EDD Jan 2014


Anybody heard or encounter about moving house during pregnancy? Is there anything to watch out for? Or best not to move? I've heard some cases on moving and the baby isn't quite well. And of course, nothing happened to most too.


Blurtazy: not so sure on moving hse. But u definately wun be shifting this mth right? 7th mth now. I only know we r not suppose to move big items at home especially our own bed. As mine is storage bed, if I need to get some stuff I need to lift up bed. I try not to do n didn't do so far. Was told if I really need get smth den I go out of room or house den hubby ownself get it. . I believe shifting small thing like clothes frm 1 place to another is fine. Actually it also most depend on what the elders at ur hse says to u. Weather r they pantang not.

Aniway any ladies started to feel baby kicks? If yes how many weeks?

Im at 17th week now but no feeling yet haha.


Gnissim: Actually we will be moving whole house. I've sold my unit. Yet to get another one. Will probably move end of Nov. My mum says if really have to move, then I probably need to leave the house and let my hubby and helpers to do all the moving. I think she's more afraid of me knocking on the items than being pantang.

I've been trying to feel if baby's kicking. Sometimes do feel a little cramp and tight on the tummy. But can't really feel if it's kicking or stretching.
I'm doing some installation in the store rm this wkend, no drilling tho.. but will b staying at my Mum's place, let my hubby handle, a bit pan tang..

hi missy, how did ur checkup go?? update update!


Welcome here BbpHir3... Me me, me planning to bf my baby. I breastfed my first boy up till 9-10months (coz wanted to try for #2), and had enough ebm inventory to last him till 1year 1mth. Hoping to bf this Jan baby longer than that. Luckily I can still manage to find a place to pump at work. Lots of hard work bringing the barang barang, sterilising the parts, waking up to pump at night or early morning, and I even had to buy a dedicated deep freezer for the ebm. But i think it's all worth it to see him healthy. Plus the bonding is immense and indescribable. I'm definitely pro-bf. :)

My next appointment is this coming Thu! Hoping to be able to tell gender. Will update whether I'm in team pink or blue after my appt. :)


Active Member
Bbphir - i will be delivering at KKH

Cant update, so sad..... bb leg too long, covered, never open big big.... cant see.....
Anybody heard or encounter about moving house during pregnancy? Is there anything to watch out for? Or best not to move? I've heard some cases on moving and the baby isn't quite well. And of course, nothing happened to most too.
Will start moving to my htb's place after the wedding. But we will do it gradually since i still need to stay in my current flat until before i give birth as it's nearer my work place. Htb will be doing all the moving for me...hehehe
Bbphir - i will be delivering at KKH

Cant update, so sad..... bb leg too long, covered, never open big big.... cant see.....
Aww...baby too shy...or maybe just want to surprise you if baby is boy or girl...hehehe...I think you have to wait then for your FA scan...i'm waiting for that too to get a confirmation if i have a baby girl or my dream is correct that I have a baby boy..


Active Member
Rzena:816414 said:
Welcome here BbpHir3... Me me, me planning to bf my baby. I breastfed my first boy up till 9-10months (coz wanted to try for #2), and had enough ebm inventory to last him till 1year 1mth. Hoping to bf this Jan baby longer than that. Luckily I can still manage to find a place to pump at work. Lots of hard work bringing the barang barang, sterilising the parts, waking up to pump at night or early morning, and I even had to buy a dedicated deep freezer for the ebm. But i think it's all worth it to see him healthy. Plus the bonding is immense and indescribable. I'm definitely pro-bf. :)

My next appointment is this coming Thu! Hoping to be able to tell gender. Will update whether I'm in team pink or blue after my appt. :)
the pumping part is bery troublesome.. and when i pump, i dont have as much as i thought.. max i pump previously was only bout 5oz, but my boy cant drink up to 9oz sometimes.. so i feel damn annoyed n depress.. + i dont like to mix the bm also.. direct latch feels more comfortable for me.. i have a steam bath room at my office to do the pumping, but.. still, no point pumping when i dont have a fridge at work.. and how much to bring over to infant care / nanny after that?


Active Member
Missy10:816419 said:
Bbphir - i will be delivering at KKH

Cant update, so sad..... bb leg too long, covered, never open big big.... cant see.....
any idea if kk charges the milk like mt A? u with TPS or other clinic?


Active Member
blurtazy - I guess most oldies (the mums & mils) will prefer not to have us move house.. if there's light packing to be done, still ok u can do.. but dont carry boxes & the physical move just leave it to your hubby & helpers.. my house had a few light bulbs spoil.. my mil even chase me to study room n close the door when the electrician came to change light bulbs!


Active Member
i'm not pantang, even at office got.drilling and those, i nv move away.. my mil is the pantang one.. and during preg with my eldest, i was preparing handmade deco for solemnisation, so.cut paper on the bed.. and when my girl was out, she have a weird fold at the ears, n my mil say it's because i use scissors on the bed.. -.-"


Active Member
happilymarried:816448 said:
hi bbphir3 - do u still have the korean deodorant? if u dont mind, can share a pic? I would like to check it out as well... thanks!
i'm using the mobile app.. cannot upload image.. but i check the bottle all korean words.. i check the other bottle (same brand de face mist) the bottle put "pocket bunny"..


Ya, my mum just hope i can stay out of the house when the physical move is done.
Btw, anybody do prayers during the 7th mth? Is it ok to go to temple to pray to ancestors?
i'm not pantang, even at office got.drilling and those, i nv move away.. my mil is the pantang one.. and during preg with my eldest, i was preparing handmade deco for solemnisation, so.cut paper on the bed.. and when my girl was out, she have a weird fold at the ears, n my mil say it's because i use scissors on the bed.. -.-"
This is what my soon to be mother in law told me. Can't cut and put scissors in my bed because it's bad. Can't go to the zoo and see monkey also, that's why i was stuck at home during last week's long weekend.


Active Member
chiching8256:816459 said:
i'm not pantang, even at office got.drilling and those, i nv move away.. my mil is the pantang one.. and during preg with my eldest, i was preparing handmade deco for solemnisation, so.cut paper on the bed.. and when my girl was out, she have a weird fold at the ears, n my mil say it's because i use scissors on the bed.. -.-"
This is what my soon to be mother in law told me. Can't cut and put scissors in my bed because it's bad. Can't go to the zoo and see monkey also, that's why i was stuck at home during last week's long weekend.
lol.. my first scan for my first kiddy, i say the scan look like monkey.. my hub go tell my mil, i also kena nag.. hahaha!!


Dun do the moving urself. Let ur hubby do it. Shifting n all. Go out shopping while he shifts. Haha.

Aniway why cant go zoo see monkey? So funny.

I also did just assemble a book shelve at my place. I still watch the guy doing it. Oops. But I know no cutting on bed. I use scissors at sofa n all except bed.

Missy10: when is ur detail scan?