EDD July 2012


Active Member
Me too me too... Can't wait to have massage, actually plan to go batam to have massage with frens but now cannot, got to wait... 1 more mth to go...
Hi jenni,

Those batam massage is safe huh?? I am going for a short trip during Christmas ... Still wondering Is it safe to have nice foot and body massage ...


Hi jenni,

Those batam massage is safe huh?? I am going for a short trip during Christmas ... Still wondering Is it safe to have nice foot and body massage ...
Hmm, if pregnant better don go, find those pre-natal massage safer... If i not pregnant, i will go le...


Active Member
Hmm, if pregnant better don go, find those pre-natal massage safer... If i not pregnant, i will go le...
Thanks so much for your advice! I will be drooling when my family going for massage during the trip ! Can't wait to indulge in my craving A&W at batam !


Pre-natal massage sounds good :D

mamaphua, you got backache quite early... :O

By the way just to share, I read that sleeping on the left is better for the baby and your body, helps the kidneys to detoxify and nutrients can be more easily passed to the baby. :)


Pre-natal massage sounds good :D

mamaphua, you got backache quite early... :O

By the way just to share, I read that sleeping on the left is better for the baby and your body, helps the kidneys to detoxify and nutrients can be more easily passed to the baby. :)
Hi Celson, yea my colleague just said the same thing to me too. She say sleep on our left is better but never says why. :)


New Member
Pre-natal enables the mum to deliver the newborn with no trouble through her relaxed muscles. Thus should you wish to have a fairly easy and smooth normal delivery of your baby, then prenatal massage is really required. This kind of massage, through its term, indicates that it's provided to pregnant women who're preparing their real system for the delivery process of the baby. The delivery considered within this part is often a normal one, not the caesarian approach.

Try googling :)
Hehe, I heard from my friend's mum that there's something like giving birth in water.. She said easier to give birth with less pain. Sadly, only one hospital in Singapore that does this and it's more pricey. Heard of it anyone?


Active Member
Hehe, I heard from my friend's mum that there's something like giving birth in water.. She said easier to give birth with less pain. Sadly, only one hospital in Singapore that does this and it's more pricey. Heard of it anyone?
Hi mamaphua,

Ya I heard before water birthing.. But don't know which hospital.. :) less pain ?? Depends on individual I think.. Labour Pain is how you much you can endure .. I think not about what kind of birth method. I think from what I heard hypo birthing is painless .. Delivery in a relax mode!!

:) for me I will choose normal delivery without epidural.. The sense of challenge & saticifaction after delivery .... Hmmm no words could describe!!!


Active Member
Hi Celson, yea my colleague just said the same thing to me too. She say sleep on our left is better but never says why. :)
Hi yingver,

If you observe .. Baby usually sleeps on your right !! That's why always sleep better on your left ..


New Member
Pre-natal massage sounds good :D

mamaphua, you got backache quite early... :O

By the way just to share, I read that sleeping on the left is better for the baby and your body, helps the kidneys to detoxify and nutrients can be more easily passed to the baby. :)
Yup. Heard of that. Luckily I'm very used to sleeping on my left.. Thanks anyway.
Ya, I find it very weird also caus seldom people gt backaches at such early stage plus I'm only so young):


No worries, every mummy's symptoms is different bah, or probably due to sleeping postures etc.

You are so brave to have decided on all natural birth. I cringe in fear whenever I read or hear about labour process. I watched a childbirth video (fully monty some more) on baby center and i just started crying after that. I don't know is it because it looks incredulously painful or it's just overwhelming with miraculous joy. X_X

Even with epidural, the whole procedure still sounds scary to me. >.<


Thanks so much for your advice! I will be drooling when my family going for massage during the trip ! Can't wait to indulge in my craving A&W at batam !
Me too, Miss A&W alot, nearest only batam have... I wanted to eat too...


No worries, every mummy's symptoms is different bah, or probably due to sleeping postures etc.

You are so brave to have decided on all natural birth. I cringe in fear whenever I read or hear about labour process. I watched a childbirth video (fully monty some more) on baby center and i just started crying after that. I don't know is it because it looks incredulously painful or it's just overwhelming with miraculous joy. X_X

Even with epidural, the whole procedure still sounds scary to me. >.<
I choose normal delivery without epidural too, my first 1 is with epidural coz i induce cannot ta han the pain, 2nd 1, i try w/o epidural, it take faster to deliver, this 3rd 1 will also choose w/o epidural...


Active Member
No worries, every mummy's symptoms is different bah, or probably due to sleeping postures etc.

You are so brave to have decided on all natural birth. I cringe in fear whenever I read or hear about labour process. I watched a childbirth video (fully monty some more) on baby center and i just started crying after that. I don't know is it because it looks incredulously painful or it's just overwhelming with miraculous joy. X_X

Even with epidural, the whole procedure still sounds scary to me. >.<
Hi celson,

You shouldn't be read or hearing too much about labour process it makes you fear. Know abit of what to expect that"s enough! Every pregnancy is different ..so I always believe that just relax & act according during birth. Personally I believer early bonding with baby helps alot in delivery.. Baby will be more coorperative .. After all.. During delivery the game just between baby n me.. If baby cooperates well will you Definetly It will be a easy delivery!

I think the epidural is more scary than delivery process.... The needle is so long..make you feel numb and baby feel drowsy. Always think that delivery is a challenge.. It's interesting and you will be awarded with a gift from god .. All your fears will be gone !!

Jia you !!


Hi mamaphua,

Ya I heard before water birthing.. But don't know which hospital.. :) less pain ?? Depends on individual I think.. Labour Pain is how you much you can endure .. I think not about what kind of birth method. I think from what I heard hypo birthing is painless .. Delivery in a relax mode!!

:) for me I will choose normal delivery without epidural.. The sense of challenge & saticifaction after delivery .... Hmmm no words could describe!!!
I'm also planning to choose normal delivery. Heard that with epidural, even more difficult to delivery.
And one thing I'm not sure is , if we choose normal delivery and it's difficult to delivery, Gynae will suggest to go for Cesarean. And my friend said it will cost double the delivery charges. That's why she said she just choose cesarean straight away.

I'm not sure how are the charges effected if some complication happened during the delivery time.


Active Member
I'm also planning to choose normal delivery. Heard that with epidural, even more difficult to delivery.
And one thing I'm not sure is , if we choose normal delivery and it's difficult to delivery, Gynae will suggest to go for Cesarean. And my friend said it will cost double the delivery charges. That's why she said she just choose cesarean straight away.

I'm not sure how are the charges effected if some complication happened during the delivery time.
Hi JuliaKT,

You shouldn't be thinking too much about the charges. What will comes during the delivery you never know.. So don't worry about it too much. Work towards your goal for normal delivery with a positive mind .. I m sure u can do it ! By worrying too much effects your objective ! Jia you


No worries, every mummy's symptoms is different bah, or probably due to sleeping postures etc.

You are so brave to have decided on all natural birth. I cringe in fear whenever I read or hear about labour process. I watched a childbirth video (fully monty some more) on baby center and i just started crying after that. I don't know is it because it looks incredulously painful or it's just overwhelming with miraculous joy. X_X

Even with epidural, the whole procedure still sounds scary to me. >.<
I plan to choose natural birth w/o epi if i can tahan the pain.


I choose normal delivery without epidural too, my first 1 is with epidural coz i induce cannot ta han the pain, 2nd 1, i try w/o epidural, it take faster to deliver, this 3rd 1 will also choose w/o epidural...
Jenni, you are another brave mummy! =D