EDD Jan 2014

I'm thinkg of waxing too.. but dr discourages it, say the nurse will take care of it during labour, y bother :(
maybe cos I have not done it before n he says not too try.. I still want to wax tho, a lot cleaner, the growth aft shave is so uncomfortable..

any MTBs who hav not tried waxing n planning to do so soon?
Fabmoms: i read somewhere that if u have not tried it, second trimester should be okay but not third. They discourage waxing on third as it may trigger contractions due to the pain. Yup, u are right a friend said that the nurses will shave but growing back it's going to be itchy...


Gd morning mummies have a great week ahead! It's back to work today :p & I hope I don't get crazy ppl at work god bless us all!
Wow. I think I am growing fat v fast n I eat alot. Tummy v big now although only 17 weeks. I already have pple asking me.i also have brazillian package. And thinking to go to do sometime soon.bren 4 mths nvr go liao.

Missy10: wa u can use epilator? Not painful? :/
Which waxing boutique did you signed up with? I have a package with honeypot, the one in raffles, so far so good, but a bit expensive.


Active Member
gd morn mummies! thanks for sharing about the sweating at armpits.. me too!! started many weeks ago for me.. at first I thought it was due to me applying clarins cream (tho I don't apply to armpits).. but it still happens now esp whenever I forget to apply anti pespirant.. there are so few brands in the market.. if I dont use, sure stink very fast.. =( over long weekend if I shower 3x a day.. I have to reapply all the anti stretch mark creams all over again after bath.. haiz..
I just got back frm checkup! I'm in team pink!! hahha as expected cos of the shape of the bump + mummy instinct!
keke hubby wants a boi.. but I bet baby will b his precious gem once they meet!

i asked dr if the legs swelling is due to too much/little water intake.. he says it's just due to pregnancy, nothg to do with water intake.. he says ample rest plus some movement (walking?) will help..

i had green bean soup ystd n the swelling improved :)


Fabmum: congrats of ur little girl! Aniqay I tot I suppose we r not to have green bean soup? As it is too cooling? Hmmm.

Chiching: my package is with revive wellness!
Fabmums: Congratulations! You can now start looking at some pink stuff and think of baby names. I'm still waiting for my FA scan to get a confirmation on the gender. The doctor said baby looks like a girl but he can be mistaken. Also, I keep having dreams that my baby is a boy...hahaha...so just like you, hubby is still hoping that during the FA scan the gender will show a boy. :)


Yes I do realise i sweat easily too. besides that I have no other symptoms. My morning sickness just went away this week only at week 19. Anyway, for water retention, I was told your body is not getting hydrated thus it retains water. Drink more water!
I hope mine goes away by week 19 too... =(


I just got back frm checkup! I'm in team pink!! hahha as expected cos of the shape of the bump + mummy instinct!
keke hubby wants a boi.. but I bet baby will b his precious gem once they meet!

i asked dr if the legs swelling is due to too much/little water intake.. he says it's just due to pregnancy, nothg to do with water intake.. he says ample rest plus some movement (walking?) will help..

i had green bean soup ystd n the swelling improved :)
Congratz on team pink! =)