Pardon me for splashing all kind of (stupid) questions. Cos I have no one to share the tips. :-(


Blurtazy: 2nd hand prams is fine as long as in good condition. Just clean it up with anti bacteria cleaners or if the stroller pad can be changed, get a new one if you worry about hygiene. I wouldn't recommend 2nd hand breast pumps not because of hygiene. You can change the valve or membrane or both so that it is more hygienic. But my worry will be on the motor.

If you are getting new ones, a 2 side pump will be good if you are going to pump religiously. Less time used but more costly. For pram, depends on what you are looking for - light weight, strong, or both. Like if you are always on the go, you may want to look for one that is not too heavy. Most pram will have the function to enable baby to lie down flat (better for sleeping).
Haha.. ya.. too tempted to buy everything now. Actually don't really know what is really necessary. I don't have any hand me down things from friends or family members. So now everything I see are all needed. By the way, anybody looking into buying pram and breast pump? What are the things to look out for into getting these items? Do you think it's ok to getting a 2nd hand ones? I'm worried about the hygiene issue.
Pardon me for splashing all kind of (stupid) questions. Cos I have no one to share the tips. :-(
Based on my experience (after taking care of 2 nephews) for clothes - don't buy a lot of new born ones. They will easily outgrow them since they will not normally go out that much. My nephews outgrew most of their new born clothes in a span of 1 month. After one month, they are already wearing clothes for 3 months old. Buy few newborn ones, then focus on the 6 mos onwards, but still don't buy a lot...assess how much your baby grows.

For the pram - this is dependent on your need and your budget. Will you be taking public transport a lot or do you have a car? Also, preference if you would like an umbrella type fold or the book fold and the weight to consider as well. There are a lot of things to consider, it's quite confusing. I set my eyes to the new quinny zapp with folding seat but i'm also considering the peg perego book...but check out this new pram, it's so cool but it's expensive. This will be available in mothercare tomorrow: 4moms | Origami
Oh...and by the way, i'm getting most of my things secondhand. Hand me downs from my bro and some of htb's friend. Our playpen/crib is also a hand me down from their neighbor, it was used for 6 months so i really don't mind using it. We just need to wash it and get it dried up., so far, i think the only thing we have to buy will be the pram and small baby stuff and breast pump for breast feeding once i start working again.


Active Member
wow chiching - u sound so experienced! looks like I have lots to learn... can I know the umbrella fold kind.. I presume it can stand on its own? otherwise it will seem funny issit? I cannot imagine the book fold type.. have seen before.. by the way for car boot, which fold type is more recommended?

also how many new born pieces of clothes is a good number to own? this is my no1 & I plan to have no.2..

hope u mummies dont mind me crashing here in jan thread... me likely 1st feb.. I wonder if my baby boy will wanna say hello to daddy early or will stay in mummy's tum longer... hmm...

this holiday I am just so overjoyed to have a bun in the oven! :)


Active Member
hi blurtazy - congrats! :) I am one with little or no symptoms at all. vomit once only due to indigestion... nausea very little also... fatigue mostly caused by utrogestan pills..

hmmm I am one of unlucky ones.. everything have to buy new.. cos no siblings & colleagues all having no2 so also paiseh to ask... so most prob I wont get CL.. let hubby & mil take care! heehee... I think most money will be spent on cot & brest pump.. hope I have enough bm flow..
happilymarried: This is out of experience from my bro and taking care of my two nephews. the umbrella fold will be like the maclaren one. Normally, you can fold it with a baby on the hip and with 1 hand, but the maclaren can't stand on it's own, peg perego pliko is also an umbrella fold but it's heavy, though it can stand on it's own. Our nanny almost tripped on the bus while trying to carry it in the bus because of the weight, so we decided to switch to maclaren. Book fold is like those pram from Capella and Combi brands. If you do have a car, i think either type is okay since transpo is not a problem. But light umbrella type like maclaren is easy for public transport, folds easily as well and will take up less space once folded.

Newborn pieces, we have a lot of those wrap around baby clothes one. I don't know what's it's called. It's the one that has the string that you tie on the sides. I think it depends as well on how often you will do the laundry. I think it's easy to buy if you think you don't have enough. Plus based on my experience...once the baby is out, every time you go to a mall, you will not go home without passing by a baby shop like mothercare and leave without buying anything. I will end up buying at least 2 pairs of clothing almost every month for my nephew...hehehehe...


Wow! That pram have LCD!

btw mummies, actually you can skip newborn clothes to direct 3 months (few) or 6 months. You won't really need newborn esp if your baby is big. initially you will be wrapping your baby up, so the clothes inside, whether is a little loose or not is fine. Baby won't get cold. Don't get those baby gift sets for clothes coz I find them really tiny after wash...
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babytazz: Yes! it's soo cool, but it's heavy as well...both the weight and the budget. Also, the recline is limited so we are still thinking twice about getting this pram..