EDD Jan 2014


New Member
Initially i was thinking to buy after baby was born, but also agree with babytazz that unless you have friends willing to buy for you before baby was born, or after baby was born, can get them buy lighter weight, experience says 1 stroller is not enough, you need at least 2, 1 station in car and the other at home for emergency use

i have read somewhere that baby dont like to lie down in the stroller, or maybe dun buy those expensive ones, for me nothing more than $250, for those 0mths to 36mths...
I find it's true tt some babies dun like to sit in strollers..buy so far those tt I've encountered r cos they're either always carried in e arms or in e carrier..so they'll b fussy once put in stroller..for my #1 I've been putting her in stroller if we're out so she loves zzz in it n had no probs settling in it..even now as a tod she's ok to sit in it when asked to, which is a blessing so tt we dun haf to run ard aft her!
So if those tt r planning to get a stroller I wun reali advise getting an expensive one since u wun noe Bb settles in it well or somehow further dw e road u'll wanna buy another one w a diff function..e.g. lightweight for gg out alone when Bb is older..


Missy: yes! Older babies dont't like to lie down but when they sleep, you will find the lie down function good so their heads won't knock side to side. If they are active, they dont't like coz they wnt to see. I have 2 strollers myself. 1 that has a recline function (this is heavier weight) and 1 that is lightweight (cost $200+) and only can sit within slight recline (cost $50-$70). And actually I bought another one when I go traveling but will not recommend to any mummies. It is a trolley like stroller (yes! Really like market trolley handle) that is very light and cheap under seababy brand (cost less than $50), but unless your child is very small or short, this stroller is too short for them to stretch their legs.

lush: see if you can take danzen (safe medicine for sore throat during pregnancy) from pharmacy. It helps. Drink more water and hope your sore throat will be cured before it becomes flu like mine earlier.

fabsmum: I prefer to see the actual item to know how it works, so for me I dont't buy prams online. Other than that last one for travel which I regret buying online back then coz it was too short for son then. I dont't crave Tom yum or curry but I was on a craze for Korean ramen from Korean stalls. Hehe...

For the delivery hospital, do you gals plan to visit to see how it's like? I heard Thomson is great in their confinement food ESP that papaya soup. Mt A have great nurses.
I have personally stayed in Mt A for a couple of times in the delivery ward (St Raphael) for hyperemesis. The nurses are very nice... but the clean room auntie got attitude.. lol... the confinement food they served also not bad..


wow really, thks Lynette.. any1 buying prams online? can share webby?
hey Lush! take care.. sore throat always brings me fever n body ache, I hate it! maybe gaggle salt water before u slp?

btw, so u gals always want to eat curry/Tom yum/ spicy food? I only like to eat these! sigh, wonder if its real bad!
me too! i love things like tom yam, laksa, curry ,sambal kang kong, and i eat them very very often. i think it only worsens heartburn but i still cant stop craving for it.


Missy: yes! Older babies dont't like to lie down but when they sleep, you will find the lie down function good so their heads won't knock side to side. If they are active, they dont't like coz they wnt to see. I have 2 strollers myself. 1 that has a recline function (this is heavier weight) and 1 that is lightweight (cost $200+) and only can sit within slight recline (cost $50-$70). And actually I bought another one when I go traveling but will not recommend to any mummies. It is a trolley like stroller (yes! Really like market trolley handle) that is very light and cheap under seababy brand (cost less than $50), but unless your child is very small or short, this stroller is too short for them to stretch their legs.

lush: see if you can take danzen (safe medicine for sore throat during pregnancy) from pharmacy. It helps. Drink more water and hope your sore throat will be cured before it becomes flu like mine earlier.

fabsmum: I prefer to see the actual item to know how it works, so for me I dont't buy prams online. Other than that last one for travel which I regret buying online back then coz it was too short for son then. I dont't crave Tom yum or curry but I was on a craze for Korean ramen from Korean stalls. Hehe...

For the delivery hospital, do you gals plan to visit to see how it's like? I heard Thomson is great in their confinement food ESP that papaya soup. Mt A have great nurses.
danzen is ok? then i think i will get it! thx for the info


Just as long as dont stay out too late... Even if we youngsters don't pantang, our parents / in laws will. So better be good and try to avoid unless they are not pantang. Hehe...


New Member
Hello all...Just saw these free apps for Moms & moms to be...They have a pregnancy talk app which I'm part of now-pretty cool and a baby tracker app and other ones. If your scroll down to the bottom of this page, you can see them...


If anyone knows of any other good ones..Plzzzz share....Oh preferrably free:)
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Thanks for the recommendation mama81! I'm using apple store's app:
- babybump
- what to expect pregnancy
- baby centre's my pregnancy

these apps gives you some insight on how baby is doing/growing.


Active Member
Morning all, I just tried FrisoMum and realised it taste more bland than Anmum

After the milk powder poisoning, i threw awa my new Anmum and bought FrisoMum instead, so mummies who's afraid of milky taste can try FrisoMum


Morning all, I just tried FrisoMum and realised it taste more bland than Anmum

After the milk powder poisoning, i threw awa my new Anmum and bought FrisoMum instead, so mummies who's afraid of milky taste can try FrisoMum
hmm i heard that too much power will increase Ges Diabetics... so its better to go with fresh milk.... anyone knows if this is true?


can someone please teach me how to upload the tickler? i tried to copy the link but it just doesnt work/


Liyin: I used ticker under signature.
And nope I have not heard that more milk powder will cause diabetics. But I heard about weight increase more.


Active Member
Peenut:815260 said:
Can I ask if we can eat coleslaw? I've been craving for it badly n this is my first n only craving :(
Eat what you crave but not too much, mayb half the amount....

For milk powder, they provide more nutrient where you can't get from fresh milk, one glass per day dun increase much weight....


Liyin: try using the code in lilypie under 'forum signature / Ubb code & bb code' to insert into your signature setting in this forum.

Peenut: I think coleslaw is same like sashimi. If you can confirm it's fresh, it should be fine.


Agree with missy that the maternal milk has more nutrients and 1 glass won't result in much weight increase unless you are drinking more than you should? I'm no expert in milk. :)

Btw mummies, fairprice xtra seems to have 20% off baby products. It's a good deal. If you wanna buy some stuff for babies and don't wish to go to baby fairs. But do note it's limited to what they have available. So far I feel the outlet at Amk hub has most bb stuff, compare to nex, hougang and changi.

mummies who are using bio-oil, unity is having sales. About $27 for 2.
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Active Member
babytazz:815289 said:
Agree with missy that the maternal milk has more nutrients and 1 glass won't result in much weight increase unless you are drinking more than you should? I'm no expert in milk. :)

Btw mummies, fairprice xtra seems to have 20% off baby products. It's a good deal. If you wanna buy some stuff for babies and don't wish to go to baby fairs. But do note it's limited to what they have available. So far I feel the outlet at Amk hub has most bb stuff, compare to nex, hougang and changi.

mummies who are using bio-oil, unity is having sales. About $27 for 2.
Oh, then i shall proceed to Unity.... but not sure is my skin really starts to stretch, i have these like mosquitos bites forming a line across my navel.... not sure isit my overdose of bio-oil (twice a day)

Will check with my gynae for my 16weeks scan this Tue, so excited!!!!