EDD July 2012


Just had my 24weeks scan yesterday. Saw the 3d of my baby and captured her yawning inside, mouth open wide and shut. So cute. Too bad hubby missed this time otherwise he will be v excited. Baby is now 734g so far so good. Really looking forward to seeing her.
Just had my 24weeks scan yesterday. Saw the 3d of my baby and captured her yawning inside, mouth open wide and shut. So cute. Too bad hubby missed this time otherwise he will be v excited. Baby is now 734g so far so good. Really looking forward to seeing her.
S0 Happy f0r u... u managed t0 c her in 3D.. aS f0r me, i had my check up juz n0w... i requeSt my gynae f0r 3d but waS unable aS babyS n0t in right p0Siti0n... hmph.. i gueSS i need t0 wait f0r an0ther 4weekS then...


Just had my 24weeks scan yesterday. Saw the 3d of my baby and captured her yawning inside, mouth open wide and shut. So cute. Too bad hubby missed this time otherwise he will be v excited. Baby is now 734g so far so good. Really looking forward to seeing her.
Wow... 24 weeks baby 734g, my 23 weeks check up baby only 400+g, doc say baby growing so is ok... ill it be too small? Thi pregnancy i eat much lesser then my first 2 pregnancy wor... Got to wait till mth end go check up need to ask gynea le...


S0 Happy f0r u... u managed t0 c her in 3D.. aS f0r me, i had my check up juz n0w... i requeSt my gynae f0r 3d but waS unable aS babyS n0t in right p0Siti0n... hmph.. i gueSS i need t0 wait f0r an0ther 4weekS then...
Hmm.... Think depends on gynea, i see my baby 3D on 21 weeks...


Just had my 24weeks scan yesterday. Saw the 3d of my baby and captured her yawning inside, mouth open wide and shut. So cute. Too bad hubby missed this time otherwise he will be very excited. Baby is now 734g so far so good. Really looking forward to seeing her.
How cute to see baby yawn..by the way, only when we opt for 3D scan then we'll get to do 3D is it? Or reach at 24 weeks will get 3D scan automatically?
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I didn't request, my gynea just show me in 3D...
The gynae showed me in 20th weeks but really looks like alien than. My 24th weeks not supposed to do scan but I requested to do it and the gynae showed me 3D. I was surprised! Now the problem with me is that i feel the baby is up to my chest pushing against my gastric and ribcage. I feel so bloated and awful every meal! As if something stuck in midribs. Feeling very terrible.. And my contraction i.e Braxton Hicks started yesterday. Is it normal?


The gynae showed me in 20th weeks but really looks like alien than. My 24th weeks not supposed to do scan but I requested to do it and the gynae showed me 3D. I was surprised! Now the problem with me is that i feel the baby is up to my chest pushing against my gastric and ribcage. I feel so bloated and awful every meal! As if something stuck in midribs. Feeling very terrible.. And my contraction i.e Braxton Hicks started yesterday. Is it normal?
I heard Braxton Hicks can start in second trimester - am bracing myself for it.. I'm starting to feel baby movements higher in my belly. Then I found this:
Museum of Science and Industry | Exhibits | YOU! The Experience | The Exhibit | Your Beginning | Make Room for Baby | Make Room for Baby

Poor stomach! Haha! I hope I can still gorge myself silly when I go back to Sg in May!


Went for my detail scan today, the sonographer told me 99% is girl. Does sonographer always tells mommies 99% instead of 100%?


Went for my detail scan today, the sonographer told me 99% is girl. Does sonographer always tells mommies 99% instead of 100%?
Only when it's a girl, I guess, cos a boy is 100% sure one.. A doctor told my friend at every scan - it's *still* a girl :p


Active Member
Went for my detail scan today, the sonographer told me 99% is girl. Does sonographer always tells mommies 99% instead of 100%?
Hi dear...

Nothing is 100% in this world! Usually ... Gynae will said that... They will leave the 1% to god haha. (joking) to decide to end up giving you a girl or a boy. Well.. It's a god gift... It's given by god sometimes gynae can look see tru (*using his eyes) your tummy to give u a exact 100% answer... He is looking tru using ultrasound so of cos he have to leave a 1% doubt. Hehe.


Went for my detail scan today, the sonographer told me 99% is girl. Does sonographer always tells mommies 99% instead of 100%?
My doctor fren also told me the same thing.The sonographer told me its girl but the said can't be 100% sure cos there are times when the small little naughty is obstructed and cannot be captured on u/s. If its a boy, than most likely its 100% sure. So tell me not to be too happy cos I am expecting a girl.


Hi dear...

Nothing is 100% in this world! Usually ... Gynae will said that... They will leave the 1% to god haha. (joking) to decide to end up giving you a girl or a boy. Well.. It's a god gift... It's given by god sometimes gynae can look see tru (*using his eyes) your tummy to give u a exact 100% answer... He is looking tru using ultrasound so of cos he have to leave a 1% doubt. Hehe.
Ya lo..quite true. but my friend told me usually sonographer see quite accurate. So i mostly assume it's girl already. Fustrurating is wan to buy baby clothes cannot buy. But i already bought 2 baby girl romper. ;p


Active Member
Ya lo..quite true. but my friend told me usually sonographer see quite accurate. So i mostly assume it's girl already. Fustrurating is wan to buy baby clothes cannot buy. But i already bought 2 baby girl romper. ;p
Haha u r so funny! U are told u r having a girl then why still having doubt? :) u must trust yourself...n your baby that she won't suddenly become a boy !! Olden days maybe now it's almost quite accurate .. U paid for your sonographer u should trust him/her. Haha if by doing for scan u still have doubt.. Haha no one can help u :) relax !!